(米国国民(&日本国民)がマルティン・ニーメラーと同じ過ちをしませんようにhttp://blog.goo.ne.jp/afternoon-tea-club-2/e/bfd22a858c9b523bb1a16071947b4fd4 )
Cato is libertarian leaning as am I. Trump is a populist, so it would be unlikely he would listen them.
This is happening for many, many reasons. Part of the reason it was so badly executed is because Trump is battling the unelected bureaucrats in the government. He was unable to consult with them because it would have leaked to the press.
Immigration in the US is a mess. For those that live on border states the federal governement's unwillingness to do anything about is a source of constant problems, costs and crime.
The Obama administration was unwilling to admit the costs associated with immigration. This is a consequence of that.
The Obama administration was unwilling to admit that masss murders were committed in the US by radical Islamists. This is a consequence of that.
Obama's administration in secret did the same thing Trump did on immigration restrictions. When the press finally found out about they were unwilling to question the administration and publish it to the degree that are with Trump. The media in the US (and the world) being far less critical of the Obama administiration have again done us all a disservice. This is a consequence of that.
I'm ecstatic that suddenly the press and the world has taken an interest. I'm just wish they had done so earlier.
Sally Yates is a "political appointee" and not a "civil service" appointee. She was temporarily serving Trump as she was appointed by Obama.
As such she serves "at the pleasure" of the President. Trunp's order as much as I disagree with it was lawful. She absolutely deserved to be fired. If she wanted to properly and professionally make her point she should have resigned.
Her behavior is part of the reason our country is so divided and why we are disgusted with Washington DC.
Civil service appointees in the US have widespread protections and can not be readily fired in the US. That causes a whole bunch of other problems with our government, but that is a different discussion....