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2016-10-15 10:41:34 | 慰安婦

●夕刊フジ 平成28年8月23日号



■大高未貴(おおたか・みき) 1969年、東京都生まれ。フェリス女学院大学卒業。ダライ・ラマ14世や、PLOの故アラファト議長などにインタビューする。著書に『ISISイスラム国残虐支配の真実』(双葉社)など。
最新号「新潮45」のリポート「『吉田清治』長男、衝撃の告白 『慰安婦像をクレーン車で撤去したい』 慰安婦問題を作った男の肖像」では、吉田氏の長男など、関係者に徹底取材して、吉田氏の知られざる“正体”に迫っている。


Translation of an article of Evening Paper Fuji)

Concerning comfort women issue, a shocking report was released. The Asahi Shimbun left false testimonies by Seiji Yoshida, who claimed to "forcibly take comfort women away," more than three decades, and damaged Japan and Japanese honor and dignity. However, Miki Otaka, journalist, succeeded to interview with the oldest son of Yoshida in the Sept. issue of the monthly magazine "Shincho45." What are backgrounds of the oldest son who disclosed that "my father created boldly wrong history," and argued that "I want to remove comfort woman statues around the world with a crane truck," and Yoshida to whom involvement of an organization in the certain country is doubt. Otaka revealed a part of the report with all her might.

I have been interested in the person named "Seiji Yoshida," who spread the forcible taking away theory by Japanese forces around the world, for ten several years. Concerning Yoshida testimonies, Ikuhiko Hata, historian in the modern period, conducted a field survey in Jeju island, South Korea, where Yoshida testified the place of comfort women hunting. In 1992, he pointed its "falsehood characteristics" out on the Sankei Shimbun. Even Yoshida admired that it was "a fiction" in the coverage by the weekly magazine Shincho in 1996.

On May 27th, 1997 when he was a director, Youth Division of the LDP, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also pointed out at the 2nd room of Audit Committee of the Lower House that "to begin with, concerning this [military comfort women], a person almost a fraud named Seiji Yoshida...." In addition, on Mar. 5th, 2007, after taking seat of prime minister, he answered at the Lower House budget committee that "later, (Yoshida) testimonies were proved to be completely forgery."

As it was impossible to endure series of criticism, in 2014, the Asahi Shimbun finally judged Yoshida testimonies as lies, and retracted 16 articles.
In principle, the story should've been closed here. However, Yoshida testimonies have continued to survive strangely, do satanophany in explanations of comfort woman statues being erected in various countries in the world, and are still multiplying even now in the international community.
In spite of requirement by Foreign Ministry, the Coomaraswamy Report -- that adopted Yoshida testimonies as important evidence, and issued a criticism advice against Japan at UNCHR -- has yet retracted too.
Saying without fear to be misunderstood, Yoshida testimonies may be a great success as a propaganda.
However, the origin of the person called "Seiji Yoshida," who performed this propaganda, is still unclear. Neither the age nor the birthplace is sure, and both the educational background and the career are unidentified. And he has many names. He adopted a Korean, whose age wasn't so different from his won, for some reason. On earth, who was "Seiji Yoshida?"
As I was driven by impulse to want to elucidate the mystery, I visited the eldest son of Yoshida. The eldest son lived alone in simple way in a prefecture in Northern Kanto region. The words given from his heavy mouth in the first coverage were as follows.
"Concerning the forgery of forcible taking away of comfort women my father did, as an oldest son of the Yoshidas, I'm really sorry for every and each Japanese. If possible, I want to remove comfort woman statues around the world with a crane truck...."
"Though my father's responsibility is serious, on the other hand, it was impossible for my father alone to forge such scale of fiction. There must be some kind of involvement by persons who wanted to make comfort women issue a fait accompli."
After that, I visit the oldest son many times to cover him. And, in following memories in the past, shocking facts were revealed one after another.
"My father never went to Jeju island. He was writing manuscript(s) while watching the map at home." "When he visited South Korea for the sake of an apology-pilgrimage, an entry stamp was not stamped my father's passport with. Because...."
Though the Asahi Shimbun reported that Yoshida's post-WW2 career was as "office worker," I heard that Yoshida didn't get a main occupation for almost his life, and sons served his cost of living. His life was always poor -- implementing writing and lecture activities but not to earn enough money. On earth, for whom and for what purposes Yoshida did activities?
I was taught one of the keys to solve the mystery by A -- former detective at the Kanagawa Prefectural Police, who was acquaintance with the Yoshidas including the whole family for a long term.
I was taught that Yoshida "borrowed money from an organization in the Korean peninsula." When watching an apology-pilgrimage in South Korea by Yoshida on TV, A talked an impression at that time that "honestly say, I though sorry for him (...) (He) became thin, and it was just the figure being frightened."
The confession by the eldest son, who knows Yoshida more than anyone else, will blow comfort women issue's fictional cover gradually.

Miki Otaka




