
Boehme, Three Principles of the Divine Essence, ch. 12


〈理性〉は言う--「あああ! もしアダムが欲情していなかったならば、彼は眠りに落ちていなかっただろう。わたしだったら彼とは違って堅く立ち、楽園を失ったりしなかったはずだ」。そこが問題なんだ、〈理性〉君! 自分のことを買いかぶりすぎじゃないのかな! 君の力を見せてあげよう。説明の門を開いてあげよう。そして、アダムと同じ誘惑の木の前でどれほど堅く立てるか、よく考えてみるといい。

さて、以下、真のたとえ話をしよう。君は少年、あるいは少女・処女だとする。アダムがひとりのうちにその両方であったような少年・少女だ。我慢できるかな? 考えてみよう。健康で美しい、そしてまじめな少年と、かわいくてまじめで慎み深い、目を惹く顔をした少女を一緒にいさせよう。仲よく、互いに好意をもって話させよう。何なら互いにぎゅっと抱きしめあってもいいことにしよう。だけど、相手を好きになってはいけないことにしよう。ちょっとでも、相手が好き、と思ってはいけないことにしよう。したい、なんて思うことはもちろんダメだ。そんなかたちで二人を40日間、昼も夜も一緒にいさせて楽しくおしゃべりさせよう。そして、心と気持ちを堅く保ち、ほんの少しで互いに対して欲望を抱いてはいけない、あんなことやこんなことを求める気持ちで自分を汚してはいけない、堅くしっかり命令を守らなくてはならない、ということにしよう。けっして少年はこの、あるいは他の少女と結ばれることを望んではならない、少女も同じ、ということにしよう。……さあ、〈理性〉君、これは悲しいね。君は弱くて欠陥だらけだったよね? はたしてこんな状況で堅く立つことなんてできるのかな? アダムに対して偉そうなことが言っていいのかな? 偉そうなことを言っても、それを守るなんて無理に決まっている。





これに対して自然の世界の霊(つまり若い男)は言った--君はぼくの真珠、汚れない真珠。お願いだからぼくを慰めて。ぼくと交わって妊娠するのが嫌だったら、せめて君の真珠をぼくの心に埋めこんで。それをぼくのものにしたい。君はぼくの金の冠になってくれないの? 君の果実を本当に味わいたいんだけど。

これに対して、アダムのなかの汚れない神から与えられた霊(つまり少女)が言った--わたしの大好きな人、わたしの夫、あなた、もう欲望が丸見え。そんなにしたいの? でも、わたしは処女。あなたは男。さわられたらわたしの真珠が汚れる。わたしの冠が壊れる。それに、わたしの優しさがあなたの意地悪と混ざる。明るいわたしの光が暗くなる。だからダメ。真珠を貸すだけ、わたしの服であなたを飾るだけならいい。でもあげない。


これに対して少女は言った--どうして暴力をふるうの? わたしはあなたの宝石、あなたの冠じゃないの? わたしは光であなたは闇。ほら、わたしがあなたに包まれたら、もうあなたは輝かない。そうなったら、もうあなたは暗い蛇。そうなったら、わたしはもうあなたと一緒にいられない。だからやめて。わたしはあなたのものにならない。宝石をあげる。それで我慢して。わたしの果実を食べさせてあげる。それがわたしの優しさ。でもあなたにわたしと交わる資格はない。わたしの本質は神の力、それがわたしのきれいな真珠、輝くわたしの光の源、わたしの永遠の泉。あなたがわたしの光を暗くしたら、わたしがあげる服を汚したら、もうあなたに光はない。もうあなたは生きられない。あなたの蛇があなたを滅ぼす。そしてわたしはひとりぼっち。夫に選んだ人を失う。一緒に幸せに生きたかったのに。わたしの真珠も美しさももう無意味。わたしはわたしの幸せのためにあなたの妻になった。わたしをきれいと思えなくなっても、でもわたしの宝石を、わたしの道徳を身につけていて。わたしと一緒に暮らして幸せになって。いつまでもあなたを輝かせてあげるから。


これを聞いて少女は神の心に向かって言った--わたしの心、愛しい方、わたしの力の源の神さま、わたしはあなたから透明に輝く者として生まれた。あなたの根から、永遠の世界から、わたしはつくられた。そんなわたしを闇の蛇から助けて。この蛇のせいでわたしの夫は病気。毒されている。誘惑されている。わたしを闇にうずもれさせないで。わたしはあなたの宝石。あなたを幸せにするためにつくられたはず。なのに、どうしてわたしは闇のなか夫と一緒にいなくてはならないの? 神は答えて言った--女の種が蛇の頭を砕くであろう。





Jacob Boehme
A Description of the Three Principles of the Divine Essence
(The Three Principles of the Divine Essence of
the Eternal Dark, Light, and Temporary World)
Ch. 12

Reason says; Alas! If Adam had not lusted, he had not fallen asleep: If I had been as he, I would have stood firm, and have continued in Paradise. Yes, beloved Reason, you have hit the Matter well, in thinking so well of thyself! I will show thee thy strength, and the Gate; and do but thou consider how firm thou shouldst stand, if thou didst stand as Adam did before the tempting Tree.

Behold, I give you a true Similitude: Suppose that thou wast a young Man, or young Maid, [or Virgin,] (as Adam was both of them in one [only] Person,) how dost thou think thou shouldst stand? Suppose thus, set a young Man of good Complexion, beautiful, and virtuous; and also a fair chaste modest Virgin, [or young Maid,] curiously featured, and put them together; and let them not only come to speak together, and converse lovingly one with another, but so that they may also embrace one another; and command them not to fall in love together, not so much as in the least Thought, also not to have any Inclination to it, much less any Infection in the Will; and let these two be thus together forty Days and forty Nights, and converse with one another in mere Joy; and command them further, that they keep their Will and Mind steadfast, and never conceive(z) one Thought to desire one another, and not to infect [themselves] with any Essence or Property at all, but that their Will and Inclination be most steadfast and firm to the Command; and that the young Man shall will [and purpose] never to copulate with this, or no other Maid [or Virgin;] and in like Manner, the Maid, [or Virgin] be enjoined the same. Now, thou Reason, full of Misery, Defects, and Infirmities, how do you think you should possibly stand here? Would you not promise fair with Adam? But you would not be able to perform it.
(z) Or propose in Thought.

38. Thus, my beloved Reason, I have set a Gloss before you, and thus it was with Adam. God had created his Work wisely and good, and extracted the one out of the other. The first Ground was himself, out of which he created the World, and out of the World [he created] Man, to whom he gave his Spirit, and intimated to him, that without Wavering, or any other Desire, he should live in him most perfectly.

39. But now Man had also the Spirit of this World, for he was [come] out of this World, and lived in the World: and Adam (understand the Spirit which was breathed into him from God) was the chaste Virgin; and the Spirit which he had inherited out of Nature, from the World, was the young Man. These were now both together, and rested in one Arm.

40. Now the chaste Virgin ought to be bent into the Heart of God, and to have no Imagination to lust after the Beauty of the comely young Man; but yet the young Man was kindled with Love towards the Virgin, and he desired to copulate with her; for he said, thou art my dearest Spouse [or Bride,] my Paradise, and Garland of Roses, let me into thy Paradise: I will be impregnated in thee, that I may get thy Essence, and enjoy thy pleasant Love; how willingly would I taste of the friendly Sweetness of thy Virtue [or Power?] If I might but receive thy glorious Light, how full of Joy should I be?

41. And the chaste Virgin said; Thou art indeed my Bridegroom and my Companion, but thou hast not my Ornament; my Pearl is more precious(a) than thou, my Virtue [or Power] is incorruptible, and my mind is constant [or stedfast]; thou hast an unconstant Mind, and thy Virtue is corruptible [or brittle]. Dwell in my Court(b), and I will entertain thee friendly, and do thee much good: I will adorn thee with my ornaments, and I will put my Garment on thee; but I will not give thee my Pearl, for thou art dark, and that is shining and bright.
(a) Costly.
(b) As in the outward Court of the Temple.

42. Then said the Spirit of Nature (viz. the young Man) My fair Pearl and Chastity, I pray thee let me enjoy thy Comfort, if thou wilt not copulate with me, that I may impregnate in thee, yet do but inclose thy Pearl in my Heart, that I may have it for my own. Art thou not my golden Crown? How fain would I taste of thy Fruit.

43. Then the chaste(c) Spirit out of God in Adam (viz. the Virgin) said; My dear Love, and Companion; I plainly see thy Lust, thou wouldst fain copulate with me; but I am a Virgin, and thou a Man; thou wouldst defile my Pearl, and destroy my Crown; and besides, thou wouldst mingle thy Sourness with my Sweetness, and darken my bright Light; therefore I will not [do so.] I will lend thee my Pearl, and adorn thee with my Garment, but I will not give it to be thy own(d).
(c) Or modest.
(d) Into thy own Disposal.

44. And the Companion (viz. the Spirit of the World in Adam) said, I will not leave thee, and if thou wilt not let me copulate with thee, then I will take my innermost and strongest Force(e), and use thee according to my Will, according to the innermost Power(e); I will clothe thee with the Power of the Sun, Stars, and Elements; wherein none will know thee, [and so] thou must be mine eternally: And although (as thou sayest) I am unconstant, and that my Virtue is not like to thine, and my Light not like thine, yet I will keep thee well enough in my Treasure, and thou must be my own(f).
(e) Or Might.
(f) At my Disposal

45. Then said the Virgin; Why wilt thou use Violence(g)? Am I not thy Ornament, and thy Crown? I am bright, and thou art dark; behold, if thou coverest me, then thou hast no Glance [or Luster;] and [then] thou art a dark [dusky or black] Worm: And [then] how can I dwell with thee? Let me alone; I [will] not give myself to be thy own: I will give thee my Ornament, and thou shall live in my Joy, thou shalt eat of my Fruit, and taste my Sweetness; but thou canst not qualify(h) with me; for the divine Virtue is my Essence, therein is my fair [or orient] Pearl, and my bright [shining] Light generated; my Fountain is eternal: If thou darkenest my Light, and defilest my Garment, then thou wilt have no Beauty [or Luster,] and canst not subsist, but thy Worm [will corrupt or] destroy thee, and so I shall lose my Companion, which I had chosen for my Bridegroom, with whom I meant to have rejoiced; and then my Pearl and Beauty would have no Company(i): Seeing I have given myself to be thy Companion for my Joy’s Sake; if thou wilt not enjoy my Beauty, yet pray continue in my Ornament and Excellence, and dwell with me in Joy, I will adorn thee eternally.
(g) Or Force.
(h) Or mingle.
(i) Recreation or Delight

46. And the young Man said; Thy Ornament is mine already, I [will] use thee according to my Will; in that thou sayest I shall be broken, (corrupted or destroyed,) yet my Worm is eternal, I will rule with that; and yet I will dwell in thee, and clothe thee with my Garments.

47. And here the Virgin turned her to the Heart of God, and said; My Heart and my Beloved, thou art my Virtue, from thee I am clear and bright, from thy Root I am generated from Eternity; deliver me from the Worm of Darkness which infects, [poisons,] and tempts my Bridegroom, and let me not be darkened in the Obscurity; I am thy Ornament, and am come that thou shouldst have Joy in me: Wherefore then shall I stand with my Bridegroom in the Dark? And the divine Answer said; The Seed of the Woman shall break the Head of the Serpent, or Worm.

48. Behold, dear Soul, herein lies the heavenly Tincture, which we must set down in a Similitude, and we cannot at all express it with Words. Indeed if we had the Tongue of Angels(k), we could then rightly express what the Mind apprehends; but the Pearl is clothed [covered or vailed] with a dark [Cloak or] Garment: The Virgin calls stedfastly to the Heart of God(l), that he would deliver her Companion from the dark Worm; but the divine Answer still is(m), The Seed of the Woman shall break the Serpent’s Head; that is, the Darkness of the Serpent shall be separated from the Bridegroom; the dark Garment wherewith the Serpent clothes thy Bridegroom, and darkens thy Pearl and beauteous Crown, shall be broken, [corrupted or destroyed,] and turn to Earth; and thou shalt rejoice with thy Bridegroom in me; this was my eternal Will(n), it must stand.
(k) Angelical Tongues.
(l) The Son of God.
(m) Stands.
(n) Or Purpose.

49. Now then when we consider the high Mysteries, the Spirit opens to us the Under-standing, that this [before-mentioned] is the true Ground concerning Adam: For his original Spirit (viz. the Soul) that was the Worm, which was generated out of the eternal Will of God the Father, and in the Time of the Creation was by the Fiat (after the Manner of a Spirit) created out of that Place where the Father from Eternity generates his Heart, between the fourth and fifth Form in the Center of God, where the Light of God from Eternity discovers itself, and takes its Beginning, and therefore the Light of God came thus to help him, as a fair Virgin, and took the Soul to be her Bridegroom, and would adorn the Soul with her fair heavenly Crown, with the noble Virtue of the Pearl, and beautify it with her Garment.

52. But it was the Law and Will of the Virgin, that as God rules over all Things, and imprints(q) himself everywhere, and gives Virtue and Life to all, and yet the Thing comprehends him not, although he be certainly there; so also should the Soul stand still(r), and the Form of the Virgin should govern in the Soul, and crown it with the divine Light; the Soul should be the comely young Man which was created, and the Virtue [or Power] of God [should be] the fair Virgin; and the Light of God [should be] the fair [orient] Pearl and Crown, wherewith the Virgin would adorn the young Man.
(q) Molds or images.
(r) Or have continued in true Resignation.

Wing B3403も参照。註表記など適宜修正。


Boehme, Three Principles of the Divine Essence, chs. 10-11





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