Life in America ~JAPAN編

I love Jazz, fine cuisine, good wine


2004-11-27 01:04:18 | アメリカ生活雑感
I tried to get over my routine days and went to Tokyo to meet some people who stimulate me.
One of my old friends, an actress who is two years older than me, performed the play, and some of my friends and I went to see her performance. She started to act only three years ago, but her performance was really good and impressive. What a good life!

I also met my ex-boss who has already left the company and owned his company, and I heard a lot of my colleagues had been doing well with their own jobs after quitting the ex-company. I've got a big courage from the stories. I talked with him about my experience in America, and what I can do about my next "theme of life."
During my five day stay in Tokyo, I met more than fifteen people and discussed a lot. When I was in my small home town, I had been frustrated without talking with anybody about my real feeling, but it's good opportunity for me to take it easy on my future. I could find out what the most important thing is for me now.

After I came back home, my parents also seemed to become better mood than before, and I realized we sometimes should spend the different time!
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Best Friend

2004-11-22 01:05:27 | アメリカ生活雑感
Every time I think of my life, I remember my best friend who had been spending the same youth with me. She always inspired me and I also impressed her. Even though we chose the different way of life, we still have stimulated each other and I've respected her since we were in our teen age. She is always honest, modest and diligent. I met her again today after a long separation.

After graduating the university, she passed the officer exam and became the "Mama Police" who was in charge of the corrective training for the children. She faced a lot of wretched children who are saddled with some complicated diffuculites in their family. These experiences made her decide to become a teacher.
Then she had been working as a junior high school teacher for more than ten years. She always faces children so honestly, passionably and straight that she was so popular among the children. She loves teaching, so when she was ordered to change her position, she was actually disappointed.
Now she is working at "lifetime education" program for elders who are looking for the good opportunities to learn about culture, history, literature, and other topics.

Since graduating the high-school, we started the different way, but we always have the same awareness of the problem.
We talked a lot today, and I knew we still had the same "theme" in our life even though our life had been totally different. I've got enormous energy from her again.
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Sprat Catch A Macleral

2004-11-20 01:06:14 | アメリカ生活雑感

Today was a beautiful day. It was warm and calm all day long. My parents and I gathered a lot of persimmons and packed them in many boxes and send them for some of my friends.
My father decided to bring two boxes to one of his friends, and he was given very flesh fish (sword fish) in return. This fish was wonderful and tasty so much. My mother was so happy and we ate this for SASHIMI at dinner.
I cooked my favorite "Chawan-mushi" and of course, I cannot stop drinking sake with this wonderful fish. I cannot explain how delicious it was!! I really appreciate that I'm in Japan tonight. This is so-called "A sprat to catch a mackerel."
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Taste of Autmun

2004-11-17 01:06:50 | アメリカ生活雑感

There is a big persimmon tree in the back yard of my grandmother's house. We have a good crop and share "our taste" for our good friends every year. Today was the big "harvest" day for my family. We worked hard to cut the branch, pack in the boxes. This year's persimmon is very tasty and sweet.
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What Should I Become Next?

2004-11-14 01:07:42 | アメリカ生活雑感
It's getting cold in these days. When I came back from California, I was completely suffer from summer heat ,but finally this most beautiful season has come! My plan to publish my book (Diary in Berkeley) is going well and I'm still editing my writing because it's too long!
On the other hand, I 'm still wondering where to live next. TOKYO? OSAKA? U.S? This means what to do next.
It's relatively easy to find a job without any deep concerning, but next job should be my "life work." Actually this is very clear. It's the thing that I've never experienced before in my life.

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2004-11-10 01:08:15 | アメリカ生活雑感

"Govenor" Arnold Schwarzenegger has visited Japan. He is well known as a pro-Japanese person and has ever visited Japan more than ten times. Japanese people call him "Schwa-chan" with full of friendliness. Of corse, this is his first visit as a "Governor," and he immediately starts meeting various kinds of people including Prime Minister KOIZUMI and showed up the famous news program tonight.

He appeared majestically in the studio and smiled for all audience saying "Up until now, I came to promote my movies and the Special Olympics, but this time I'm representing the people of California." Then the anchor man asked him a lot of questions, and Shwar-chan answered very fruently (too much).

A : Are you still training your body to gain the muscle?...... Do you think Governor needs good muscles?
S : Yes, I am...... I think the good substance is much more important.
A : Why did you become a Governor even though you were already successful as a actor?
S : I think it's importnt for me to be "hungry" in any time. I've already got enogh fame and satisfied my desire.
It's all thank to the U.S., so I want to pay back for this country.

A : This question may be very interesting for all people, but what do you think you will become the president of the U.S.?
S : It's a very good debate that foreigners can get more chance to join the politics in the U.S, but I don't think myself being the president now.
A : You said you wanted to be hungry. Don't you think becoming the president is more hungry for you?
S : I have a mission to reorganize California as a Governor of Califoenia which is sixth economically biggest state in the world. California is not just a state but a country. I only think about California, and I'm up to the ears in the work.
A : As everybody knows that Calofornia is the state which most of the people support Democtratic-Party. However you support President Bush at the end of this election. What do you think about this?
S : I've suported him from the beginning of this election as a Governor of Calfornia, and people know it.

A : America is a super power country, but on the other hand, this country has become more and more unpopular among some of other countries. What do you think?
S : I think President Bush's decision was right. There are some complicated cases which we can't wait for everybody's approval and have to make the swift action. We try to get the support and approval from those countries from now on.

He talked so much that he used up all the time of this program, and audience had no time to question him.
At the end,of course he said this line, "I 'll be back."

* * * * * * *
Personally, I really want him to make the best efforts so that foreigners can work in California without any confusing and frustrating Visa problems instead of coming to Japan to only promote California. What you can do for others is more important to promote yourself, Schwa-chan!

*This isn't his exact saying but my translation (because it was dubbed.)

* this is the "Schwa-chan's past in Japan.
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Music Saves Me

2004-11-06 01:15:42 | music/festival
Here is a bar in a small town named AMAGASAKI.
Six years ago, I was working in Osaka and started performing jazz with my friends. At that time, we were looking for a good place where we could perform as an amatureur band.
One day a friend of mine introduced a bar "Arcadia" to me, and I got a good chance to perform in public. After then, our performances amounted over ten times.

Last month, I've got a news that "Arcadia" would close at the end of the month. I planed to hold a farewell party with my old friends who had shared such a good time together.

I sang several songs and played the piano at the party remembering my old good memories in this bar. Thanks to "Arcadia" and all the people who gave me the good chance, I'm here.

Music always helped me not only in Japan but also in America....

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No! 4More Years

2004-11-04 01:16:39 | アメリカ生活雑感
I know he isn't personally bad person, but when it comes to the president of the United States, I can't accept it.

At the same time, I do realize that I had been living in purely liberal place in America. I'm so confused where I had lived in? Had I really been in America? Which is real America, conscientios America or selfish and autocratic America?

Prime Minister KOIZUMI seems to feel relief at this result, because he and BUSH are reported in "honeymoon.”

Anyway, I don't want to talk about this just now, and my desire to go back to America is fading now.....

My friends, now is the time to get out of the U.S!!

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