Life in America ~JAPAN編

I love Jazz, fine cuisine, good wine

Sprat Catch A Macleral

2004-11-20 01:06:14 | アメリカ生活雑感

Today was a beautiful day. It was warm and calm all day long. My parents and I gathered a lot of persimmons and packed them in many boxes and send them for some of my friends.
My father decided to bring two boxes to one of his friends, and he was given very flesh fish (sword fish) in return. This fish was wonderful and tasty so much. My mother was so happy and we ate this for SASHIMI at dinner.
I cooked my favorite "Chawan-mushi" and of course, I cannot stop drinking sake with this wonderful fish. I cannot explain how delicious it was!! I really appreciate that I'm in Japan tonight. This is so-called "A sprat to catch a mackerel."
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