
詩と音楽 I (デモ、2018夏まで)

詩と音楽 I (デモ、2018夏まで)

1-12 音楽
- Byron, "Stanzas to Augusta"(sts. 1, 4, 6)
- Shelley, "To Jane" ("The keen stars were twinkling")
- Tennyson, "Claribel"
- Marlowe, Doctor Faustus
- Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, 1.5
- Shakespeare, Two Gentlemen of Verona, 3.1
- Milton, Paradise Lost, bk. 9 (I)
- Shelley, "To Jane" ("The keen stars were twinkling")
- Tennyson, "Claribel"
- Marlowe, Doctor Faustus
- Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, 1.5
- Milton, Paradise Lost, bk. 9 (II)
13 夢

GT: 曲、ギター、声


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