Life in America ~JAPAN編

I love Jazz, fine cuisine, good wine

Japanese Shame

2004-12-15 22:46:53 | アメリカ生活雑感
Prime minister Koizumi becomes Bush now.

Five Japanese who had been abdusted by North Corea for more than twenty years came back to Japan two years ago. It was reported dramatically and sensationally in Japan at that time. I heard this news when I was in Berkeley, and I was surprised and shocked how American media (government) wasn't interested in this topic at all. I thought the U.S. government keeps tracks of the Asian situation because it might has much to do with U.S. interest and "Security Treaty." However, the fact was U.S.(Bush) just focued on Iraq war. It's very funny for me.

It is also reported that more than one hundred people have still taken away by North Korea, and Japanese government demanded N.K to bring all the people back especially ten people who N.K already confessed to haveing kidnapped. The result was N.K gave back their bone answering they have already died. After judging this bone, Japanese govenment concluded it's faulse.

Everyday, all day long, TV programs are stirring up the public opinion, and arguing whether Japan should impose economic sanction on N.K. or not. Almost 70% people agree to the sanction, but Koizumi seems to be very nervous and careful about this matter. He never explain anything cleary for people, and this makes people irritated day by day.
Actually he decided to extend the period of the Self-Defense Force (SDF) dispatch to Iraq for one year even though 90% of Japanese oppose it. He makes a opposite decision to public opinion.

The support rate for Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's Cabinet fell below 40 percent for the first time since he took power in 2001. He is really honeymoon with Bush!
Shame on you, koizumi.

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