Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

小梅ちゃんとプレイデート、そして別れ (Play Date with Koume-chan and Goodbye)

2022-12-03 09:42:25 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hi everyone!

How's your day going today?

Okay, this is also a story in the beginning of September.

On such a beautiful day, May-chan and I had a play date with Koume-chan, a classmate at Japanese school.

We went to this big park.

May-chan seemed so happy.

It's a little bit one-way love and May-chan really loves Koume-chan and often tried to give her a big hug. Though, Koume-chan often got overwhelmed by May-chan's passionate love. Haha.

It's a weekday after summer break, so the playground was not busy at all. Yeah, I tell you this million times, but sky's the limit for kids energy!

Neither of them was able to do this zip line on their own a little ago, but they got big enough to do it by themselves at that time.

There's no typical swings there, but they could enjoy this style swing.

Both Koume-chan and May-chan were fearless, so they climbed up so high on the play equipment. Koume-chan went up so high and scared her mom.

This rotating one was pretty heavy.

As you can see, May-chan's face turned red after she ran around. It was very warm and we even got sweaty.

We left the playground and moved to another spot in the park. They made a good team to carry the bag.

This park is nicely on the lake, so you can swim in the lake in summer. May-chan's also enjoyed swimming there too.

We wanted to get to the beach, aka big sand box, so that the girls could do one of their favorite activities there.

Anyways, May-chan and I got to know Ume-chan and her daughter, Koume-chan, at Japanese school in 2021.

They actually move around a lot of places for work and were told to move back to Japan in December. So, this time was actually the last time for us to enjoy a play date outdoor like this. (Dang!)

My friend, Ume-chan, actually had much more knowledge and information about MN than I did and she taught me a lot of things. Also, I always enjoyed chatting about miscellaneous things with her at playdates.

Koume-chan was May-chan's very first play date and it was so precious so see them grow up together.
(In the beginning, they were individually playing, but as they got bigger, they started playing more mutually and had more conversation too.)

Honestly speaking, I don't know if or when we can have play date with Ume-chan & Koume-chan in Japan or MN in the future.

Again, they move around a lot for work, so they said that they probably won't stay at the next location for a long either. Yeah, I can easily imagine how hard and challenging their moving life is like just by listening to their story.

Even though, I got a big luck to meet such a nice lady, Ume-chan, as my friend in my life, so I definitely want to cherish this friendship for the rest of my life wherever we are.

Okay, this is all about another fun play date with Ume-chan & Koume-chan in September.

Thank you for reading again!!!Take care!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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