
(Longinus), From On the Sublime








大地がその土台から引きちぎられる? 地獄がこの世にさらされる? 全世界がバラバラになってひっくり返る? これぞまさに完璧な滅茶苦茶ぐちゃぐちゃであり、全世界の、天国と地獄の、人と神々の破滅の危機である。確かに恐ろしい絵だ。しかし(寓意として見るのでなければ)まったく不敬であり、慎みをもって描いていい限度を超えてしまっている。思うに、ホメロス以来受け継がれてきた神々の物語、傷と争いと復讐と涙と隷属とその他あらゆる不幸の奇妙なごちゃまぜは、可能なかぎり神々を人のレベルに貶めようとしているのではないか。そして逆に人を神々のレベルにまでもちあげようとしているのではないか。そもそもホメロスの神々は人よりも不幸である。どれだけ不幸でも、わたしたちには死という苦しみからの隠れ場所が与えられている。ホメロスの神々は永遠に、永遠に悲惨に、生きなくてはならない。いずれにせよ、上のような神々の戦いの場面よりはるかに優れているのが、神性を正しく描いている場面、汚れなく偉大でしみひとつない存在として神々を描く場面である。たとえば、よくとりあげられてきたポセイドンの一節だ。



From On the Sublime

As I am addressing a person so accomplished in literature, I need only state, without enlarging further on the matter, that the Sublime, wherever it occurs, consists in a certain loftiness and excellence of language, and that it is by this, and this only, that the greatest poets and prose-writers have gained eminence, and won themselves a lasting place in the Temple of Fame. A lofty passage does not convince the reason of the reader, but takes him out of himself. That which is admirable ever confounds our judgment, and eclipses that which is merely reasonable or agreeable. To believe or not is usually in our own power; but the Sublime, acting with an imperious and irresistible force, sways every reader whether he will or no. Skill in invention, lucid arrangement and disposition of facts, are appreciated not by one passage, or by two, but gradually manifest themselves in the general structure of a work; but a sublime thought, if happily timed, illumines an entire subject with the vividness of a lightning-flash, and exhibits the whole power of the orator in a moment of time.

For I would confidently pronounce that nothing is so conducive to sublimity as an appropriate display of genuine passion, which bursts out with a kind of “fine madness” and divine inspiration, and falls on our ears like the voice of a god.

. . . Now consider how Homer gives dignity to his divine persons—

“As far as lies his airy ken, who sits
On some tall crag, and scans the wine-dark sea:
So far extends the heavenly coursers’ stride.”

He measures their speed by the extent of the whole world—a grand comparison, which might reasonably lead us to remark that if the divine steeds were to take two such leaps in succession, they would find no room in the world for another. Sublime also are the images in the “Battle of the Gods”—

“A trumpet sound
Rang through the air, and shook the Olympian height;
Then terror seized the monarch of the dead,
And springing from his throne he cried aloud
With fearful voice, lest the earth, rent asunder
By Neptune’s mighty arm, forthwith reveal
To mortal and immortal eyes those halls
So drear and dank, which e’en the gods abhor.”

Earth rent from its foundations! Tartarus itself laid bare! The whole world torn asunder and turned upside down! Why, my dear friend, this is a perfect hurly-burly, in which the whole universe, heaven and hell, mortals and immortals, share the conflict and the peril. A terrible picture, certainly, but (unless perhaps it is to be taken allegorically) downright impious, and overstepping the bounds of decency. It seems to me that the strange medley of wounds, quarrels, revenges, tears, bonds, and other woes which makes up the Homeric tradition of the gods was designed by its author to degrade his deities, as far as possible, into men, and exalt his men into deities—or rather, his gods are worse off than his human characters, since we, when we are unhappy, have a haven from ills in death, while the gods, according to him, not only live for ever, but live for ever in misery. Far to be preferred to this description of the Battle of the Gods are those passages which exhibit the divine nature in its true light, as something spotless, great, and pure, as, for instance, a passage which has often been handled by my predecessors, the lines on Poseidon:—

“Mountain and wood and solitary peak,
The ships Achaian, and the towers of Troy,
Trembled beneath the god’s immortal feet.
Over the waves he rode, and round him played,
Lured from the deeps, the ocean’s monstrous brood,
With uncouth gambols welcoming their lord:
The charmèd billows parted: on they flew.”

And thus also the lawgiver of the Jews, no ordinary man, having formed an adequate conception of the Supreme Being, gave it adequate expression in the opening words of his “Laws”: “God said”—what?—“let there be light, and there was light: let there be land, and there was.”



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