


2008-02-04 19:26:10 | ランニング・大会







1. Adjust the intensity of your workout.

2. Up to 50% of body heat is lost through the head, so
keep it covered.

3. Warm up properly, start your runs at a comfortable
pace and slowly build up the pace to a pace slower
than your normal training pace.

4. Shorten your stride to improve your footing on icy
roads. Wear Ice Joggers over the soles of your shoes
for greater traction.

5. Carry a cell phone so you can make a call or carry
cab fare in your shoe or pocket.

6. Wind chill does not measure temperature, it
measures the rate of cooling. On a day with high wind
chill, prepare for the wind. Take a look at our wind
chill charts on page 118 as they will help you assess
your risk of frostbite.

7. Run into the wind for the first part of your run
and with the wind on the return portion.

8. When running by yourself, run in a loop in case you
need to cut the run short.

9. On your first few runs on snow or ice, you may
experience slight muscle soreness in the legs. That is
because your supporting muscles are working harder to
control your slipping.

10. Cover all exposed skin with clothing or skin
lotion. If you or your running partner have exposed
skin, be aware of each other to prevent frostbite.

11. In the winter it's dark, so wear reflective gear
and run facing the traffic in order to be more

12. Mittens are warmer than gloves.

13. Drink water on any run over 45 minutes.

14. Use a lip protector (like a lip balm such as
ChapStick) on your lips, nose and ears.

15. Gentlemen, protect your future generation-wear a
wind brief.

16. Our beauty tips for those dry hands: petroleum
jelly on the hands helps keep them warm and makes a
great moisturizer.

17. Do speed work indoors on dry surfaces.

18. Be aware of hypothermia for both yourself and
those running with you. Hypothermia is a drop in your
core body temperature. Signs of hypothermia include
incoherent, slurred speech, clumsy fingers and poor
coordination. At the first sign, get to a warm, dry
place and seek medical attention. You are more likely
to experience difficulty on a wet and windy day.

19. Do not accelerate or decelerate quickly in the
cold weather.

20. Make sure your changes in direction are gradual to
avoid slipping or pulling muscles that are not
properly warmed up.

21. Freezing your lungs is just not possible. The air
is sufficiently warmed by the body prior to entering
the lungs. If you find the cold air uncomfortable,
wear a face mask; it will help warm the air.

22. No need to get out the wool socks or double up on
your regular pair. Wear a single pair of thermal socks
to stay warm.

23. Take your wet clothes off and get dry ones on as
soon as possible.

24. Wear your water bottle under your jacket to keep
it from freezing.

25. Review runner safety. Safety is even more
important in the winter with less light and far more
ice and other obstacles on the running paths and

Weather and Running

We know that not every day will be a nice fall morning
or a brisk spring evening, so we need to prepare. What
do you wear? How do you alter your training schedule?
How do you protect yourself from the elements? These
are some of the issues we will deal with.

Cold-Weather Running Tips

With the temperatures such as they are I wanted to
point out a few simple rules to keep in mind if you
are going out in this weather.

First, if it is -30°C (-22°F) or colder, you do not
have to be a hero. Find an alternative to running
outside. This could be a great day for cross-training.

1. Wear three layers: base layer, insulating layer and
windproof shell. Some clothing is quite efficient,
such as Fit-Wear, and if you have this then two layers
will suffice.

2. Do not expose too much skin. Keep all extremities
covered, i.e., ears, hands, wrists, ankles and neck.
Your respiratory area (nose and mouth) will stay warm
because of the breathing business going on.

3. Apply Bodyglide or another type of body lubricant
to any exposed skin to help protect it from the wind
and drying effects of the cold.

4. Run in small loops close to your home base. If you
find it is getting unbearable, you will not be too far
away from shelter.

5. Bring cab fare, cell phone and I.D.

6. Tell someone where you are going (route map) and
give that person an idea of your approximate time of

7. If you start to detect frostbite, seek shelter
immediately and warm up. Do not stay out any longer.






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