Various Topics 2

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2024年06月06日 | 人物

Von der Leyen will likely be dethroned - But by whom? (




クラウス・ヨハニス - Wikipedia

Klaus Iohannis - Wikipediaは、




As a romanian, I can tell that Iohannis is HATED in Romania. He is very unpopular here because of his arrogance. He frequently goes in international tours with rented private jets (his schedule is very lite) and says that the price of his travels are state-secrets and doesn't publish them. The last time he was in an interview in press was in like 2018.

Romanian here: Believe me, externally Klaus Iohannis is praised by nearly the entire western world but when it comes to internal politics, he only manages to continuously hit historic lows for his public trust. His lack of transparency (a core european value) when it comes to presidential spending practices and also lack of communication / general inactivity as head of state since his last election in 2019 only made him more and more unpopular. ALSO, even though during his presidency, Romania didn t have a hard right gov., current polls show that the next parliament is set to have about more than a fifth of its seats taken by right wing, eurosceptic, parties, with Klaus Iohannis being seen as one of the main causes of this rise. (due to his unpopularity, opposition has generally taken a more anti western rhetoric). Remember, in 2015, Romania had no explicitly right wing party in parliament, now in 2024, it not only has, but that is also set to grow. Please, if you care about the EU, as much as it pains me to say, do not even think, (let alone trust) Iohannis for the EC President position. - and that applies to NATO also.



ウクライナとNATOとカール・ビルト元首相 - Various Topics 2 (

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