
Dennis, The Advancement and Reformation of Modern Poetry, ch. 10








John Dennis (1657-1734)
From The Advancement and Reformation of Modern Poetry:
A Critical Discourse.
Chapter 10
That in their Sacred Poetry, in which the Ancients,
excell'd the Moderns, those places were greatest,
and most Poetical that had most of Religion.

But as the Ancients did not surpass the Moderns in Poetry that was not Sacred, so in that sort of Poetry where they did excel them, they were never so admirable as where they were most Religious. Now the passages of the Ancient Poets, which seem to have most Religion in them, are either those addresses by which men approach'd the Gods, as Invocations, Apostrophes, and the like; or those condescensions, by which the Gods communicated themselves to men, as Revelations, Machines, &c. the first of which are Duties that belong to universal Natural Religion, the second to Religion which is Reveal'd, Extraordinary and Miraculous.

Every thing that is great in Poetry must be great by the Genius that is felt in it, which is the chief thing in Poetry, according to the general acceptation of it; and the principal thing in the Materia Poetica, or the Body of Poetry. Now all Genius is Passion because it moves, and all Passion is either Enthusiasm or ordinary Passion, as we declar'd above. Now that even ordinary Passion in Poetry is heighten'd by Religion, we shall endeavour to prove. And we shall most insist upon those ordinary Passions, which are most to be found in Tragedy and in Epick Poetry. For, as for the greater Ode, that seems to be the peculiar province of Enthusiasm, and ordinary Passions in that are more rarely to be met with.

First then Admiration, which is the Reigning Passion in Epick Poetry, I mean that which is admirable in the action of the Hero, is heighten'd by Revelations, by Machines, and the Ministration of the Gods. For that Ministration, those Machines, and those Revelations are all Miraculous. And the man who was admirable before for his extraordinary Valour and his Native Greatness, becomes more wonderful, when we behold him the esteem and immediate concern of Heaven, when we see him the peculiar care of Providence, when we find the order of Nature inverted, the Skies grown factious upon his account, and Gods descending to sustain or oppose him.

But Secondly, Terror and Compassion, which are the Reigning Passions in Tragedy are Heighten'd by Religion. Tragedy, says Aristotle in his Poetick, is the Imitation of an action which excites Compassion and Terror. Now those two Passions proceed from Surprize, when the Incidents spring one from another against our expectation. For those Incidents, continues the Philosopher, are always more admirable than those which arrive by chance; which is evident from this, says he, that even of accidental things, those are always the most wonderful and most surprizing, which at the same time that they arrive by Chance, seem to fall out by Design; and by a certain particular secret conduct, of which Nature was what they relate of the Statue of Mitys at Argos, which fell upon his Murderer, and kill'd him upon the spot, in the midst of a great Assembly. For that by no means, says the Philosopher, seems to be the work of Chance. From whence ir follows, says he, of necessity, that those Fables where there is this conduct, will always seem preferable to those that have it not. Thus Aristotle declares that the Wonderful in Tragedy, as well as in Epick Poetry, is Heightned by Religion, that those Tragical Incidents that appear to have most of Providence in them, are always most moving and Terrible. The Reason is plain. For all our Passions are grounded upon the Love of our selves; and Terror and Compassion spring from the Calamities of our equals; that is, of those who being in circumstances resembling ours, and committing faults which we either commit, or to which we are liable, are upon that unfortunate. For the more there appears to be of Providence in the punishment, the more we pity the persons.

For if their calamities appear to be the work of Chance, they might as well have hapned to those who have not committed such faults, as to those who have. And therefore a Train of Incidents, which, contrary to our expectation, surprizingly produce one another, is necessary, because the more plainly the punishment appears the result of the faults, and the more clearly we are convinc'd of this when we least expect it, Providence appears the more in the case, and our security is shaken the more, and the more we are mov'd and Terrified. But Religion does not only heighten those Passions which are great in themselves, as Admiration and Terror are; for Admiration raises the Soul, and every thing that is Terrible, is certainly great to him to whom it is Terrible, but it ennobles those which are commonly base and dejected; as for example, Grief; witness that passage in the Passion of Dido:

Testatur moritura Deos, & conscia fati
Sydera. ---

And that Noble Apostrophe afterwards:

Sol qui Terrarem flammis, &c.

And that Sublime Apostrophe of Seinon in the Second Book:

--- Ille Dolis instructus & arte pelasgâ
Sustulit exutas vinclis, ad Sydera palmas,
Vos eterni ignes & non violabile vestrum
Numen ait, vos arae ensesque nefandi
Quos fugi, vittaeque Deum quas Hostia gessi, &c.

But to come to the other sort of Passion, which gives Poetry its force and its greatness, Religious Enthusiasm must necessarily be greater than Human Enthusiasm can be, because the Passions that attend on Religious Ideas, when a man is capable of Reflecting on them as he should do, are stronger than those which attend on Prophane Ideas, as has been said above, and has been partly shewn by examples. And as ordinary Passion is Heightned by Religion, so Human Enthusiastick Passions are heightned by Religious Enthusiasm. We shall give an example of this in Terror, by which I mean not that Common Passion which Aristotle treats of in his Rhetorick and in his Poetick, and of which we spoke in the former part of this Chapter; but that Enthusiastick Terror, which springs from the Ideas unknown to him who feels it. Virgil in his first Book of the Aeneis describes a Tempest, which carries Double Terror along with it; the ordinary one, which springs from the concern which we have for the Hero; and the Enthusiastick one, which the Ideas would carry along with them, tho they were separated from that concern which we feel for the Hero. The Description is Grave, and Severe, and Exalted, because the Poet was mov'd by the Terrible Ideas. For that which is Terrible, is always great to him to whom it is Terrible, as we said before; and that which is Great is Admirable, and then he who is Terrified is always serious, and very much in Earnest. The same Description where the Terror is at the Height is vehement.

Insequitur cumulo praeruptus aquae Mons,
Hi summo in fluctu pendent, his unda Dehiscens
Terram inter fluctus aperit, furit aestus arenis.

Because that which is very Terrible is Wonderful and Astonishing, and he who is astonish'd, being transported beyond himself, must of necessity express himself with that sort of Fury which we call Vehemence. Virgil, by setting so many Terrible Images in motion, had set this Tempest before his Eyes, or rather had transported himself as it were into it. Now, any one who has been upon the brink of a Wreck, and consequently has been very much Terrify'd himself, and seen others Astonish'd, cannot but have felt the same motions that he feels in Reading this passage, and cannot but have observ'd that others who felt them, express'd themselves with the same Fury and Vehemence that the Poet does, tho not with the same Elegance. But tho this Storm is Terrible in it self and Wonderful, yet the Machines, which prepare, and raise, and allay it, very much add to its Greatness and genuine Terror, and it is quite another thing when it is consider'd with the cause of it, which is the Anger of Juno, and the Compliance of Aeolus, and with that which follow'd upon it, which is the Indignation of Neptune, and the exertion of his absolute power.

The passages of the Ancient Poets that were most Religious, were their Invocations, Apostrophes, or the like; or those which contain'd the Miraculous part of their Religion, their Signs, Apparitions, Oracles, and other Revelations.

For their Invocations, Apostrophes, and the like, which were all of them either a sort of Prayers, or Divine Attestations, they are most of them very sublime, and attended with a strong Enthusiasm. And how could it be otherwise, but that the Ancient Poets, who were men of great Learning, of great Passions great Eloquence, and great Parts; when with study and pains, and with all their endeavours to be Enthusiastick, they address'd themselves to their Gods, should be extremely agitated, when we see very plainly that a sort of Modern Enthusiasts, who have neither Learning nor Parts, nor the least tincture of good Letters, are even in their Extempore Prayers disturb'd with very fierce Enthusiasms.

For the Apostrophe, we have given examples of it already, and therefore we shall only say here, that Longinus mentions it as one of the Figures that contribute the most to the Sublime. For the Invocation, we shall bring an Example of it, from the seventh Book of Virgil, and the Reader is desir'd to take notice what addition of Enthusiasm attends it.

Nunc age, qui reges, Erato, quae tempora rerum.
Quis Latio antiquo fuerit status, advena classem
Cum primum Ausoniis exercitus appulit oris.
Expediam, & primae revocabo exordia pugnae.
Tu natem, tu diva mone, dicam horrida bella:
Dicam acies, actosque animis in funera reges,
Tyrrhenamque manum, totamque sub arma coactam
Hesperiam, major rerum mihi nascitur ordo:
Majus opus moveo. ---

And from Horace, Lib. 3. Ode 4.

Descende coelo, & dic age tibia
Regina long am Calliope Melos,
Seu voce nunc mavis acuta,
Seu fidibus citharave Phoebi:
Auditis? an me ludit Amabilis
Insania? audire & videor pios
Errare per lucos, amoenae
Quos & aquae subeunt & aurae.

But to come to those passages of the Ancient Poems, in which the Miraculous part of their Religion was contain'd, and their Revelation more nearly concern'd, as their Signs and Wonders, and their private Inspirations; but above all, the Apparitions of their Gods and their Oracles, it is no wonder if those passages, speaking of things that strike mankind with the last Astonishment, have almost all the Enthusiasm of which the mind of man is with Reason capable. Horace is by no means a cold Writer, and yet he is far from writing every where with the same degree of Fury, and the same Rapture, that he does in the beginning of the Nineteenth Ode of the Second Book.

Baccham in remotis carmina rupibus
Vidi docentem, (credite posteri)
Nymphasque discentes, & aures
Capripedum Satyrorum acutas.
Evae, recenti mens trepidat metu,
Plenoque Bacchi pectore turbidum
Letatur, Evae, parce Liber,
Parce, gravi metuende thyrso.

Nor is Virgil every where so Enthusiastick, as he is in the beginning of the Sixth Book, where the Cumaean Sibyl rages with the Delphick God.

Ventum er at ad limen, cum virgo, poscere sata
Tempus ait, Deus, ecce Deus cui talia fanti
Ante fores subito, non vultus non color unus
Non comtae mansere contae, sed pectus anhelum
Et Rabie fera corda tument, majorque videri,
Nee mortale sonans, afflata est numine quando
Jam propiore Dei. ---

The Hero now the Sacred Floor approach'd,
When on a sudden the Prophetick Maid,
This is the Fearful Time t' enquire of Fate;
And said it with a voice and with a look,
That now were hers no more.
For raving, Lo the God, the God, she cries,
While half disclosing her distorted Face,
Her Tresses in a wild disorder stare.
And now she pants, she swells, she foams with Rage,
And now her Shape looks hideous to the eye,
And now she Thunders in a dreadful Tone,
While all the Godhead raging in her Breast,
With his tempestuous Spirit shakes her soul.

In short, any thing that immediately concerns Revelation has so great an Influence upon Poetry, that it is able to change even the Nature of Writing, and Exalt that very sort of Poetry, which by its Character is Low and Humble; as for Example, the Eclogue: The fourth Eclogue of Virgil will be easily granted by all to be very Sublime. But what is it that makes it so? Why there is at once in that Eclogue an Invocation, and an Apostrophe, and a Revelation of sundry Miracles to come. The Fifth Eclogue between Menalcas and Mopsus, begins with all the Humility, and all the Simplicity, that is proper and peculiar to the Eclogue.

Men. Cur non Mopse, boni quoniam convenimus Ambo,
Tu Calamos in flare Leves, ego Diecre versus.
Hic corilis mixtas inter consedimus ulmos?

And thus Mr Duke has with the same Simplicity translated it.

Men. Mopsus, Since Chance does us together bring,
And you so well can Pipe, and I can Sing,
Why sit we not beneath this secret shade,
By Elms and Hazels mingling Branches made?

But this very Menalcas changes his Tone in a wonderful manner, when in the same Eclogue he comes to the Apotheosis of Daphnis.

Candidus insueti miratur limen Olympi
Sub pedibusque videt Nubes & sydera Daphnis.

And you may easily see that the Gentleman who translated it, who wants no Genius, felt the extream alteration of the Spirit.

Daphnis now wondring at the Glorious show,
O're Heavens bright Pavement does Triumphant go,
And sees the moving Clouds, and the fixt Stars below.

But let us see a little how Virgil goes on.

Ergo Alacris Sylvas, & caetera rura voluptas
Panaque pastoresque tenet, Dryadasque puellas,
Nic Lupus Insidias pecori, nec Retia cervis
Ulla Dolum meditantur, amat bonus otia Daphnis.

Therefore new Joys make glad the Woods, the Plains,
Pan and the Dryades, and the chearful Swains,
The Wolf no Ambush for the Flock does lay,
No cheating Nets the harmless Deer betray,
Daphnis a General Peace Commands, and Nature does obey.

But Virgil goes on.

Ipsi Letitia voces ad Sydera Jactant
Intonsi montes, ipsae jam carmina Rupes
Ipsa sonant Arbusta, Deus, Deus Ille Menalca.
Sis bonus o foelixque tuis! ---

Hark! the glad Mountains raise to Heav'n their voice,
Hark! the hard Rocks in mystick tunes rejoyce!
Hark! thro the Thickets, wondrous Songs resound,
A God, a God, Menalcas, he is crown'd,
O be propitious! O be good to thine!

But now 'tis time to ask a question, What is the reason that Virgil, who knew the Character of the Eclogue better than any man, and who was so throughly convinc'd that the Discourses of Shepherds ought to be simple, and their affections soft and gentle affections, and who besides has been always us'd to introduce his persons speaking perfectly in their Characters, should bring in Menalcas in this Eclogue talking in so exalted a manner, and with so strong an Enthusiasm? Why he has given the Reason in the preceding Verses.

--- Ipsae jam carmina Rupes
Ipsa sonant Arbusta, Deus, Deus Ille Menalca.

'Tis that he was satisfied that very violent Enthusiasms flow so necessarily from the wonders of Religion, that they were as natural to Shepherds as they were to Kings, as being to both alike unavoidable. But what Influence the Miraculous part of Religion had on the Ancient Poetry, we shall discover more at large in the following Chapter.




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1. 「芸術は爆発」系

2. 虫のコスプレ

3. 鳥の帽子

4. 18‐20世紀

5. 和装




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Dennis, The Advancement and Reformation of Modern Poetry, ch. 11



それから考えてみよう。そんな古代ギリシアの篤い、むしろ熱すぎる信者たちには、宗教上の義務から多かれ少なかれ詩の言葉で話す習慣があったに違いない。というのも、ギリシアにおいては、ごくふつうの人でも鋭い理解力と大きな知的活力をもっていたからだ。だから容易に想像してもらえると思うが、ムサイオスやホメロスやオルペウス、それからを教父のような者たちの書いたものを生涯読みつづけていたとしたら、彼らの知性はどれほど成長していたのだろう? また、日々詩の言葉で神々に祈り、神々を称え、生贄や感謝の儀式を執りおこなっていたとしたら? このようなことを考えれば、当然彼らには詩の言葉で話す習慣があったと想定していいのではないか?

さらに、そのような習慣に加えて、ギリシア人が日々神々の存在を身近に感じていたこと、いわば日々神々にとり憑かれていたことを考えたらどうだろう? 例えば、神々から直接自分に、あるいは自分以外の人に、与えられると彼らが思いこんでいたお告げ、上記のような神に対する種々の儀礼、神々がのりうつった詩人の書く祈祷、これらによってギリシア人は、日々の集まりのなかでも詩の言葉で話す能力を身につけていたといえるのではないか? ちょうど今のイングランドの狂信者グループが、ギリシア人のような知力もないのに、継続的な聖書読解により、また想像上の内なる霊の導きで、ほとんど聖書の言葉のみでふだんの会話ができるのと同じように?

幻や亡霊のようなかたちで神々と会うことにより、また神々がとり憑いた詩人たちの作品を読むことにより、ふつうの人々にもそのような特殊能力が備わっていたとするならば、彼らの司祭たる詩人たちにはさらに大きな力があったはずではないか? 詩人たちは、より頻繁に神々を見て、あるいは感じていただろうし、先行する詩人たちをより熱心に、より真剣に読んでいただろう。強い想像力・大きな激情のみならず、これらを自由自在に駆使する偉大な魂をもっていただろう。そこから彼らは尋常ならざる大きな恩恵を得ていたのではないか? 神々や道徳を司り歌うことを日々の生業としていたのだから、彼らの詩がどれほど重々しく、厳しく、激しく高ぶったものであっても、まったく驚くには値しないのではないか?

John Dennis (1657-1734)
From The Advancement and Reformation of Modern Poetry:
A Critical Discourse.
Chapter 11
That the Grecian Poetry flourish'd with their Religion

The Grecian Religion flourish'd in Greece from the time of Orpheus, who was either the Original Instituter, or at least a vehement propagater of that Idolatry, till the Age after that in which Sophocles flourish'd, that is, for the space of about eight hundred years, and in that space of time flourish'd all their Poets, who are celebrated for their excellence in that sort of Poetry which we call Sacred. Which alone is a strong presumption, that these Poets deriv'd their excellence from Religion. In short, the advantage which their Poetry drew from Religion must needs be very considerable, when for all or most of the fore-mention'd space of time, according to the Testimony of Plutatch, and several others of their authentick Writers, it made most of their Zealots, even their common people Poets, and that even in their ordinary conversation. I must confess, the Gentleman who writ the History of Oracles, treats this as a Fiction, and a Fiction so palpable as not to be worth the answering. But perhaps that Gentleman had not consider'd this matter enough. For I desire the Reader to consider two things. First, the extraordinary incentives which those people had to Enthusiasm, which is one qualification for Poetry; and secondly, the habit which they might very probably contract of Versification. To be satisfied of the first, let us enquire a little into the nature of their Religion: And upon enquiry we shall find, that the very source, and spring and soul of it was an imaginary or pretended Revelation, and that that Revelation was suppos'd to be constant and continual, as it must be of every Religion which has no sound Morality. They had their publick and private Revelations, as Oracles, Visions, Dreams, Apparitions. And Gods and Goddesses, Nymphs and Demi-gods, Fawns and Satyrs were seen by Imagination in every Grove, on every Mountain, and in every Valley, as soon as either the Horrors of the place, or its silence, or their fears, or their wishes, or their contemplations had dispos'd their minds to be Religiously impos'd upon. Now what sort of Passions, and what sort of Spirit must be produc'd in them by these Imaginations, we may guess by what happens among our selves, when any one believes that he has seen an Apparition. The man is alter'd quite in a moment; his colour, his mein, his comportment are all different: Nor are they who hear him the same, but are all of them surpriz'd, transported, astonish'd, and all of them very profoundly attentive. Now very few that have any Judgment have any Notion that an Apparition will do them any harm, nor has any one an example of it, that may be easily credited. But the Ancient Grecians had notions, that their Gods had power to destroy them, or make them happy, and they had a thousand Examples of it, in Museus, and Orpheus and Homer, and the rest of the Fathers of their Church, which must cause the Emotions upon the fancied Apparitions, or the Relations of them to be the greater, and fill their Souls with more turbulent Passions, and a greater Religious Horror.

But then let us consider, secondly, that these Zealots must in some measure have contracted a Habit of Versification from their Religious duties. For the very common People in Greece, had with quick apprehensions a great deal of vivacity; and therefore I leave the Reader to guess, what effect the Reading Museus, and Homer and Orpheus, and the rest of the Fathers of their Church, for their whole life-time, must necessarily have had upon their Minds; together with their Praying, Praising, Sacrificing and Thanksgiving in Verse: Why, may not they very well be supposed from all this, to have contracted a Habit of Versifying?

And why may not that Habit, joyn'd to their continual Enthusiastick Motions, which they had, either from the Revelations which they fancied that the Gods imparted to themselves, or from the Relations of those, which they believed were vouchsafed to others; or from the performance of the foresaid Religious Duties, and from their Ritual, which their Poets had compos'd with so much Enthusiasm, capacitate them to express, themselves Poetically even in common Society; as well as some whole Sects of our Modern Fanaticks in England, who have by no means the vivacity of the Grecians, are enabled from the continual Reading of Scripture, and the Imaginary Dictates of the private Spirit, to make up their ordinary conversation almost wholly of Scripture language.

But since these Visions and these Apparitions, joyn'd to their constant Reading the Poets, had such a mighty influence upon the people, what must they not have had upon their Priests the Poets, who having stronger pretences to those Revelations, and more earnest and eager application to the Reading of the Poets, who writ before them, and who besides having strong Imaginations and great Passions, and still greater Souls to command them, were qualify'd to draw an extraordinary advantage from them? When these, whose peculiar business it was to take care of Religion, at any time writ upon Religious Matters, what Gravity, what Severity, what Elevation, what Vehemence must they not necessarily derive from their subject?




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Dennis, The Advancement and Reformation of Modern Poetry, ch. 7












Ac veluti summis antiquam in montibus ornum,
Cum ferro accisam, crebrisque bipennibus instant.
Eruere Agricolae certatim, illa usque minatur.
Et Tremefacta Comam concusso vertice nutat,
Volneribus Donec Paulatim evicta, supremum
Congemuit, traxitque Jugis avolsa ruinam.



-------------------Illa usque minatur,
Et tremefacta comam, concusso vertice mutat.


Laocoon Ductus Neptuno sorte Sacerdos,
Sollennes Taurum Ingentem mactabat ad aras,
Ecce autem gemini, a Tenedo, Tranquilla per alta
(Horresco referens) Immensis Orbibus Angues
Incumbunt pelago, pariterque ad littera tendunt:
Pectora quorum inter fluctus arrecta, Jubaeque
Sanguineae exuperant undas, pars cetera Pontum
Pone legit, sinuantque Immensa volumine Terga.
Fit Sonitus, spumante salo, Jamque arva tenebant.
Ardentesque Oculos Suffecti Sanguine & igni,
Sibila Lambebant linguis vibrantibus ora.
Diffugimus visu exangues, illi agmine certo
Laocoonta petunt, & primum parva Duorum
Corpora natorum Serpens anplexus uterque

Implicat, & miseros morsu Depascitur artus,
Post Ipsum auxilio Subeuntem, ac Tela ferentem
Corripiunt, spirisque ligant ingentibus, & Jam
Bis medium amplexi, bis collo squamea circum
Terga Dati, superant capite & ceraicibus altis.
Ille simul manibus tendit divellere nodos,
Perfusus sanie vitas atroque veneno.
Clamores simul Horrendos ad Sydera tollit.
Quales Mugitus, fugit cum saucius aram
Taurns & incertam excussit cervice secarim.


殺す準備をしていた。その時! 見よ! テネドスから
大きな蛇が! ありえないほど巨大な2匹の蛇が!


-------------------- Jamque aroa tenebint
Ardentesque oculos, &c.





John Dennis (1657-1734)
From The Advancement and Reformation of Modern Poetry:
A Critical Discourse.
Ch. 7
The Causes of Poetical Enthusiasm, shewn by Examples

The Enthusiasm that is found in Poetry, is nothing but the forementioned passions, Admiration, Joy, Terror, Astonishment, flowing from the thoughts which naturally produce them. For Admiration, together with that Pride which exalts the soul at the conceiving a great Hint, gives elevation; Joy, if 'tis great, gives transport, and astonishment gives vehemence. But now let us shew by examples, how this was done, and let us begin with that Admirable Ode of Horace, which is the third of the Third Book.

Justum & Tenacem propositi virum,
Non civium ardor prava Jubentium,
Non vultus instantis Tyranni
Mente quatit solida, neque Auster
Dux Inquieti Turbidus Adriae;
Nec fulmin antis magna Jovis manus,
Se fractus Illabatur Orbis
Impavidum ferient Ruinae.

That is,

The man, the brave man, who is resolv'd upon a right and a firm principle, is sure never to have his solid vertue shaken, neither by the rage of the giddy multitude, nor by the frowns of an insulting Tyrant, nor by the Fury of the Roaring South, that Turbulent Ruler of the Tempestuous Adria; no, nor by the Red Right Hand of Thundring Jove: Nay, should the World's disjointed Frame come rushing down with a Dismal Sound upon him, its Ruines might Crush, but they could never Shake him. Now 'tis plain that in the original there is a great deal of Enthusiasm. But let us observe a little what this Enthusiasm is. Upon observation we shall find then, that in the fore-mentioned Verses there is Elevation, Severity and Vehemence, and consequently there is something Admirable in them, and Terrible and Astonishing. Now why should we feel these passions in reading these thoughts, unless the passions naturally attend them, when they are express'd as they should be? But Admiration, as we have said above, must come from something that is great, and Terror from something that is powerful, and likely to hurt; and Astonishment from something that is very Terrible, and very likely to hurt; that is, from things that are so, or from their Idea's. The Reader, upon examining the fore-mention'd Verses, will find that the thoughts in them all are great and terrible, and some of them are astonishing.

But here I desire the Reader to observe three things: First, the admirable gradation of Thought here. How the Poet rises from something that is Terrible, to something that is more Terrible, till he comes at last to something Astonishing and Amazing. How from the Rage of the Mad Multitude, he proceeds to the frowns of a Tyrant that stands threatning by: How he rises from thence to a storm at Sea, and from thence to the wrath of Jove express'd in the dreadful Thunder, and from thence to the final dismal Dissolution of all things. The next thing that I desire him to observe is, How the Spirit of the Poet rises with his Thoughts, which is a sure sign, that the one is nothing but the passions that attend on the other. And the third thing that the Reader is to remark is, that the Poet could not carry his Enthusiasm higher after the second thought, without having recourse to Religion. For he who knows any thing of the Pagan system, knows that the three last thoughts are taken from their Religion.

Let us now set before the Reader an Image, that only by its greatness will move him and exalt him. The passage is in the first Book of Milton's Paradice Lost, where he thus describes Lucifer.

-------------------- He above the rest,
In shape and gesture proudly eminent,
Stood like a Towr, his form had yet not lost
All her original Brightness, nor appear'd
Less than Archangel ruin'd, and th' excess
Of Glory obscur'd, as when the Sun new risn
Looks thro the Horizontal misty Air,
Shorn of his Beams, or from behind a Cloud,
In dim Eclipse Disastrous Twilight sheds
On half the Nations, and with fear of change
Perplexes Monarchs; Darkned so yet shone
Above them all th' Archangel, but his Face
Deep Scars of Thunder had Intrench'd.

I desire the Reader would give himself the trouble of comparing these ten lines, with the ten that preceded them, and then to tell me, why the Spirit should be so much greater in these than it is in the others; unless it proceeded from the greatness of the Ideas, or how the greatness of the Ideas could cause it, but by infusing into the Poet admiration and a noble pride, which express'd make the Spirit, which is stately and majestick till the last, and then it grows vehement, because the Idea which causes it, is not only great, but very Terrible. For all the afflicting Passions that are violent are express'd with vehemence. The Reader cannot but observe of himself, that the greatest of these noble Ideas is taken from Religion.

-------------------- But his Face
Deep Scars of Thunder had Intrench'd.

Now let us consider two very masterly Images, out of the Second Book of Virgil; the first is the Hewing down of a Tree, which appear'd so admirable to Julius Scaliger, that he affirm'd that Jupiter could never have mended it; and the second gave occasion for that Incomparable Statue of Laocoon, which I saw at Rome, in the Gardens of Beluidere, and which is so astonishing, that it does not appear to be the work of Art, but the miserable Creature himself, like Niobe benumm'd and petrify'd with grief and horror.

The first, besides its Greatness, carries Terror along with it. Virgil compares the Destruction of Troy, which had been ten years besieg'd, to the fall of a Mountain Ash, at whose Root the labouring Swains had been a long time hewing with their Axes.

Ac veluti summis antiquam in montibus ornum,
Cum ferro accisam, crebrisque bipennibus instant.
Eruere Agricolae certatim, illa usque minatur.
Et Tremefacta Comam concusso vertice nutat,
Volneribus Donec Paulatim evicta, supremum
Congemuit, traxitque Jugis avolsa ruinam.

And as when sturdy Swains, with frequent strokes,
Hewing with all their stretcht out arms, let drive
At the firm Root of some aspiring Oak,
Which long the Glory of the Mountain stood,
That ev'ry moment formidably nods,
And shakes the lofty glories of its crown,
Till broken by repeated wounds at last,
Down it comes rushing with a fatal groan,
And tears the Earth, and rends the solid Rock,
And still is Dreadful in its hideous fall.

Now here I desire the Reader to consider, how the Poet raises his Spirit as soon as he sets his Image in motion, and brings in Terror to his relief.

-------------------Illa usque minatur,
Et tremefacta comam, concusso vertice mutat.

For all the passions, when they are very great, carry Fury along with them, and all the afflicting passions, together with Fury, carry Vehemence and Severity. And the Poet hereby setting his Image in motion, had set it before his eyes, and so made it the more terrible. Let us now consider that of Laocoon.

Laocoon Ductus Neptuno sorte Sacerdos,
Sollennes Taurum Ingentem mactabat ad aras,
Ecce autem gemini, a Tenedo, Tranquilla per alta
(Horresco referens) Immensis Orbibus Angues
Incumbunt pelago, pariterque ad littera tendunt:
Pectora quorum inter fluctus arrecta, Jubaeque
Sanguineae exuperant undas, pars cetera Pontum
Pone legit, sinuantque Immensa volumine Terga.
Fit Sonitus, spumante salo, Jamque arva tenebant.
Ardentesque Oculos Suffecti Sanguine & igni,
Sibila Lambebant linguis vibrantibus ora.
Diffugimus visu exangues, illi agmine certo
Laocoonta petunt, & primum parva Duorum
Corpora natorum Serpens anplexus uterque

Implicat, & miseros morsu Depascitur artus,
Post Ipsum auxilio Subeuntem, ac Tela ferentem
Corripiunt, spirisque ligant ingentibus, & Jam
Bis medium amplexi, bis collo squamea circum
Terga Dati, superant capite & ceraicibus altis.
Ille simul manibus tendit divellere nodos,
Perfusus sanie vitas atroque veneno.
Clamores simul Horrendos ad Sydera tollit.
Quales Mugitus, fugit cum saucius aram
Taurns & incertam excussit cervice secarim.
Which in English Blank Verse runs thus,

Laocoon, now Great Neptune's Priest, by Lot,
The solemn Sacrifice a mighty Bull
Prepar'd to slay; when lo from Tenedos
Two huge Twin Serpents of prodigious size,
(A shivering horror chills all my life blood
At the bare thought and freezes ev'ry Nerve)
Their monstrous folds incumbent on the Main,
With equal haste come rowling tow'rds the Shore.
Their spotty Breasts erect above the Waves,
And bloody Crests, look fearful to the eye.
Their other parts come winding through the flood
In many a waving spire; the Sea resounds,
While with the Scaly horrors of their Tayls
They swinge the foaming brine.
And now they land, now dart their flaming Eyes,
Distain'd with Blood, and streaming all with fire.
We, pale and bloodless at the dismal sight,
All in a moment trembling disappear.
They to the Priest direct their flaming way,
And of his little Sons each seizing one,
Around their Limbs they twine their snaky Spires.
And on their little trembling Joynts they feed:
A dismal Feast; and while their wretched Sire
With piercing shrieks comes rushing to their aid,
At him with Fury both at once they dart,
And clasping him with their vast pois'nous folds,
Twice round his Waste they twist, and twice his Neck;
And stretching o're his Head, their dismal Head
And lofty Crests, upon the dying wretch
They dreadfully look down: He all in vain
With all his might his brawny Muscles strains,
And stretches his extended arms, to tear
The pois'nous and inextricable folds,
And from their entrails squeezes horrid gore.
And now tormented, hideously he roars,
And stamping, stares from his distracted eyes.
Thus madly bounds about the impetuous Bull,
When from his wound he shakes th' uncertain Axe,
And Bellowing, from the Bloody Altar broke.

And now here we find a deal of Enthusiasm; which is nothing but the elevation, and vehemence and fury proceeding from the Great and Terrible and Horrible Ideas. For the Poet setting his Image in so much motion, and expressing it with so much action, his inflam'd Imagination set it before his very eyes, so that he participated of the Danger which he describ'd, was shaken by the Terror, and shiver'd with the Horror. And what is it but the expression of the passions he felt, that moves the Reader in such an extraordinary manner. But here let us observe how the Spirit of the Poet rises, as the Danger comes nearer, and the Terror grows upon him.

----- Jamque aroa tenebint
Ardentesque oculos, &c.
And now they land, &c.

Let us consider beside what prodigious force all this must have in the connexion, where Religion adds to the Terror, encreases the Astonishment, and augments the Horror. For 'twas by the direction of Minerva that this Terrible Incident was brought about, who had combin'd with Juno to destroy the Trojans, as has been at large declar'd in a former Critical Treatise. And thus we have endeavour'd to shew how the Enthusiasm proceeds from the thoughts, and consequently from the subject. But one thing we have omitted, that as thoughts produce the spirit, the spirit produces and makes the expression; which is known by experience to all who are Poets; for never any one, while he was wrapt with Enthusiasm, wanted either Words or Harmony; and is selfevident to all who consider, that the Expression conveys and shows the Spirit, and therefore must be produced by it. So that from what we have said we may venture to lay down this Definition of Poetical Genius. Poetical Genius in a Poem is the true expressions of Ordinary or Enthusiastick Passion, proceeding from Ideas, to which it naturally belongs; and Poetical Genius in a Poet, is the power of expressing such Passion worthily: And the sublime is a great thought exprest with the Enthusiasm that belongs to it, which the Reader will find Agreeable to the Doctrine of Cecilius.

Longinus, I must confess, has not told us what the sublime is; because Cecilius, it seems, had done that before him. Tho methinks, it was a very great fault in so great a Man as Longinus, to write a Book which could not be understood, but by another Mans Writings; especially when he saw that those Writings were so very defective, that they were not likely to last. But tho Longinus does not directly tell us, what the Sublime is, yet in the first six or seven Chapters of his Book, he takes a great deal of pains to set before us, the effects which it produces in the minds of Men; as, for example, that it causes in them admiration and surprize; a noble Pride, and a noble Vigour, an invincible force transporting the Soul from its ordinary Situation, and a Transport, and a fulness of Joy mingled with Astonishment. These are the effects that Longinus tells us that the Sublime produces in the minds of men.

Now I have endeavour'd to shew what it is in Poetry that works these effects. So that take the Cause and the Effects together, and you have the Sublime.




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Dennis, The Advancement and Reformation of Modern Poetry, ch. 6





いずれにせよ、詩における狂乱がどのようにおこるのか、という未解決の問題について考えてみよう。狂乱のなか心が動くのは明らかである。であれば、狂乱状態ゆえに作品を書く者の心が動いたということになる。このようなことがおこるのは、もちろん、その人が何か考えている時である。考えている時に心を動かすものとは何か。頭のなかの思い以外にありえない。つまり、ふつうの激情と同様、狂乱とは必然的に思考によってもたらされるものである。理性ある存在のすべての激情が間違いなくそうであるように。にもかかわらず狂乱に至る激情およびふつうの激情の原因がわからないのは、それらが日常的ではないから、またそれらをもたらす思考は隠れていて、わたしたちがそれに気づかないからである。言うまでもないが、わたしたちの思考には何らかの、また一定量の、激情がともなう。この激情のあらわれが、会話においても作品においてもおもしろい、楽しい。特に何かの研究者でなくても、命の感じられる会話や本がいちばん楽しいと言うだろう。なぜ? 他でもない、それらによって心が動くから、激情ゆえに心が動くからである。ほんの一分でも、まったく一定の声で変化なく話せる人はいない。その変化が激情の変化である。が、このことにわたしたちは気づかない。長年の慣れゆえに、また思考の動きが信じられないほど速すぎるから、である。よくよく考えれば気づくはずだが、わざわざそうする人はまずいない。




John Dennis (1657-1734)
From The Advancement and Reformation of Modern Poetry:
A Critical Discourse.
Ch. 6
That Passion is more to be deriv'd from a Sacred Subject than from a Prophane one

WE have prov'd that Passion is the chief thing in Poetry, and that Spirit or Genius, and in short every thing that moves is Passion. Now if the chief thing in Poetry be Passion, why then the chief thing in great Poetry must be great Passion. We have shewn too, that Passion in Poetry is of two sorts, ordinary Passion or Enthusiasm. Let us now proceed to convince the Reader, that a sacred Poem is more susceptible of Passion than a prophane one can be; which to effect, let us shew two things, that a sacred subject is as susceptible of ordinary passions as a prophane one can be, and more susceptible of the Enthusiastick.

The first is evident from experience: For the Poetry among the Ancients, which shall be hereafter prov'd to be sacred, had in it greater ordinary Passions, than their Human Poetry either had or could possibly have.

'Tis now our business to show that Religious subjects are capable of supplying us with more frequent and stronger Enthusiasms than the prophane. And in order to the clearing this, let us enquire what Poetical Enthusiasm is. Poetical Enthusiasm is a Passion guided by Judgment, whose cause is not comprehended by us. That it is a Passion is plain, because it moves. That the cause is not comprehended is self-evident. That it ought to be guided by Judgment is indubitable. For otherwise it would be Madness, and not Poetical Passion.

But now let us enquire what the cause of Poetical Enthusiasm is, that has been hitherto not comprehended by us. That Enthusiasm moves, is plain to sence; why then it mov'd the Writer: But if it mov'd the Writer, it mov'd him while he was thinking. Now what can move a man while he is thinking, but the thoughts that are in his mind. In short, Enthusiasm as well as ordinary Passions, must proceed from the thoughts, as the Passions of all reasonable creatures must certainly do; but the reason why we know not the causes of Enthusiastick as well as of ordinary Passions, is because we are not so us'd to them, and because they proceed from thoughts, that latently and unobserv'd by us, carry Passion along with them. Here it would be no hard matter to prove that most of our thoughts are naturally attended with some sort and some degree of Passion. And 'tis the expression of this Passion, which gives us so much pleasure, both in Conversation and in Human Authors. For I appeal to any man who is not altogether a Philosopher, whether he is not most pleas'd with Conversation and Books that are Spirited. Now how can this Spirit please him, but because it moves him, or what can move him but Passion? We never speak for so much as a minute together withont different inflexions of voice. Now any one will find upon reflection, that these variations and those inflexions mark our different passions. But all this passes unregarded by us, by reason of long use, and the incredible celerity of our thoughts, whose motion is so swift, that it is even to our selves imperceptible; unless we come to reflect, and every one will not be at the trouble of that.

Now these passions, when they grow strong I call Enthusiastick motions, and the stronger they are the greater the Enthusiasm must be. If any one asks what sort of passions these are, that thus unknown to us flow from these thoughts; to him I answer, that the same sort of passions flow from the thoughts, that would do from the things of which those thoughts are Ideas. As for example, if the thing that we think of is great, when then admiration attends the Idea of it; and if it is very great amazement. If the thing is pleasing and delightful, why then Joy and Gayety flow from the Idea of it; if it is sad, melancholy; if 'tis mischievous and powerful, then the Imagination of it is attended with Terror; And if 'tis both great and likely to do hurt and powerful, why then the thought of it is at once accompanied with Won­der, Terror and Astonishment. Add to all this, that the mind producing these thoughts, conceives by reflection a certain Pride, and Joy and Admiration, as at the conscious view of its own excellence. Now he who strictly examines the Enthusiasm that is to be met with in the greater Poetry, will find that it is nothing but the fore-mention'd passions, either simple or complicated, proceeding from the thoughts from which they naturally flow, as being the thoughts or Images of things that carry those passions along with them, as we shall shew by examples in the following Chapter.

But these passions that attend upon our thoughts are seldom so strong, as they are in those kind of thoughts which we call Images. For they being the very lively pictures of the things which they represent, set them, as it were, before our very eyes. But Images are never so admirably drawn, as when they are drawn in motion; especially if the motion is violent. For the mind can never imagine violent motion, without being in a violent agitation it self; and the Imagination being fir'd with that Agitation, sets the very things before our eyes; and consequently makes us have the same passions that we should have from the things themselves. For the warmer the Imagination is, the more present the things are to us, of which we draw the Images, and therefore when once the Imagination is so inflam'd as to get the better of the understanding, there is no difference between the Images and the things themselves; as we see, for example, in Fevers and Mad men.

Thus have we shewn that Enthusiasm flows from the thoughts, and consequently from the subject from which the thoughts proceed. For, as the Spirit in Poetry is to be proportion'd to the Thought, for otherwise it does not naturally flow from it, and consequently is not guided by Judgment; so the Thought is to be proportion'd to the Subject. Now no Subject is so capable of supplying us with thoughts, that necessarily produce these great and strong Enthusiasms, as a Religious Subject: For all which is great in Religion is most exalted and amazing, all that is joyful is transporting, all that is sad is dismal, and all that is terrible is astonishing.




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Dennis, The Advancement and Reformation of Modern Poetry, ch. 5










John Dennis (1657-1734)
From The Advancement and Reformation of Modern Poetry:
A Critical Discourse.
Ch. 5
The Passion is the chief thing in in Poetry, and that all Passion is either ordinary Passion, or Enthusiasm.

But before we proceed let us define Poetry; which is the first time that a Definition has been given of that noble Art: For neither Ancient nor Modern Criticks have defin'd Poetry in general.

Poetry then is an imitation of Nature by a pathetick and numerous Speech. Let us explain it.

As Poetry is an Art, it must be an Imitation of Nature. That the instrument with which it makes its Imitation is Speech need not be disputed. That that Speech, must be Musical, no one can doubt: For Numbers distinguish the parts of Poetick Diction from the periods of Prose. Now Numbers are nothing but articulate sounds, and their pauses measur'd by their proper proportions of time. And the periods of Prosaick Diction are articulate sounds, and their pauses unmeasur'd by such proportions. That the Speech, by which Poetry makes its Imitation, must be pathetick is evident; for Passion is still more necessary to it than Harmony. For Harmony only distinguishes its Instrument from that of Prose, but Passion distinguishes its very nature and character. For therefore Poetry is Poetry, because it is more passionate and sensual than Prose. A Discourse that is writ in very good Numbers, if it wants Passion can be but measur'd Prose. But a Discourse that is every where extremely pathetick, and consequently every where bold and figurative, is certainly Poetry without Numbers.

Passion then is the Characteristical mark of Poetry, and consequently must be every where. For where-ever a Discourse is not pathetick, there it is Prosaick. As Passion in a Poem must be every where, so Harmony is usually diffus'd throughout it. But Passion answers the two ends of Poetry better than Harmony can do, and upon that account is preferable to it: For first it pleases more, which is evident: For Passion can please without Harmony, but Harmony tires without Passion. And in Tragedy and in Epick Poetry a man may instruct without Harmony, but never without Passion: For the one instructs by Admiration, and the other by Compassion and Terror. And as for the greater Ode, if it wants Passion, it becomes Hateful and Intolerable, and its Sentences grow Contemptible.

Passion is the Characteristical mark of Poetry, and therefore it must be every where; for without Passion there can be no Poetry, no more than there can be Painting. And tho the Poet and the Painter describe action, they must describe it with Passion. Let any one who beholds a piece of Painting, where the Figures are shewn in action, conclude that if the Figures are without Passion the Painting is contemptible. There must be Passion every where in Poetry and Painting, and the more Passion there is, the better the Poetry and the Painting, unless the Passion is too much for the subject; and the Painter and the Poet arrive at the height of their Art, when they describe a great deal of Action with a great deal of Passion. It is plain then from what has been said, that Passion in Poetry must be every where, for where there is no Passion there can be no Poetry, but that which we commonly call Passion, cannot be every where in any Poem. There must be Passion then, that must be distinct from ordinary Passion, and that must be Enthusiasm. I call that ordinary Passion, whose cause is clearly comprehended by him who feels it, whether it be Admiration, Terror or Joy; and I call the very same Passions Enthusiasms, when their cause is not clearly comprehended by him who feels them. And those Enthusiastick Passions are sometimes simple, and sometimes complicated, of all which we shall shew examples lower. And thus I have shewn that the chief thing in Poetry is Passion; but here the Reader is desir'd to observe, that by Poetry we mean Poetry in general, and the Body of Poetry; for as for the form or soul of particular Poems, that is allow'd by all to be a Fable. But Passion is the chief thing in the Body of Poetry, as Spirit is in the Human Body. For without Spirit the Body languishes, and the Soul is impotent: Now every thing that they call Spirit or Genius in Poetry, in short, every thing that pleases, and consequently moves in the Poetick Diction, is Passion, whether it be ordinary or Enthusiastick.

And thus we have shewn what the chief excellence in the Body of Poetry is, which we have prov'd to be Passion. Let us now proceed to the proofs of what we propounded, that sacred subjects are more susceptible of Passion than prophane ones, and that the subjects of the Ancients were sacred in their greater Poetry, I mean either sacred in their own natures, or by their manner of handling them.

ストア派の理性>激情 reason > passion
ロック以降の激情>理性 passion > reason

(神に)憑かれたかのような狂乱状態 enthusiasm
cf. 内乱期(実際には16世紀)以来の「神は人に宿る」の議論
cf. アクィナス、フッカー、そして(いわゆる)ケンブリッジのプラトン派以来の




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Patmore, "The Kiss"



Coventry Patmore
"The Kiss"

'I saw you take his kiss!' ''Tis true.'
'O, modesty!' ''Twas strictly kept:
He thought me asleep; at least I knew
He thought I thought he thought I slept.'




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Dennis, The Advancement and Reformation of Modern Poetry, ep. ded









音楽でも同じです。主旋律を知らずに他のパートをつくる人は誰にも相手にされません。このようにいささか劣る芸術においてもよい作品をつくるために規則が必要なのですから、より高貴な芸術においてそうなのはあたりまえですよね? 規則にしたがって優れた詩が書けないなら、いったいどうすればいいのでしょう? 偶然に任せるしかありませんね! そうです、規則に従うか偶然に期待するかのどちらかしかありません。第三の道はないのです。







John Dennis (1657-1734)
From the Epistle Dedicatory to
The Advancement and Reformation of Modern Poetry:
A Critical Discourse.

To the Most Noble John, Lord Marquess of Normanby,
Earl of Mulgrave, &c. and Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter

The Design of all Poetical Criticism, must be, if it is just and good, to advance so useful and so noble an Art as Poetry. And the design of the following Treatise is no less than to set the Moderns upon an equal foot with even admir'd Antiquity. In order to the doing which, I humbly desire leave of your Lordship, that I may make an enquiry in what the preheminence of the Ancient Poets consists; and why I prefer one of the Grecian Tragedies, as for example, the Oedipus of Sophocles, to one of our celebrated English Tragedies; as for instance, the Julius Caesar of Shakespear. Upon reflection I find that the reason is, because I am more delighted and more instructed by the former; and that for this very reason, because I am more mov'd by it: For I find by experience that I am no further pleas'd nor instructed by any Tragedy, than as it excites Passion in me. But in order to the discovering why I am more mov'd by the former than the latter of those Tragedies, I desire leave to make an enquiry into the principal differences between them, and that in all probability will determine the matter. I find then, my Lord, that there are two very signal differences between the Oedipus and the Julius Caesar. First, the Oedipus is exactly Just and Regular, and the Julius Caesar is very Extravagant and Irregular. Secondly, the Oedipus is very Religious, and the Julius Caesar is Irreligious. For, with submission to your Lordships Judgment, I conceive that every Tragedy ought to be a very solemn Lecture, inculcating a particular Providence, and showing it plainly protecting the good, and chastizing the bad, or at least the violent; and that if it is otherwise, it is either an empty amusement, or a scandalous and pernicious Libel upon the government of the world. The killing of Julius Caesar in Shakespear, is either a Murder or a Lawful Action; if the killing Caesar is a, Lawful Action, then the killing of Brutus and Cassius is downright Murder; and the Poet has been guilty of polluting the Seene with the blood of the very best and last of the Romans. But if the killing of Caesar is Murder, and Brutus and Cassius are very justly punish'd for it; then Shakespear is on the other side answerable for introducing so many Noble Romans, committing in the open face of an Audience, a very horrible Murder, and only punishing two of them; which proceeding gives an occasion to the people to draw a dangerous inference from it, which may be Destructive to Government, and to Human Society.

Thus, My Lord, I have a great deal of reason to suspect that the Oedipus derives its advantage from its Regularity, and its Religion; and the presumption grows still more strong, when upon enquiry I find, that the fore-mention'd Regularity is nothing but the bringing some Rules into practice, which Observation and Philosophy have found requisite for the surer exciting of Passion. For as this, I think, cannot be contested, that of two Combatants, who have equal Strength and equal Courage, he is most likely to have the better who has the most address; so in a contention and prize of Poetry, between persons who have equal force of mind, he will be certain to have the advantage, who is the best instructed to use his strength.

If any of the enemies to Regularity will give themselves the trouble to peruse the Oedipus of Sophocles, with an impartial eye, he will easily discern how instrumental the Poetical Art is in leading him from Surprize to Surprize, from Compassion to Terror, and from Terror to Compassion again, without giving him so much as a time to breathe; and he will as easily discover, how the Religion that is every where intermix'd with the Play, shews all the Surprizes even when he least expects this, as so many immediate successive effects of a particular Dreadful Providence, which make them come like so many Thunder-claps from a serene Heaven to confound and astonish him.

A Poet is capacitated by that which is commonly call'd Regularity, to excite the ordinary Passions more powerfully by the constitution of the Fable, and the influence which that must necessarily have both upon the words and thoughts; and Religion, besides the Influence it will have upon the ordinary Passions, will be to a Poet, who has force and skill enough to make his advantage of it, a perpetual source of extraordinary Passion, which is commonly call'd Enthusiasm, for the sentiments and the expressions.

For what concerns Regularity, or the exciting of ordinary Passion, enough has been said already. Your Lordship has particularly made the Publick a Present, which is, I confess, but little in Volume but is magnificent in Value and Ornament; 'tis a Present in Jewels, which casts a further lustre than Treasures that take up a larger space, and is more solid to those who are near it. Our Writers have been sufficiently told, that writing Regularly is writing Morally, Decently, Justly, Naturally, Reasonably. The Design, my Lord, of the following Treatise is to shew of what use Religion may be to the advancement of Poetry. But because all that has been said concerning Regularity is so necessary a preparative to this Design, that it would be wholly useless without it, I hope your Lordship will not think it to be foreign to my purpose, if at a time when the Rules are neglected by some, and slighted by others, I bestow a little time in proving the necessity of observing those; without the strict observance of which, the following Treatise will be an empty amusement, and we must absolutely despair of making any advancement in Poetry.

The necessity of observing Rules to the attaining a perfection in Poetry is so very apparent, that he who will give himself the trouble of Reflecting, cannot easily doubt of it. Rules are necessary even in all the inferiour Arts, as in Painting and Musick. If any one should pretend to draw a Picture without having ever been taught, or without knowing or practising any thing of Perspective or Proportion, but should pretend to succeed alone by the natural force of his Fancy, that man would certainly be esteem'd a very Impudent and Impertinent person.

Your Lordship knows that it is the very same thing in Musick that it is in Painting. If any one should pretend to compose in parts, without understanding the grounds, that person would infallibly render himself very contemptible. Now if they please by Rules in a less noble Art, can they reasonably expect to please without them in one that is more noble? If they please not by Rules in Poetry, how must they please? By Chance! For this is certain, that they must do it by one or the other, for there is no third way.

There is nothing in Nature that is great and beautiful, without Rule and Order; and the more Rule and Order and Harmony we find in the objects that strike our sences, the more worthy and noble we esteem them. I humbly conceive that it is the same in Art, and particularly in Poetry, which ought to be an exact imitation of Nature. Now Nature, taken in a stricter sense, is nothing but that Rule and Order and Harmony which we find in the visible Creation. The Universe owes its admirable beauty to the Proportion, Situation and Dependance of its parts. And the little World, which we call Man, owes not only its Health and Ease and Pleasure, nay, the continuance of its very Being to the Regularity of Mechanical motion, but even the strength too of its boasted Reason, and the piercing force of those aspiring thoughts, which are able to pass the bounds that circumscribe the Universe. As Nature is Order and Rule and Harmony in the visible World, so Reason is the very same throughout the invisible Creation. For Reason is Order and the Result of Order. And nothing that is Irregular, as far as it is Irregular, ever was or ever can be either Natural or Reasonable. Whatever God Created he designed it Regular, and as the rest of the Creatures cannot swerve in the least from the Eternal Laws pre-ordain'd for them, without becoming fearful or odious to us; so Man, whose mind is a Law to itself, can never in the least transgress that Law, without lessning his Reason, and debasing his Nature. In fine, whatever is Irregular, either in the Visible or Invisible World, is to the person who thinks right, except in some very extraordinary cases, either Hateful or Contemptible.

But, as both Nature and Reason, which two in a larger acceptation is Nature, owe their Greatness, their Beauty, their Majesty, to th eirperpetualOrder; for Order at first made the face ofthings so beautiful, and the cessation of that Order would once more bring in Chaos; so Poetry, which is an imitation of Nature, must do the same thing. I can neither have Greatness or Real Beauty, if it swerves from the Laws which Reason severely prescribes it, and the more Irregular any Poetical Composition is, the nearer it comes to extravagance and confusion, and to nonsence, which is nothing.

But, as in some of the numberless parts which constitute this beauteous all, there are some appearing irregularities, which parts notwithstanding contribute with the rest to compleat the Harmony of universal Nature; and as there are some seeming Irregularities even in the wonderful Dispensations of the Supream and Soveraign Reason, as the oppression of the good, and flourishing of the bad, which yet at the bottom are rightly adjusted, and wisely compensated, and are purposely appointed by Divine Fore-knowledge for the carrying on the profound Designs of Providence; so, if we may compare great things with small, in the creation of the accomplish'd Poem, some things may at first sight be seemingly against Reason, which yet at the bottom are perfectly Regular, because they are indispensably necessary to the admirable conduct of a great and a just Design.

No man knows better than your Lordship, that the Renown'd Masters among the Ancients, Homer and Virgil, &c. had too much Capacity, and too much Discernment, not to see the necessity of knowing and practising the Rules which Reason and Philosophy have prescib'd to Poets. They wrote not with a little narrow Design to please a Tumultuous transitory assembly, or a handful of men who were call'd their Countrymen; They wrote to their fellow Citizens of the Universe, to all Countries and to all Ages; and they were perfectly convinc'd that tho Caprice and Extravagance may please the multitude, who are always fluctuating, and always uncertain; yet that nothing but what is great in Reason and Nature, could be able to delight and instruct Mankind. They were clearly convinc'd that nothing could transmit their Immortal works to posterity, but something like that harmonious Order which maintains the Universe; that it was partly to that, they were to owe that wondrous merit, which could be able to render their Fame eternal, to extend and perpetuate the very languages in which they writ, and to illustrate the glory of their Countries by their own.

Your Lordship knows that it was towards the beginning of the last Century, that the French, a subtle and discerning Nation, began to be sensible of this, and upon it several of their extraordinary men, both Poets and Philosophers, began to cultivate Criticism. Upon which there follow'd two very remarkable things. For first, the cultivating of the Poetical Art advanc'd their Genius's to such a height, as was unknown to France before; and secondly, the appearing of those great Genius's, was very instrumental in spreading their language thro all the Christian World; and in raising the esteem of their Nation to that degree, that it naturally prepar'd the way for their Intrigues of State, and facilitated the execution of their vast Designs.

My Lord, these alterations happen'd in France, while the French reform'd the structure of their Poems, by the noble models of ancient Architects; and your Lordship knows very well, that the very contrary fell out among us; while, notwithstanding your generous attempt to reform us, we resolv'd with an injudicious obstinacy to adhere to our Gothick and Barbarous manner. For in the first place, our Stage has degenerated not only from the taste of Nature, but from the greatness it had in the time of Shakespear, in whose Coriolanus and Cassius we see something of the Invincible Spirit of the Romans; but in most of our Heroes which have lately appear'd on the Stage, Love has been still the predominant passion, whether they have been Grecian or Roman Heroes; which is false in Morality, and of scandalous instruction, and as false and absurd in Physicks. For Ambition makes a man a Tyrant to himself, as well as it does to others; and where it once prevails, enslaves the Reason, and subdues all other Passions. And it was for this very cause, if your Lordship will allow me to make this digression, that in the two Tragedies that I writ my self, I made Love a subordinate Passion, and subjected it in the one to Glory, and in the other to Friendship; that so I might make them fit to entertain the wisest of our Sex, and the best and most virtuous of the other. And it is impossible to tell you with what extream satisfaction I heard that the last of them was not displeasing to you.;idno=004890743.0001.000






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Dennis, A Journey over the Alps











食べたらすぐに馬をそこらに放し、騾馬(らば)に乗って山を登りはじめた。時々下の町や谷をふり返って眺めずにはいられなかった。頂上からあと100ヤードというところまできても、下にはランスブールが見えた。なかなか大変な思いで3マイルも登ってきたのに。びっくりだ。自分の家からハムステッドくらいの距離にある場所が自分の下に見えたらどう思う? この有名なアルプスの道を正しく表現できたらいいのに。ローマやナポリを言葉で伝えるのはそんなに難しくない。多少なり似たような場所を君も見たことがあるから。でも、視界が届かないような、見ているだけで疲れてしまうような山の場合はそうじゃない。さっき頂上から100ヤードと書いたけど、その頂上とは後で通った高原のことで、その上にはまた別の大きな山がある。これらの山は、イタリアの庭を囲むちょっとした土手として大昔に自然の女神がつくったと言われていて、もしそうならこの女神はちょっとした天才画家みたいなものだ。適当に大胆にぐちゃぐちゃに塗ったところがすごい、という。アルプス全体が何かにとり憑かれた狂乱状態でつくられた作品のようになっているから、逆に人目を惹こうとていねいにつくられたところはつまらない。山や谷、花咲く牧場、さらさら流れる小川はきれいで見ていて楽しいけど、それは理性的な楽しさで、いろいろ考えが次々に浮かんできたりする。そういうのとは違って、アルプスを見てると心が完全に奪われる感じになる。しかもふつうの奪われかたじゃなくて、恐怖とか、何なら絶望とかを同時に感じたりする。だからたぶん、これらの山は天地創造ではなく世界の破滅の産物と考えたほうがいいかもしれない。この世の丸い屋根に巨大な孔(あな)が開いて底なしの深淵に崩れ落ちた時にできた、というように。本当にそうとしか思えない。そういう旧世界の破滅の結果が、奇跡の光景として今の世界に残ってる。これは恐ろしく膨大で、おぞましく死ぬほど衝撃的な世界の残骸なんだ。平原を1リーグほど全速力で進むと下り坂になっていた。上下左右をほぼ囲まれた、山の内臓のなかに入っていくような坂だ。まったく度肝を抜かれる光景だった。残骸の上に重なる残骸の山、まるで天と地がぐちゃぐちゃになったかのようだ。ぼくらの上の岩は不恰好で、かたちにならないかたち、壊されたとしか言いようがないかたちをしていた。恐ろしい崖、そこを真っ逆さまに落ちてはじける滝の水、それはまさに恐怖の宿るハーモニーを目で見ているかのようだった。誇張しすぎ、と思うだろ? 違うんだ。ぼくが見ている光景を見たら、 まだぜんぜん言いたりないことがわかるはずだ。どんな大げさな表現だってここでは余裕で許される。アルプスではまさに自然が羽目をはずしてる。常軌を逸している。それを超える言葉なんか存在しない。が、これくらいにして先に進もう。下りは籠に乗っていった。イングランドの単位で4マイルほどだった。スニ山のイタリア側のふもとのノヴァレーザを通って、その夜はスーザに泊まった。次の日はベンナレで食事をし、気持ちのいい谷を通って夜にここトリノに着いた。

John Dennis
A Journey over the Alps
From Miscellanies in Prose and Verse

Turin, Octob. 25. 88.
I Have here sent you a Journal of my
Journey from Lyons hither, in which
you will find that account of the Alpes,
which you so earnestly desired of me,
before I came out of England. I have
taken no notice of the Towns in Savoy;
nor so much as the Rock of Montmelian,
but have confin'd my self to a Subject
which you seem'd to affect so much.

On the nineteenth of October, we set
out from Lyons, and came that night to
Vorpellier, thro a fair Plain, which was
sometimes Arable, and sometimes Pasture,
and bounded with Rows of Hills
at that just distance, as gave tho['] not a
large, an agreeable Prospect.

Octob. 20. We came by Noon thro
the same Plain, which grew to be sometimes
a Marsh[,] to a Bourg, call'd Tour
Du Pin. From thence, after Dinner,
we continued our way, thro whole
Groves of Walnut and Chestnut Trees
to Pont Beanvoisin, being the Bridge
that separates France and Savoy.

Octob. 21. We entred into Savoy in
the Morning, and past over Mount Aiguebellette.
The ascent was the more easie,
because it wound about the Mountain.
But as soon as we had conquer'd one
half of it, the unusual heighth in which
we found our selves, the impending
Rock that hung over us, the dreadful
Depth of the Precipice, and the Torrent
that roar'd at the bottom, gave us
such a view as was altogether new and
amazing. On the other side of that
Torrent, was a Mountain that equall'd
ours, about the distance of thirty Yards
from us. Its craggy Clifts, which we
half discern'd, thro the misty gloom of the
Clouds that surrounded them, sometimes
gave us a horrid Prospect. And sometimes
its face appear'd Smooth and Beautiful
as the most even and fruitful Vallies. So
different from themselves were the different
parts of it: In the very same place
Nature was seen Severe and Wanton. In
the mean time we walk'd upon the very
brink, in a litteral sense, of Destruction; one
Stumble, and both Life and Carcass had
been at once destroy'd. The sense of all this
produc'd different motions in me, viz. a
delightful Horrour, a terrible Joy, and at
the same time, that I was infinitely pleas'd, I

From thence we went thro a pleasant
Valley bounded with Mountains, whose
high but yet verdant Tops seem'd at once
to forbid and invite Men. After we had
ma[rched] for a League thro the Plain, we arriv'd
at the place which they call La Cave;
where the late Duke of Savoy in the Year
Seven[ty], struck out a Passage thro a rocky
Mountain that had always before been impassible:
Performing that by the force of
Gun-powder, which Thunder-bolts [at]
Earthquakes could scarce have effected.
This Passage is a quarter of an English Mile,
made with incredible labour, and the expence
of four Millions of Livers. At the
Entrance into it is the following pompous

At Chambery we din'd, the Capital Town
of Savoy. In our way from thence to Montmelian,
Nature seem'd quite to have chang[']d
her Face. There craggy Rocks look'd horrid
to the Eye, and Hills appear'd on every
side of so stupendous an heighth, that the
Company was divided at a distance, whether
they should believe them to be sunny
clouds, or the Snowy tops of Mountains.
Here appear'd a Hill with its top quite hid
in black Clouds, and beyond that Hill, & above
those Clouds some higher Mountain
show'd its hoary Head. With this strange
entertainment by the way, we came that
Night to Montmelian.

On the 22. we set forward in the morning.
The Mountains appear'd to grow still
more Lofty. We din'd that day at Aiguebelle.
In the Afternoon we proceeded on our
way, sometimes thro the Plain, and sometimes
on the side of the Alps; with which we
were hemm'd in on all sides. We then began
that day to have the additional diversion,
of a Torrent that ran sometimes with fury
beneath us, and of the noise of the Cascades,
or the down fall of Waters, which
sometimes came tumbling a main from the
Precipices. We lay that night at La

On the 23. The morning was very cold,
which made us have dismal apprehensions of
Mount Cenis, since we felt its influence so
severely at so great a distance. We arriv'd
by Noon at St. Michel. In the Afternoon
we continued our Journey mostly upon the
sides of the Mountains, which were sometimes
all cover'd with Pines; and sometimes
cultivated, ev'n in places where one would
swear the thing were impossible, for they
were only not perpendicular. We lay that
Night at Modane.

Oct. 24. Modane is within a dozen Miles
of Mount Cenis, and therefore the next
morning we felt the Cold more severely.
We went to Dinner at Laneburgh, situate
at the foot of Mount Cenis.

As soon as we had din'd, we sent our
Horses about, and getting up upon Mules
began to ascend the Mountain. I could
not forbear looking back now and then to
contemplate the Town and the Vale beneath
me. When I was arriv'd within a
hundred Yards of the Top, I could still
discern Laneburgh at the Bottom, distant
Three tedious Miles from me. What an
amazing distance? Think what an impression
a place must make upon you, which you
should see as far under you as 'tis from
your House to Hampstead. And here I
wish I had force to do right to this renown'd
Passage of the Alpes. 'Tis an easie
thing to describe Rome or Naples to you,
because you have seen something your self
that holds at least some resemblance with
them; but impossible to set a Mountain
before your eyes, that is inaccessible almost
to the sight, and wearies the very
Eye to Climb it. For when I tell you that
we were arriv'd within a hundred yards
of the Top: I mean only the Plain, thro
which we afterwards pass'd, but there is
another vast Mountain still upon that.
If these Hills were first made with the
World, as has been a long time thought,
and Nature design'd them only as a Mound
to inclose her Garden Italy: Then we
may well say of her what some affirm of
great Wits, that her, careless irregular
and boldest Strokes are most admirable.
For the Alpes are works which she seems
to have design'd, and executed too in Fury.
Yet she moves us less, where she studies
to please us more. I am delighted, 'tis true
at the prospect of Hills and Valleys, of
flowry Meads, and murmuring Streams,
yet it is a delight that is consistent with
Reason, a delight that creates or improves
Meditation. But transporting
Pleasures follow'd the sight of the Alpes,
and what unusual transports think you were
those, that were mingled with horrours,
and sometimes almost with despair? But
if these Mountains were not a Creation,
but form'd by universal Destruction, when
the Arch with a mighty flaw dissolv'd and
fell into the vast Abyss (which surely is the
best opinion) then are these Ruines of
the old World the greatest wonders of the
New. For they are not only vast, but
horrid, hideous, ghastly Ruins. After we
had gallop'd a League over the Plain, and
came at last to descend, to descend
thro the very Bowels as it were of the
Mountain, for we seem'd to be enclos'd
on all sides: What an astonishing Prospect
was there? Ruins upon Ruins in monstrous
Heaps, and Heaven and Earth confounded.
The uncouth Rocks that were
above us, Rocks that were void of all
form, but what they had receiv'd from
Ruine; the frightful view of the Precipices,
and the foaming Waters that threw
themselves headlong down them, made all
such a Consort up for the Eye, as that
sort of Musick does for the Ear, in
which Horrour can be joyn'd with Harmony.
I am afraid you will think that I have
said too much. Yet if you had but seen
what I have done, you would surely think
that I have said too little. However
Hyperboles might easily here be forgiven.
The Alpes appear to be Nature's extravagancies,
and who should blush to be
guilty of Extravagancies, in words that
make mention of her's. But 'tis time to
proceed. We descended in Chairs, the
descent was four English Miles. We past
thro Novalese, situate at the Foot of
Mount Cenis on the side of Italy, and lay
that Night at Suse. We din'd the next
day at Villane, and thro a pleasant Valley
came that Night to this place.
- Dennis, Miscellanies (1693, Wing D1304) および
Familiar Letters (1718) ECCO T64796を見ながら修正
- 改行位置は実際のページどおり






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Akenside, Ode I

オード 1: ホラティウス風に



こっちに来たり! 花から花へ、木から木へ、

かわいらしくぶんぶんぶん! 無礼で頭の悪い嵐がきて






Mark Akenside
"Ode I: Allusion to Horace"

. . . Ego, apis Matinae
More, modoque, &c.
Lib. iv. Od. ii.

AMID the garden's fragrance laid,
Where yonder limes behold their shade
Along the glassy stream,
With HORACE and his tuneful ease
I'll rest from crouds, and care's disease,
And summer's piercing beam.

Behold the busy, wand'ring BEE!
From bloom to bloom, from tree to tree
She sweeps mellifluous dews;
For her the silken gems arise,
For her display their shining dyes,
Their balmy breath diffuse.

Sweet murmurer! may no rude storm
This pleasurable scene deform
To check thy gladsome toils;
Still may the buds unsullied spring,
Still show'rs and sunshine court thy wing
To these ambrosial spoils.

Nor shall my Muse hereafter fail
Her fellow-lab'rer thus to hail,
And lucky be the strains!
For long ago did nature frame
Your seasons and your arts the same,
Your pleasures and your pains.

Like thee, in lowly, sylvan scenes,
And river-banks and fruitful greens
Delights my vagrant song;
Nor strives, by soaring high in air,
Tho' swans and eagles triumph there,
To draw the giddy throng.

Nor where the raven, where the owl
By night their hateful orgies howl,
Will she her cares imploy;
But flies from ruines and from graves,
From ghostly cells and monkish caves
To day-light and to joy.

Nor will she tempt the barren waste;
Nor deigns th' ungrateful stores to taste
Of any noxious thing;
But leaves with scorn to others' use
The bitter hemlock's baneful juice,
The nettles sordid sting.

From all which nature fairest knows,
The vernal blooms, the summer rose,
She draws her mingled wealth;
And when the lovely task is done,
She consecrates a double boon,
To pleasure and to health.;cc=ecco;rgn=div1;view=toc;idno=004792074.0001.000

ここから、たとえば Gray, "Ode on the Spring" に。

ホラティウス Horace
心の安らぎ ataraxia
満足 content
隠遁 retirement




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Philips, "Against Pleasure"






ねえ、快楽、あなたって何なの? 空気のように

Katherine Philips
"Against Pleasure"

There's no such thing as Pleasure,
'Tis all a perfect Cheat,
Which does but shine and disappear,
Whose Charm is but Deceit:
The empty bribe of yielding Souls,
Which first betrays, and then controuls.

'Tis true, it looks at distance fair;
But if we do approch,
The fruit of Sodom will impair,
And perish at a touch:
It being then in phancy less,
And we expect more then possess.

For by our Pleasures we are cloy'd,
And so Desire is done;
Or else, like Rivers, they make wide
The Channel where they run:
And either way true bliss destroys,
Making Us narrow, or our Joys.

We covet Pleasure easily,
But it not so possess;
For many things must make it be,
But one way makes it less.
Nay, were our state as we could chuse it,
'Twould be consum'd for fear to lose it.

What art thou then, thou winged Air,
More swift then winged Fame?
Whose next successour is Despair,
And its attendant Shame.
Th' Experience-Prince then reason had,
Who said of Pleasure, It is mad.




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Philips, K., "Against Love"



* * *
Katherine Philips
"Against Love"

Hence Cupid with your cheating Toies,
Your real Griefs, and painted Joies,
Your Pleasure which it self destroies.
Lovers like men in Feavers burn and rave,
And only what will injure them do crave.
Mens weakness makes Love so severe,
They give him power by their fear,
And make the Shackles which they wear.
Who to another does his heart submit,
Makes his own Idol, and then worships it.
Him whose heart is all his own,
Peace and liberty does crown,
He apprehends no killing frown.
He feels no raptures which are joies diseas'd,
And is not much transported, but still pleas'd.

* * *

* * *



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Cowley, "Against Fruition"



Abraham Cowley
"Against Fruition"

NO; thou'rt a fool, I'll swear, if ere thou grant:
Much of my Veneration thou must want,
When once thy kindness puts my Igno'rance out;
For a learn'd Age is always least devout.
Keep still thy distance; for at once to me
Goddess and Woman too, thou canst not be;
Thou'rt Queen of all that sees thee; and as such
Must neither Tyrannize, nor yield too much;
Such freedoms give as may admit Command,
But keep the Forts and Magazines in thine hand.
Thou'rt yet a whole world to me, and do'est fill
My large ambition; but 'tis dang'rous still,
Lest I like the Pellaean Prince should be,
And weep for other worlds hav'ing conquer'd thee;
When Love has taken all thou hast away,
His strength by too much riches will decay.
Thou in my Fancy dost much higher stand,
Then Women can be place'd by Natures hand;
And I must needs, I'm sure, a loser be,
To change Thee, as Thou'rt there, for very Thee.
Thy sweetness is so much within me plac'd,
That shouldst thou Nectar give, t'would spoil the taste.
Beauty at first moves wonder, and delight;
'Tis Natures juggling trick to cheat the sight,
We 'admire it, whilst unknown, but after more
Admire our selves, for liking it before.
Love, like a greedy Hawk, if we give way,
Does overgorge himself, with his own Prey;
Of very Hopes a surfeit hee'll sustain,
Unless by Fears he cast them up again:
His spirit and sweetness dangers keep alone;
If once he lose his sting, he grows a Drone.;view=fulltext




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Suckling, "Against Fruition"


それで何が楽しい? しかもみんなパー、

John Suckling
"Against Fruition"

Fye upon hearts that burn with mutual fire;
I hate two minds that breath but one desire:
Were I to curse th'unhallow'd sort of men,
I'de wish them to love, and be lov'd agen.
Love's a Camelion, that lives on meer ayre;
And surfets when it comes to grosser fare:
'Tis petty Jealousies, and little fears,
Hopes joyn'd with doubts, and joyes with April tears,
That crowns our Love with pleasures: these are gone
When once we come to full Fruition.
Like waking in a morning, when all night
Our fancy hath been fed with true delight.
Oh! what a stroke't would be! Sure I should die,
Should I but hear my mistresse once say, I.
That monster expectation feeds too high
For any Woman e're to satisfie:
And no brave Spirit ever car'd for that
Which in Down-beds with ease he could come at.
Shee's but an honest whore that yeelds, although
She be as cold as ice, as pure as snow:
He that enjoys her hath no more to say
But keep us Fasting if you'l have us pray.
Then fairest Mistresse, hold the power you have,
By still denying what we still do crave:
In Keeping us in hopes strange things to see
That never were, nor are, nor e're shall be.

--> Robert Wilcher, The Disconted Cavallier (2007), ch. 4.

I = Aye (i.e., Yes).




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Merry, "To Anna Matilda"


よく知ってます! 魅力的なあなたのことは!


Robert Merry
"To Anna Matilda"

I KNOW thee well, enchanting Maid!
I've mark'd thee in the silent glade,
I've seen thee on the mountain's height,
I've met thee in the storms of night:
I've view'd thee on the wild beach run
To gaze upon the setting sun;
Then stop aghast, his ray no more,
To hear th' impetuous surge's roar.
Hast thou not stood with rapt'rous eye
To trace the starry worlds on high,
T'observe the moon's weak crescent throw
O'er hills, and woods, a glimm'ring glow:
Or, all beside some wizard stream,
To watch its undulating beam?

O well thy form divine I know---
When youthful errors brought me woe;
When all was dreary to behold,
And many a bosom-friend grew cold;
Thou, thou unlike the summer crew
That from my adverse fortune flew,
Cam'st with melodious voice, to cheer
My throbbing heart, and check the tear.
From thee I learnt, 'twas vain to scan
The low ingratitude of Man;
Thou bad'st me Fancy's wilds to rove,
And seek th' ecstatic bow'r of Love.
When on his couch I threw me down,
I saw thee weave a myrtle crown,
And blend it with the shining hair
Of her, the Fairest of the Fair.
For this, may ev'ry wand'ring gale
The essence of the rose exhale,
And pour the fragrance on thy breast,
And gently fan thy charms to rest.
Soon as the purple slumbers fly
The op'ning radiance of thine eye,
Strike, strike again the magic lyre,
With all thy pathos, all thy fire;
With all that sweetly-warbled grace,
Which proves thee of celestial race.
O then, in varying colours drest,
And living glory stand confest,
Shake from thy locks ambrosial dew,
And thrill each pulse of joy a-new;
With glowing ardours rouse my soul,
And bid the tides of Passion roll.
But think no longer in disguise,
To screen thy beauty from mine eyes;
Nor deign a borrow'd name to use,
For well I know---thou art the MUSE!

Cowley, "To Della Crusca: The Pen" への返答。


--> Cf. シェリー「ひばり」、キーツの「耳には聴こえない歌」






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