▽ これだけmust満載の見出しは珍しい=18日NT・11面。( )内の常連に注意。アンキどうぞ。
大見出しは。 →→ Why do we(① appease)North Korea?
そして、It will(② stand down)its nuclear program only when sustained financial pressure threatens to bring (③ revolt or regime collapse).
さらに、Pyonyang's countless (④ provocations) since the Korean War have never(⑤ set off)a meaningful (⑥ punitive response).
②は常連。leave an important position or job
大見出しは。 →→ Why do we(① appease)North Korea?
そして、It will(② stand down)its nuclear program only when sustained financial pressure threatens to bring (③ revolt or regime collapse).
さらに、Pyonyang's countless (④ provocations) since the Korean War have never(⑤ set off)a meaningful (⑥ punitive response).
②は常連。leave an important position or job