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Are we really living in a democratic country?

2015年09月17日 | 友人・知人

Dear Tim,
Dear Claudia,
Dear Tomaz, 

Thank you very much for leting me hear your comments on this article yesterday.

Japan Today (2015.9.16)
Japan set for historic defense policy shift 

Here is today’s article. 

Japan Today (2015.9.17)
Upper house panel approves contentious defense bills amid chaos 

In this article, there is a such comment: 

The protests were reminiscent of those that forced Abe’s grandfather, Nobusuke Kinship, to resign 55 years ago after forcing a U.S.-Japan security treaty through parliament."

Well, let's hope in this respect he can be just like his granddad; not just the criminal points. 

In any case, Japan has taken another step towards being a dictatorship. LITERALLY thousands in the streets and millions across the nation against the legislation -- in fact, you'd be hardpressed to find someone FOR it, and even then someone for it who actually knows anything about it (and doesn't just hate China), and people INSIDE the DIET literally fighting against it and Abe and his cronies, including the sell-outs in Komeito, ram it through. That is not democracy, people. 

Shame on the government. I think the people need to get more physical and storm Parliament and physically remove the would-be dictator from his throne. THAT would be people power. 

A very, very sad day for Japan. You'd think it learned from WWII, but instead it's going back to the days preceding, and leading up to it. 

I agree with him. 

It is lucky for the man who wrote that, because he is not a Japanese.
It is unlucky for me, because I am a Japanese.

Best regards,


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