


2011年06月29日 | オイルリーク


これは以前に紹介したNortonだが、Norton Villiersの最近のプレスリリースによると全く新しいFITS(Forced Injection Two Stroke)エンジンを開発したようだ。

人気ブログランキングへ ありがとうございます。僅差で1位です。

Our engine is designed for the present and the future, so the components we have designed are the very latest in technological design. For instance, ceramic bearings,Teflon and other coated surface treatments not yet on the market. Components will be treated with an advanced formula that never needs lubrication. This advanced formula is currently being tried and tested with a number of leading car manufacturers and within the aircraft design industry.

The engine is super charged by a Norton Villiers system giving controlled, outstanding, advanced power output over any of its rival engines. This advanced system exerts little to no drag when the engine is not driving. The control of the engine is via the latest engine management system including a laser ignition system which is under test. The engine has a Norton Villiers unique variable scavenge system giving reduced emissions. These reduced emissions will meet the current and the impending lower emission levels being introduced by the E.U. The carbon footprint made by our engines will be the descendants of any impurities within the fuel: The cleaner the fuel the lower the carbon footprint.



人気ブログランキングへ ありがとうございます。僅差で1位です。