こういう見出しが1面に踊る時代。UNDRESSING SHUNGA=2日JT。
Japan finally slides open the doors on its Edo Period erotic prints
9面・本文の見出しは、もっとオモロイ。( )内など、頻出問題だ。アンキしよう。
There is a lot (going on behind the closed doors) of shunga
pillow talk → ある英々をどうぞ。参考になる(かも)。
Conversations that people have when they are in bed together can be referred to as pillow talk、especially when they are about secret or private subjects.
Japan finally slides open the doors on its Edo Period erotic prints
9面・本文の見出しは、もっとオモロイ。( )内など、頻出問題だ。アンキしよう。
There is a lot (going on behind the closed doors) of shunga
pillow talk → ある英々をどうぞ。参考になる(かも)。
Conversations that people have when they are in bed together can be referred to as pillow talk、especially when they are about secret or private subjects.