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Yahoo Japanが欧州で使えなくなる理由

2022年02月01日 | メディア・広告業界


ヤフー、欧州で利用不可に 4月から、日本語サイト(共同通信) - Yahoo!ニュース






Yahoo Japan is going dark in Europe - The Verge

Yahoo Japan has announced that most of its online services will cease to be accessible in the European Economic Area and the UK as of April 6th. The company’s email, credit card, and ebook services will continue to be available, but everything else is going dark.

The given reason is the cost of complying with European regulations, which would include GDPR. In a statement, Yahoo Japan says it would be difficult to provide continuous service for customers in the EEA and UK, and went further in telling Japanese publication IT Media that it would be “impossible” to meet the cost of compliance and respond to the related laws.


The decision to pull out of Europe entirely comes as Yahoo Japan is heightening its efforts to expand beyond its home market. Yahoo Japan’s SoftBank-owned parent Z Holdings merged with dominant Japanese chat app Line last year to create a new tech giant with worldwide ambitions. Takeshi Idezawa, Line CEO and now co-CEO of Z Holdings alongside Yahoo Japan CEO Kentaro Kawabe, said at the time that the new company “would like to launch a global smartphone app.”


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