

お初? ouster、out of the blue

2017-05-13 14:26:06 | Weblog
・(記憶力良き読者よ、あしからず)FBI長官に、You are fired.とした件。13、14日NT・6面。大見出し。→→ Trump sought vow of loyalty これにに続く。↓↓

Dinner with president in January may have led to ouster of FBI chief



Out of the blue、the president suddenly showed new sides of himself



The birth of a mother who the baby arrives、a woman has to get used to a whole new identity
(前半、スッキリしない。後半含め良訳どころか、拙訳もnext to impossible) 次に来るモノで「なるほど」

Becoming a mother is one of the most significant physical(これは、nownでしょうね) and psychological changes a woman experience

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