・ The couurt was impeached on a narrow vote
(英々では、vote narrowlyが目立つ。でも、onはなにか説得力が)
・… poor judgement can be so bad that it becomes "maladministration” and thus …
▽ 歴史を引きずる(後遺症?)というのは、いずこも。どこの国の話かと。11日NT・11面。
Germany's Nazi past is still present 羊さんの話にあった。omnipresent
The country's memory culture was supposed to have transformed ii into a model leberal democracy.It hasn't.
・ The couurt was impeached on a narrow vote
(英々では、vote narrowlyが目立つ。でも、onはなにか説得力が)
・… poor judgement can be so bad that it becomes "maladministration” and thus …
▽ 歴史を引きずる(後遺症?)というのは、いずこも。どこの国の話かと。11日NT・11面。
Germany's Nazi past is still present 羊さんの話にあった。omnipresent
The country's memory culture was supposed to have transformed ii into a model leberal democracy.It hasn't.