

馬から落ちて落馬 !? / オバマ一家の愛犬死去

2021-05-09 17:42:35 | Weblog





 ・・・・・・ きょうはきょうは馬でなく、ワンちゃん。オバマ時代に人気のあったBoが死去。9日USATodayでは。デカ文字はアンキを。

 Former President Barack Obama announced the Obama family dog Bo died Saturday following a battle with cancer, saying the Obamas "lost a true friend and loyal companion."

 喪主 の !? 言葉は結婚式のようだ。

Bo was a constant, gentle presence in our lives—happy to see us on our good days, our bad days"

  He was exactly what we needed and more than we ever expected. We will miss him dearly."

Bo, a Portuguese water dog=漁用犬とか=, joined the Obamas in the

White House in April 2009, shortly after Obama took office, 

In 2013, the Obamas added another Portuguese water dog, Sunny, to the family.

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