Various Topics 2

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2022年10月22日 | メディア・広告業界


Firstpost - YouTube




Ursula von der Leyen Under Investigation? The American Frontman Running the EU - YouTube


Ursula von der Leyen は、熱いスープに身を沈めたのかもしれません。欧州委員会の委員長はウルスラ・フォン・デア・ライエンであり、現在ヨーロッパの顔としてますます注目されているリーダーです。金曜日のEUの検察庁は、パンデミックの最盛期にEUがコロナウイルスワクチンを購入したことを調査していると述べた。これにより、ウルスラ・フォン・デア・ライエンが調査中の人物であると多くの人が信じています。


1 Ursula has 7 children and a husband who all live in California her husband is a professor at the Stanford university there, you might ask yourself where her priorities are; in Europe or the US. Not difficult to answer in my view.

2 100% sure she is NOT in favor of Europe for all this time, and yes she is definitely US's pawn and its outrageous how europe can't do anything about it, since she doesn't seem to make any mistakes and she is very aware of what she is doing and what she can do and say and what not. her only weak point would be she is being in favor of the usa even during this time where Europe more and more starts to antagonize the usa.

3 Her husband works for BIG PHARMA for a company which apparently produces Covid jabs. She is from an aristocratic family so she was well connect ( also with WEF)

4 From UK: Leyden has taken power because nobody tried to stop her... Simples, European countries are weak and she knows it , so does as she pleases. She feels secure under the US umbrella in any case. However she does not seem to notice the hardening position against US after the pipeline sabotage. It is a body blow for Germany and others, but more importantly EU countries are realising US danger as their gas companies profiteer from the blow to energy in Europe with cruel price rises..

This lady is not the most popular within the EU. Her appointment was hotly contested but nevertheless she got elected.... possibly with WEF, but definitely with US backing.... what never gets mentioned is that back in the 70s she hid in Britain because the Bader- Meinhof faction in Germany made her a number 1 target.

5 The head of the Public Prosecution Office is Laura Kovesi, a real ''tough nut'' if there ever was one. She caused quite a stir in her native Romania revealing corruption cases so high that in the end the president of the country was compelled to ask her to resign. Then, the EU sought to ''reward'' her for her unflinching, relentless fight against corruption by creating this office, the PPO, especially for her. It seems now in retrospect that allowing the proverbial lion(or lioness) into the European citadel and giving her almost unlimited powers of investigation throughout the 27 EU countries was not such a great idea after all...




Francesca Donato(イタリア)
Cristian Terhes (ルーマニア)
Ivan Vilibor Sincic(クロアチア)
Ivan Vilibor Sincic(ドイツ)

Gli scandalosi conflitti di interessi della Presidente della Commissione Europea: si dimetta - YouTube


欧州委員会委員長とファイザー - Various Topics 2 (

欧州委員長ウルズラ・フォン・ディア・ライエンは権利を逸脱していないか? - Various Topics 2 (

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