Various Topics 2

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2023年02月11日 | ランベール邸~ランベール家

格差とポリガミー(複数婚) - Various Topics 2 (

ポリアモリーやポリガミーと格差社会-駒崎弘樹氏も音喜多俊氏もイベント応援? - Various Topics 2 (






Unhappy Voltaire, or `I Shall Never Get Over it as Long as I Live' (

Voltaire was the victim of sexual abuse in childhood, though his biographers have been dismayingly reluctant to recognize this. It is suggested here that the experience affected his adult sexuality, and new evidence is introduced to support the view that he was bisexual. The claim of Besterman and others that Voltaire was hostile to homosexuality (a topic which is central to Candide) is rejected. The Philosophical Letters show that Voltaire was reluctant to think in terms of an interior self (thereby placing himself in opposition not only to Pascal but to Locke), perhaps because of the trauma he had suffered. Candide represents Voltaire's attempt to come to terms with his experience of evil and misery, and functioned as a form of self-therapy. Far from representing a new pessimism on Voltaire's part, it marks the point at which he began to experience happiness, redirecting his energies to helping other innocent victims, and experiencing good health for the first time in his life.

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