Various Topics 2

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2021年09月11日 | 人物



Paul Belmondo (sculptor) - Wikipedia


Belmondo was born in Algiers, French Algeria, into a poor family of Italian origin (Piedmont and Sicily), the son of Paul Belmondo and Rose Cerrito.[1][2] His early schooling was at Dordor in Algiers. Passionate about art and design, he began carving at the age of 13 years. He studied architecture at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Algiers, but his studies were interrupted by the First World War. He was gassed at the Battle of Saint-Mihiel, and was then demobilized.

Thanks to a grant from the government of Algeria, he continued his studies in Paris where he became the student, then the friend, of Charles Despiau and Jean Boucher. He won the Grand Prix de Rome and Prix Blumenthal in 1926. He married Sarah Madeleine Rainaud-Richard in Paris in 1930. Three children were born to the marriage, Alain-Paul [fr; ht] (1931), Jean-Paul (1933-2021), and Muriel (1945). He received the Grand Prix artistique of Algeria in 1932 and then the Grand Prix of the city of Paris in 1936.[3]

During World War II he was a member of Groupe Collaboration, which advocated collaboration with the Nazi authorities. He was vice-president of the arts section (1941–1945). In 1941 he participated in a "study tour" organized by Goebbels in Germany, in which French painters and sculptors visited German cultural sites and art workshops. However, Paul Belmondo was not "worried" after the Liberation since many other well-known artists had also participated.

Before the war, he received many orders from the state, including the Palais de Chaillot with Leo-Ernest Drivier and Marcel Gimond. He became a professor at the École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris in 1956 and a member of the Institute in 1960.



「第二次世界大戦中、彼はナチス当局との協力を提唱したグループ協力のメンバーでした。彼は芸術部門の副社長でした(1941年から1945年)。 1941年、彼はドイツのゲッベルスが主催した「スタディツアー」に参加しました。このツアーでは、フランスの画家や彫刻家がドイツの文化的名所やアートワークショップを訪れました。しかし、他の多くの有名な芸術家も参加していたので、ポール・ベルモンドは解放後「心配」していませんでした。」

戦後も失脚することがなかったのか、1956年には École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Parisの校長となります。


コラボラシオン - Wikipedia



「私は正義を信ずる。しかし正義より前に私の母を守るであろう」と言ったカミュのジレンマ - Various Topics 2 (

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