
From Bunyan, Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners







この誘惑は本当に恐ろしかった。何かのはずみで屈したりすることがないようにわたしはいつも心のなかで力いっぱい抵抗し、戦っていたから、からだも実際に動いたりした。本当に手やひじで押し返したり、突き返したりしなくてはならなかった。わたしの破滅をたくらむ誘惑者が、「救い主を売れ、あいつを売れ」、と迫ってくる。これに対してわたしは同じ速さで答える、「いやだ、いやだ、売らない、売るもんか! 世界を、世界中のものを、世界中のものの千倍のものをくれても売るもんか!」 こんな数を出したのは、誘惑の執拗な攻撃のなか、ふとあの方を敬う気持ちを忘れてはいけない、と思ったからだった。このように、わたしはいつも一生懸命戦っていたから、心が落ちつくことなどまったくなかった。それどころか、どこにいるかすらわからない状態だった。


ともかく、結末を語ろう。ある朝、ベットで横になっていたとき、わたしはこの誘惑によってきわめて激しい攻撃を受けた。「救い主を売ってしまえ、あいつと縁を切れ」。頭のなかでは、邪悪なささやきが、人が話せる最高の速さでうずまいていた。「あいつを売れ、売れ、売れ、売るのだ、売ってしまえ」。これに対して、わたしはいつものように心のなかで答えた。「いやだ、いやだ、千個、世界を千個くれてもいやだ」。少なくともこれを二十回連続でくり返した。しかし、厳しい戦いの後、ほとんど息もつけなくなったときに、とうとう次のような考えが頭をよぎっていった。「もういい、あの方がいなくなってもいい」。それどころかわたしは、心のなか、こう思ってしまった。「そう、それでいいんだ」。あああ! 勤勉な悪魔の奴め! わたしの馬鹿! 情けない! 本当に救いようがない!


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John Bunyan
From Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners

For after the Lord had, in this manner, thus graciously delivered me from this great and sore temptation, and had set me down so sweetly in the faith of His holy gospel, and had given me such strong consolation and blessed evidence from heaven, touching my interest in His love through Christ; the tempter came upon me again, and that with a more grievous and dreadful temptation than before.

And that was, To sell and part with this most blessed Christ, to exchange Him for the things of this life, for any thing. The temptation lay upon me for the space of a year, and did follow me so continually, that I was not rid of it one day in a month: no, not sometimes one hour in many days together, unless when I was asleep.

And though, in my judgment, I was persuaded, that those who were once effectually in Christ (as I hoped, through His grace, I had seen myself) could never lose Him for ever; The land shall not be sold for ever, for the land is mine, saith God. Lev. xxv. 23. Yet it was a continual vexation to me, to think that I should have so much as one such thought within me against a Christ, a Jesus, that had done for me as He had done; and yet then I had almost none others, but such blasphemous ones.

But it was neither my dislike of the thought, nor yet any desire and endeavour to resist, that in the least did shake or abate the continuation or force and strength thereof; for it did always, in almost whatever I thought, intermix itself therewith, in such sort, that I could neither eat my food, stoop for a pin, chop a stick, or cast mine eye to look on this or that, but still the temptation would come, Sell Christ for this, or sell Christ for that; sell Him, sell Him.

136. Sometimes it would run in my thoughts, not so little as a hundred times together, Sell Him, sell Him, sell Him: against which, I may say, for whole hours together, I have been forced to stand as continually leaning and forcing my spirit against it, lest haply, before I were aware, some wicked thought might arise in my heart, that might consent thereto; and sometimes the tempter would make me believe I had consented to it; but then I should be, as tortured upon a rack for whole days together.

137. This temptation did put me to such scares, lest I should at some times, I say, consent thereto, and be overcome therewith, that by the very force of my mind, in labouring to gainsay and resist this wickedness, my very body would be put into action or motion, by way of pushing or thrusting with my hands or elbows; still answering, as fast as the destroyer said, Sell Him; I will not, I will not, I will not, I will not; no, not for thousands, thousands, thousands of worlds: thus reckoning, lest I should, in the midst of these assaults, set too low a value on Him; even until I scarce well knew where I was, or how to be composed again.

138. At these seasons he would not let me eat my food at quiet; but, forsooth, when I was set at the table at my meat, I must go hence to pray; I must leave my food now, just now, so counterfeit holy also would this devil be. When I was thus tempted, I would say in myself, Now I am at meat; let me make an end. No, said he, you must do it now, or you will displease God, and despise Christ. Wherefore I was much afflicted with these things; and because of the sinfulness of my nature (imagining that these were impulses from God), I should deny to do it, as if I denied God, and then should I be as guilty, because I did not obey a temptation of the devil, as if I had broken the law of God indeed.

139. But to be brief: one morning as I did lie in my bed, I was, as at other times, most fiercely assaulted with this temptation, To sell and part with Christ; the wicked suggestion still running in my mind, Sell Him, sell Him, sell Him, sell Him, sell Him, as fast as a man could speak: against which also, in my mind, as at other times, I answered, No, no, not for thousands, thousands, thousands, at least twenty times together: but at last, after much striving, even until I was almost out of breath, I felt this thought pass through my heart, Let Him go, if He will; and I thought also, that I felt my heart freely consent thereto. Oh! the diligence of Satan! Oh! the desperateness of man’s heart!

140. Now was the battle won, and down fell I as a bird that is shot from the top of a tree, into great guilt, and fearful despair. Thus getting out of my bed, I went moping into the field; but God knows, with as heavy a heart as mortal man, I think, could bear; where for the space of two hours, I was like a man bereft of life; and, as now, past all recovery, and bound over to eternal punishment.

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