Life in America ~JAPAN編

I love Jazz, fine cuisine, good wine

Durango Healthy Camp in 2007

2007-02-05 14:31:55 | English
Where is Colorado?
↓↓↓↓ Here it is ↓↓↓↓

Our destination is DURANGO, a small town near New Mexico, where Masako and Paul are thinking to settle down next.
They visited Durango last summer and stayed one of Paul's high school friends, Jerry's second house which he bought last year. Masako was so impressed by the house and said to me, "That is so gorgeous! why don't you come together with us in winter? You can ski with guys."
I got free round trip ticket for Durango, and went together with them. (Poor my husband will stay home alone..sorry)

About the host, Jerry

Jerry is a super rich man who has a super big size house on the hill in near down town San Diego. Paul and Jerry have known each other for more than 40 years since they were high school buddys. They also had been working together as firefighters.
Through once marriage and divorce, Jerry has now beautiful wife and three daughters. He is a "happy papa" and also sportsman who plays surfing, go yachting in summer, and go skiing and cross country in winter. We call him "iron man."
However, he was actually not so healthy. In his past, he underwent seven surgeries. After undergoing a major surgery of cancer several years ago, he struggled his way upward from it. Training himself stoically with Yoga every morning, he's recoverd a healthy strong body. It was last year when he bought this house in Durango to "enjoy his life."

"When I entered the house and saw the beautiful mountain in front of me, I immediately said, 'I'll take it.' I didn't even asked the price!" he said and smiled. Looking at his smiling, I was sure this house is not one of the "richman's pastimes," rather, his life is quite simple. He quested the place where he can be as he really is in this moment of his life because he knows the most important thing, the health.

My first impression about Jerry when I met him at the airport was "warmhearted papa." He produced a great feeling of hospitality and relieved me.

"This is Jerry's mansion"

This house was built in 2001 by the former owner, and Jerry bought it with stocks and all, beds, funitures, TV set, and every single spoon and fork. What an American! How bold!

Entrance. Beautiful contrast between blue sky and white snow


This is from back yard. Then I look from inside of the house....

We can see the breathtaking wide panorama view from the living room.
This sunshine cannot be seen in Canada or Chicago.

There is a small loft space above the entrance and this is my "bedroom."
I can see a beautiful full moon at night and sparkling sunshine in the morning.

This fireplace works very well and warms up the room completely.
I've never seen such type of fireplace which can warm up both side of the rooms.

This Jacuzzi makes Masako and I crazy.
This is in not the bathroom but the main bedroom whose floor is carpet!
It never happens in Japan.
I enjoyed bath time with candle light and snow light. Paradise!

Wild deers often visit the house.

Wide and practical kitchen.
Dusts can be swept out from this slit. How nice!

Almost every night we cooked dinner. It's such a wonderful moment to sit around the table and have a dinner together.
Masako and I cooked TENPURA at 3rd night. It was soooo tasty.

"Masako curry" at 4th night with a guest, Steive who visited.
He is a broker of this house.

Ski and Hot Spring in Pagosa

Feb,6 (Tue)
Next day, we went to ski. I felt a litte bit nervous because I haven't gone snowbording for two years. Can I still do that?

I rent the snowbord and the wear in this small ski shop.

Today we went to Durango Mountain Resort and accustomed our body to the snow.

Jerry and Paul. They both can ski very skillfully.

Feb, 7
We decided to go to Pagosa, next city of Durango, and stay one night.
Pagosa is famous for “Pagosa Springs” and Wolf Creek.
Masako planned to enjoy hot springs all day long, and other three plannned to go skiing.


That mountain is Wolf Creek!

This point is the top of the mountain, 11,775 feets. How fantastic!

PM4:30, we finished skiing. Hot spring are waiting for us!!!!

Pagosa Springs has eighteen different types of natural hot springs and jacuzzis. Guests are allowed to use this facility for 24 hours.
I cannot describe how wonderful it is especially after the ski.
Masako and I enjoyed hot springs again after the dinner until midnight. Our body almost melted into the pool...
The guys sank into a sleep at 9 PM.

I haven't known that there is such a good natural Hot Springs in the U.S.I want to come here again!

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Durango Days

2007-02-05 14:30:41 | English
Durango Stroll

It has been so warm this week.
Masako and I went to Durango downtown to just hang around. The city of Durango is very compact and cute.
We first visited the Durango train station of "Durango & Silverston Narrow Gauge Railroad," which is constructed in 1881. This railroad is one of the most popular turist spots in Durango, and the famous big race between bicycles and the train,
"Anual Iron Horse Bicycle Classic," takes place every May. Actually, Jerry is planning to participate in this race. Unbelievable! He's really iron man!

There are a lot of retro stuff in the station building. I felt as if time has been stopped here.

Winter and summer image (HP)

We happened to meet the train when it just came back from Silverston. There is no railroad crossing.

Today, we all decided to step out at night.
Jerry and Paul joined us and we went to the oldest bar in Durango,“The Diamond Belle Saloon”in the Strater Hotel, in which live local and national blueglass and ragtime music are playing through a year.

Not only musician but also the customers are really look "cowboy."

When we moved to the restaurant, beautifully dressed up people were enjoying dinner behind us. They looked like coming from 200 years ago!
They told me that they were the members of the Historical Society which preserve the traditional culture in Colorado.

It's surprising that they made all dresses by themselves.

After dinner, we went to the bar which Paul's friend owns. That night was "Karaoke nigt." Customers, even young guys sang country songs. Now I felt that I'm in Colorado!
At 10:00PM, we went back home. We usually should go to bed this time....

He is the owner, Stieve.
He managed everything, handling the turntable, calling in the customers, and singing a great variety of songs with "Joe Cocker" voice for himself. He is amazingly powerful and impressive.
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What an American Life!

2007-02-05 14:29:54 | English

Now the time has come to leave.
These days are like a dream.
I felt as if I have stayed one month or more living in the nature without internet connection.

Our camp begins with sunrise. Masako and I excise Yoga with our teacher Jerry, and we make our "original" breakfast with talking.
I learned a lot about Durango and Colorado which I've never known. It's such a wonderful opportunity.
I don't usually speak English so much after my husband goes to work, so it was very nice for me to communicate with other poeple a lot. Moreover, unlike my husband, both Paul and Jerry are native English speaker and teach me many vocablaries and slangs for me.

Jerry also taught us cross country ski which I've never experienced before in my life.

On the other hand, I vaguely understand how Americans live after they retire , what is called "I will do whatever I want to do (after I retire.)"
They enjoy NOW not just preparing or saving for their old age which nobody knows when starts. When he wants to live in the country side, he does so. When he decides to give up the country life, he immediately sells it and buys another one in the city. They don't cling to the land nor house unlike Japanese people. I think Americans are much more free from the responsibility or obligation to leave their properties for next generation.

On the morning we left

After the long holiday, I've totally been refreshed, and appreciate this opprtunity. My husband was surprised that I became talkative. He is also glad to hear my experiences in Durango, and we promise to go together next time.
After all, I love this place the best.
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2006-10-16 14:06:00 | English
Paul, Masako and I were invited by Paul's old "buddy," Hughie and Mary couple who live in Grass Valley. When Paul had been working as a firefighter in Tahoe, Hughie was one of his colleagues.They has kept in touch for more than 25years.
Paul and Masako visited Hughie's house last month after a couple of decades, then they were so impressed to see Hughie's "ideal" retire life. Masako was especially touched to see Mary's works of quilts in which she has been involved. Mary favors Japanese culture very much and she also makes "Japanese style garden" in their house. Hearing those stories a month ago, I couldn't wait going there to meet them.
We left Berkeley around 11:30am, went thoght Sacrament, and finally arrived at their huge estate. Their house was in the quiet woods, and its area was 3acres!!
One hourse, two donkeys, a dog and a cat welcomed us.

Hughie made this house for himself! Unbelievable!

Friendly donkeys welcomed us. They have their own "play ground."

Japanese Garden made by Mary.
There are a lot of stuff with Japanese taste here and there. We were so curious where she got them. A 20 year-old gold carp was in the pond.
Japanese taste arranged bath room is also so cute! Even though she has never been to Japan, she has much more sense of Japanese beauty than Japanese.

This is one of the Mary's works, the quilt tapestry.
She uses the different cloths of Japanes Kimono. It's so beautiful and also great idea.

This is Mary's work space. She has a lot of books about Japanese "Sashiko (embroidery)" and Japanese quilt design.
She also likes indigo dyeing. I wish someday she would visit my home town because my home town is famous for "indigo."

(from left) Paul, Mary, Hughie, Masako
Hughie and Mary are very "rare" American couple who have been with fifty years!!
Mary said, "I don't know why we have been able to be with such a log time."

While guys went out to their "secret" spot, girls went for a walk around the neighborhood. Mary told me that almost all of the neighbors are retired people and they sometimes host the party by turns for keeping their relationship.
Mary recommended Masako and I see another Japanese garden which one of her neighbors, Tom made.

When we went to Tom's backyard and appreciated his Japanese garden, soon Tom came back home and invited us to come in his house.

How impressive! He decorates an old "Obi (Japanese belt)" and "Hagoita (Japanese girls badminton)."
Americans seem to define "Japanese style" such as this. For me, it looks like "new year."

On the way back home, we found a beautiful maple tree before it turns red.

I brought Kimono and encouraged Mary to wear it.
This is the old Kimono called "Bin-gata (batik)" which I liked to wear in my twenties.
Mary was so excited to wear Kimono like a little girl.
She said, "My sixty-four-year is really exciting --going to Germany by myself and my first Kimono experience in my life!"


Hughie and Mary are the ideal mature, active couple being along with since they were the highschool first love.
After finishing raising three children, now they are enjoying their own life their own way.
Hughie said, "Here is my homestead."
"Homestead" means a kind of his own "utopia."
"Mary wanted to have a horse and now she got it, and I got the cabin I wanted. This is definitely my homestead."

Unlike busy life in Bay Area, I discovered the different American life here in Grass Valley.

Thank you so much!!

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