

高砂市を歩く(192) Suguru Sasaki

2015-04-20 10:57:42 |  ・高砂市阿弥陀町




    Suguru Sasaki

 A Composer of the Children’s Song,

 Tsukino Sabaku (A night desert under the moon)

 A long time ago, in a distant land.

 Some camels were traveling in the desert at night under the moon

 (from nursery song, a night desert under the moon)

 Most Japanese children have sung this children’s song, Tsukino Sabaku, at least one time in their life. Tsukino Sabaku was a poem which Masao Kato published in Shonen Club issued in March of 1923. Suguru Sasaki composed it and this song became very popular.

 At that time, the melachonly songs Kare Susuki (withered Japanese pampas grass) and Sendo Kouta (a boat captain in Japanese ballad songs) composed by Ujo Noguchi were popular. That year, The Great Kanto Earthquake (1) occurred on September 1st in 1923 and many people died. After this Big Earthquake, the cheerful song Tukino Sabaku became popular instead of the sad melodies like Kare Susuki and Sendo Kouta. In Japan, we visualize the Tottrori Sand Dunes when we hear the word DESERT. But, Tsukino Sabaku was written imaging the Onjuku Seashore (Chiba Pref.) at which Masao Kato stayed for medical treatment.

  Suguru Sasaki was born in Amida Cho (Takasago City) as his father, Genzo’s second son in 1892. Suguru graduated from Amida Elementary School and went to Himeji Teacher’s College. Furthermore, he went to Tokyo Music Academy (now Tokyo Art University) and after graduation, he became a teacher at Hamamatsu Teacher’s College (Shizuoka Pref.). In 1922, Suguru came to Tokyoin order to concentrate on composition. In 1923, he composed Tsukino Sabaku and established his status as a composer with this song.

 The time changed to the Showa period. Children’s Culture Movement which prospered in the Taisho Democracy(2) lost its energy and the oppression of liberalism began to expand.  The management of a music association decided that children’s songs were for children only and the intellectual level of those songs were low. Suguru Sasaki therefore left from the Children’s Song Movement at that time.

 In 1945, the most popular song was Oyamano Suginoko (a child of cedar in the mountains) which Suguru Sasaki composed. The first verse which children sung was as follows:

  Once upon a time

  Beside a forest of oak

  There was a small bare hill

  The hill was a laughingstock 

  Oh! A cedar sapling ! Get up

  The smiling sun called to a cedar sapling

 After the Second World War, the 6th verse of this song was adapted. Before this, the 6th verse of the old song was as follow:

  I want to become fine a soldier

  Let’s resolve loyalty to Japan and make filial piety to our parents

  Japan is the country which the sun rises up

  Let’s protect this Japan

  Let’s protect this Japan

 The words of this song called on children to join the war effort. Japan accepted the Potsdam Declaration in 1945. The Second World War ended in defeat. The new constitution was made known to all. Japan declared to the world that the Japanese people forever renounced war as a sovereign right of the nation and as a means of settling international disputes.

 The teachers reflected on having cooperated with the War effort through education and formed the Japanese Teacher’s Union. The Teacher’s Union decided to never again send students to the battlefield. Suguru Sasaki composed for the Teacher’s Union at this time.

 I want to make a sidenote here. There was an article in the newspaper on October 23 in 1996. Onjuku (Chiba Pref.) seashore which is known as the area   connected to the desert of Tsukino Sabaku is in ecological trouble due to the excrement of dog and dumping of garbage. I believe action must be taken to preserve this beautiful strip of nature.


 (1) This was the democracy movement of the Taisho Era (1912~1926). Democratic thinking spread in this time.

  (2) This was the big earthquake that hit the Kanto district September 1st in 1923. The death toll was about 150.000 people.(no2769)

 *picture:  Suguru Sasaki


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高砂市を歩く(191) 地蔵盆幻想

2015-04-20 09:30:44 |  ・高砂市阿弥陀町


























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