西尾治子 のブログ Blog Haruko Nishio:ジョルジュ・サンド George Sand


MLA Convention, Boston (January 3-6, 2013)

2012年05月30日 | サンド研究


MLA Panels and GSA Annual Business Meeting, MLA Convention, Boston (January 3-6, 2013)

The George Sand Association will hold a business meeting during the upcoming MLA Convention. Date, time and place to be announced.

Convention sessions will be held

GSA Panel
"Sensuous Sand / Sensualités sandiennes"
Chair, Arline Cravens, Saint Louis University
Organizer: Aimée Boutin, Florida State University

1) Elizabeth Erbeznik, Northern Illinois University, “Suicide and the Sensual Self in George Sand’s Indiana and Horace”
2) Claire White, Peterhouse, University of Cambridge, “Towards a Sensuous Consciousness: Sand’s Worker-Artist”
3) Pascale Auraix-Jonchière, Université Blaise-Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, « Végétaux et sensualité dans l’œuvre de George Sand »
(click here for abstracts)

Chair and Organizer, Alexandra K. Wettlaufer, University of Texas-Austin

1) Mary Rice-DeFosse, Bates College, “Reimaging the Muse’s Life: Louise Colet as Writer”
2) Evlyn Gould, University of Oregon, “The Comtesse de Loynes and the Problem of Operatic Biography”
3) Laure Katsaros, Amherst College “The Poet’s Sister: The Legacy of Isabelle Rimbaud”
4) Rachel Mesch, Yeshiva University, “From George Sand’s Soup to Colette’s Carpet: The Woman Writer Feature Story in the Belle Epoque Women’s Press”
(click here for abstracts)
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