Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

夜のそり遊び (Night Sledding)

2021-02-27 10:17:18 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello everyone!

How's everything going in your life?

Well me? I still keep doing my best to take my energetic daughter outside as often as possible.

In my mind, I'm responsible to take care of May-chan full time weekdays since Andy does his full time job as well. Then, on weekends, I hope that Andy and I can take the responsibility to watch May-chan 50-50.

Thankfully, Andy watches May-chan for the first couple of hours in the morning on weekends so that I can sleep in as long as I like. Though, once I get up, I usually do most of the things for May-chan for the rest of the day, which sometimes makes me wonder, "Is this what I planned??" LOL

As for outdoor play on weekends, I let myself to skip it since I do my best to take May-chan out pretty much everyday weekdays, so I just set weekend days as my rest days.

To be honest with you, I feel guilty when I skip taking May-chan out, but when it was still warm out, Andy took her out on weekends instead of me, which let me have some relaxing Me-time without feeling bad for May-chan.

Though, it's MN harsh winter now, and it's harder for Andy to have the father and daughter outdoor play time lately.
(Besides that, weekend days are also precious free time for Andy too, so I don't want to take it away from him either.)

On this weekend day, I was being lazy and enjoyed to stay inside the warm house. Just I said, it was a weekend day, and I was thinking, "I can skip outdoor play today!". Though, my own rule doesn't apply to the energetic 2 year old. May-chan was too bored to stay inside the house and ended up coming to me saying, "Ah-sigh! (outside)" with her boots in her hands.

"Grr..., I don't wanna go outside..." I honestly thought, but again, I'd felt bad for May-chan, so I kicked my butt to do my daughter's favor though it's already getting dark out.

She looked super happy! Yeah, I know, you really wanted to go outside. It's worth it that I kicked my butt. Haha.
(BTW, Dad&Mom gave her this snow suits last year or so, but they're still too big on her back then. She finally grew up big enough to wear them!)

She likes standing on top of this chair, so she's carrying it on her own.

But, she fell! (Oh no!!) The soft snow blanket protected her from a pain!

Yup, we sledded as usual.

She mastered to slide on her own lately, so I could take such a nice picture too! She had much fun with sledding!

While we're playing outside, Andy probably felt bad too and came out.

He sledded with May-chan a couple of times and...

took a few pictures of me and May-chan sledding together, which I can't do by myself.

We ended up playing outside for about 30mins or so that night.

It was only for 30 mins, but May-chan seemed so refreshed after.

This experience made me realize that it's very important for kids to play outside even if it's for a short time.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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バナナケーキを作ってみた、再び。(Homemade Banana Cake Again)

2021-02-25 07:57:29 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi there!

How's your life treating you today?

So, I've mentioned this many times here, but my family members don't eat vegetables almost at all except for me.

I don't care about Andy not eating vegetables so much since he's already a big boy, but for May-chan, I've been trying to make her eat vegetables in many different ways everyday. (Just kidding, not everyday, just sometimes.)


めい用パスタソースを作ってみた (Pasta Sauce for May-chan) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


めい用パスタソースを作ってみた (Pasta Sauce for May-chan) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


My past effort 1.


緑のお好み焼き (Green Okonomi-yaki) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


緑のお好み焼き (Green Okonomi-yaki) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


My past effort 2.

Not only vegetables, but also May-chan doesn't eat fruits either. Bananas were only fruits that she used to like.
(Even before, she sometimes ate more than 1 banana at once and sometimes didn't eat any...)

Unfortunately, she doesn't like bananas anymore recently.

I usually freeze ones that she didn't eat and use them when I make pancakes, but the other day I decided to make a banana cake after a long time.

I realized about this as I was writing this article, but I've actually made banana cakes twice before. Haha.
(Yeah, I totally forgot about that.)


バナナケーキを作ったよ。 (Homemade Banana cake) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


バナナケーキを作ったよ。 (Homemade Banana cake) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)



バナナケーキを作ったよ。りんご入り編 (Homemade Banana cake with Apple) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


バナナケーキを作ったよ。りんご入り編 (Homemade Banana cake with Apple) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)



バナナたっぷり! 基本のバナナケーキのレシピ動画・作り方 | DELISH KITCHEN




I used a different recipe from the ones that I tried in the last 2 times.

Yeah, I could have waited for the bananas to get riper, but I used them at the point anyways. (I heated them up a little bit in the microwave.)

I mashed them with a fork like this...

I made some melted butter like this...

Then added eggs, sugar and maple syrup. Oh yeah, the original recipe uses sugar only, but I customized it to half sugar and half maple syrup.

Then added flour and baking powder and mixed them well.

I poured the batter in the cake pan and then it's ready to go in the oven.


I cooled it down a little bit.

Then, Bon apetite!

Don't worry! She looks crabby in this picture, but she was actually happy! She finished the first 2 slices right away and asked me another slice! Yay!
(I tried some of course, and they're not too sweet and pretty delicious.)

When I saw May-chan enjoy the banana cakes, I was happy and thinking, "Oh, good! She loves the banana cakes!!", but things don't go as you like sometimes. In the next morning, I gave her a slice for the breakfast, but she only took a little bit and threw it away. (Dang!!)

After that, I still kept trying to change her mind and asking, "Do you wanna banana cakes??" several times, but she didn't want any. (Why?? She really enjoyed them yesterday!!)

What's sad for me is that she doesn't like Edamame beans anymore, which were only vegetables that she used to always like, and she doesn't eat much Natto (fermented soybeans) which I recently mastered to make at home...So, I've had a hard time to find a way to make my daughter feel like eating veggies.
(The only veggish food that May-chan would eat is dried seaweed (Nori). I'll try to serve more tofu from now on.)

May-chan actually has increased her knowledge about vegetables in general from books or TV, and she can recognize and often tells me "Carrots!" or "Tomato!" . Sometimes, she even pretends to eat her toy carrots saying, "Mogu-Mogu (Munch-munch), Oishi!! (Yummy)", but in the real life, even if I encourage her to eat a piece of carrot saying, "Hey, here you go!", she simply says "Nahh-!" in a moment. LOL

I just hope that her sense of taste will be developed well and she'll enjoy the deliciousness of vegetables sometime soon.

Anyways, this is all for my 3rd time homemade banana cakes. Yeah, just as I talked, May-chan's reaction wasn't that ideal again. (Same as the 1st and 2nd time.)

Thank you for reading again!!!

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11. 第二子妊活日記、心変わり (11 Infertility Treatment diaries, Changed Our Minds)

2021-02-23 11:06:25 | 3rdステップ/不妊治療(Infertility Treatment 2)
Hello everyone!

How are you doing today?

This is another article of Second Step series.

I've been writing about this topic, and this is something ongoing in our life for sure, but there's still a slight time lag from the present time. So, I hope that you'll read this as something happened a little time ago.

Let me briefly explain what Andy and I have been through so far for our 2nd infertility challenge first.

We first came up with this idea that we're going to use our frozen embryos which had been stored at the clinic in Japan for our 2nd IVF and tried to find a clinic who'd be willing to do it for us here in MN. Unfortunately, nobody could do that for some reasons, and we gave up the first idea.

We also made contacts with clinics in CA who'd have more connection with clinics in Japan, and 2 clinics there said that they could do an IVF with the embryos from Japan. Though, their clinics are located about 29hour-drive away from our house and besides that, there's still a risk to transport the frozen embryos from Japan to the US, so we came to conclude that this idea was also not realistic either.

Then, we also considered a chance to do another IVF at the same clinic in Japan where we did the 1st IVF and succeeded it. Though, under the COVID-19 pandemic circumstances, Japanese government has required everybody coming in the country to do self-quarantined for 2 weeks before they use public transportation. It means that I'd have to quarantine in a small hotel room at Haneda airport (Tokyo) with May-chan for 2 weeks, which seemed almost impossible to me.

So, after all sorts of the consideration, Andy and I decided to put our frozen embryos in Japan aside for the time and do an IVF from scratch at a clinic in MN. Then, we had the first counseling with a doctor and took a blood test.

This is the process that we're through, but we actually changed the path in the last minute. After we had the first counseling and pretty much got ready for another IVF like "Let's do it in the next cycle in January!", I started feeling something bothering on my mind, which I couldn't describe with words well.

The first thing which started bothering my mind was that they recommended ICSI (Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection) considering my age (I was 36 turning 37 in a month at the point.)

Speaking of IVF, there are basically 2 methods. One is that they spread sperm over eggs and let the sperms go into the eggs on their own, which is called Conventional IVF.

The other one is called ICSI (Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection) and they selectively pick one sperm and directly insert it in an egg with a needle.

詳しい説明はこちらのサイトで見る事ができます。体外受精と顕微授精の違い Oak Clinic
You can see more information about it here.

When we did our first IVF in Japan, Andy's sperm condition was really well, so they did a conventional IVF for us. As the result, they could grow 4 very good grade embryos and one of them is May-chan.

I said that they recommended us to do ICSI, but it's more like, "Given your age, you want to do ICSI for sure." and we even didn't feel that there's a choice.

It's not wrong that I'm 3 year older than when we did our first IVF in Japan, but even before I took a blood test or something and they get to know how good or bad my condition was, the doctor said that we needed to do ICSI instead of Conventional IVF just because of my age. So, I felt a little bit uncomfortable that we even didn't have choices to take.

As for the cost, extra things got added one after another, so the total ended up going much higher than the idea that we had from the price list on their website as well.

From the result of my first blood test, it said that my TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) level was higher than the normal number, so they said that I needed to see an endocrinologist to take care of it. Though, they wanted me to see a certain doctor who had connection with them, not the one who I had been taken cared of by for a while and more comfortable with.

To be honest with you, it's much more work to do with seeing a new doctor compared to sticking to the one who you've already known and trusted. You have to do all the new-patient paper works from scratch and explain everything all over again with a new doctor. Not only for that, you have to start building trust in the relationship between a patient and a doctor. So, in other words, you need more energy to deal with a new doctor mentally and paperwork-wise.

Even though I had some concerns on my mind, I believed that there's not other ways for us to do an IVF and also we'd already had paid the front money to them at the point. So, I even didn't think that we'd change the plan or something at all.

Then, one day Andy told me, "It's not like they're saying something wrong, but I don't like something about this.", which surprised me.

"Oh! You're thinking the same thing too?!", I thought. We both had something uncomfortable on our minds even though it's hard to explain with words.

Again, we'd already paid the front money and I didn't think that we'd change the plan, but when we found out that both of us had the same feeling, we talked about what we'd really want to do again. Then, we reached this conclusion, "We have to give up the front money, but we should follow our honest feelings rather than we pay over 10 times more than the front money for something we're not comfortable with. "

So, we cancelled the treatment with the clinic.

We're the ones who got surprised with this cancelation because we'd already started working on the plan, "Do an IVF from scratch in MN.", but this is how we decided to cancel the plan for the time.

Honestly, I didn't expect that the infertility treatment for our 2nd child would be this difficult or challenging, but I'm optimistically thinking that we're just waiting for the best timing to let everything work in the easiest way.

At the point when I'm writing this article, I even don't know what we would do next, but I truly believe that it can be miraculously fast and quick once everything works out great, so I'm looking forward to the timing as making the best decisions for us at the time.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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あんぱん作ってみたよ。(I made Anpan(Sweet red bean buns) for the first time.)

2021-02-21 10:26:53 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi there!!

How are you doing again??

This COVID-19 pandemic has been long, and I can't appreciate more all the medical staff who's worked on the abnormal situation facing a big risk of infection, all the essential workers who's kept working also taking the risk of infection so that we can have a normal life. Also, I easily imagine that a lot of people working in restaurant industry have spent a hard time to worry about insecure income. I just do hope that this pandemic will be over as soon as possible.

In the middle of my quarantined life, all I can do to help the pandemic end is stay quarantined. Even though it's very slight influence to the world, I sometimes can't stop feeling, "Sigh...this is kind of tough...."

Especially because now is in MN harsh winter, there have been less chances for us to see sunshine, which is kind of depressing, so it's more work for me to take May-chan outside than when it's warm here.
(If it was in a warm season, I could have Me-time like read books as enjoying sunshine while May-chan played in the sandbox...)

Though, if I skip taking May-chan out, I tend to feel guilty for that. So, I've made it like my duty to take her out pretty much everyday.
(Seriously, I sometimes wish that I were an outdoor lover.)

There's no doubt about our blessed life even under this crazy circumstances. Andy still has his job and can work from home. Everybody's doing fine. So, there's no sense in complaining about what I'm lucky to have now.

Anyways, I want to share another cooking article today. In my quarantined life, cooking is the best way to make me refreshed and relaxed.

I happened to see somebody eating an Anpan (Sweet bean bun0 on YouTube the other day, and it made me have a big craving for Anpans.

When I was still in Japan, I could find and eat Anpans anytime, but at that time, Anpans were not my favorite bread among so many kinds. It's kind of interesting, but you don't have a chance to eat something for a long time, you'd feel like eating it at some point even if it's not something you like the most. (The rule of "you want what you don't have".)

I remembered that I had a can of Azuki beans in the pantry, which made me feel like trying to make Anpans for the first time.

This is the canned Azuki beans (sweetened). It'd been sitting in the pantry for a long, long time and was already expired, but you know, it's a very valuable item here, so I decided to use it anyways.

The azuki beans still had too much water for the filling, so I boiled them down a little bit in a pot.

The filling is done.

I googled about the recipe for the dough and made it with my bread maker until the 1st fermentation.

The dough is ready.

While I rested the dough, I split the filling in 6 evenly. (Just because the dough recipe was for 6 buns.)

"How can I wrap the filling with the dough??" I had no idea about it, but I asked YouTube this time again.

After I wrapped the filling with the dough, I made them rise for the 2nd time.

They surely got risen well. Yay! I put some egg wash and sesame seeds on top of them, and they're ready to go in the oven!

Wow!!! They turned out perfect!!!

Let's look at them closer. Looks yummy!

I cut one in half. I could have put more filling in it, but it still looked very good.

Of course, I gave the freshly-baked sweet bean bun to this girl.

Oh, she took a bite!

She finished the half right away! Plus, she ate the other half after this.

I'd already known that May-chan loved sweet azuki beans when she first tried other kind of sweets with them, but she seemed to know the deliciousness again.

The breakfast in the next morning was also the Anpan.

She was super excited for the special breakfast, which made me super happy too!

Now I know that May-chan is a big fan of Anpans, so I want to get a canned or dried azuki beans whenever I get a chance to shop at an Asian grocery shop next and make Anpans for her again! Next time, I'll put more filling in them!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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我が家のバレンタインデー2021 後編 (Our Valentine's Day 2021 vol.2)

2021-02-19 12:46:00 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello everyone!

How are you doing today?

Okay, I want to write the rest of the story about our Valentine's day this year.

We enjoyed the fancy dinner which we took out from a restaurant nearby and started a present time.

From May-chan to Daddy, she gave BBQ fire starters and Daddy's favorite Picholine olives.

Then, from Andy to me. It started from a card full of love just as usual. (He used a BD card though. Haha)

I asked May-chan a help to open the presents.

This one was a set of cake decoration spatulas.

I actually had got one as a Christmas gift, but it looked a little bit bigger than I had expected and mentioned about it to Andy, so he thought that this set would fit my need and bought them as a Valentine's gift for me. Unfortunately, the smallest one of the set was as big as the one I already had. LOL

The one that I already had was good enough, so I decided to keep it and return the set. Instead, I'm going to order silicon baking mats with the refund.

Andy gave me another present which was...

Guess what it was!

It's an Agatha Christie's book! This one includes 5 titles! Lucky!

Next is from me to Andy. A card just as usual and...

just 1 present. May-chan helped Daddy open it.

What was it?

Here's it!! Yeah, it's too far in the pic.

実はこれ、Pulled Porkっていうお料理を作る時に大きな塊のお肉を細かく削いでいくのに使うんです。
They're steel claws to make pulled pork.


Andyっち特製プルドポーク (Andy's Pulled Pork) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


Andyっち特製プルドポーク (Andy's Pulled Pork) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


この記事にも書いているんですが、我が家ではAndyっちがたまにPulled Porkを作ってくれるんです。
I wrote about Andy's homemade pulled pork on this article, but he sometimes makes delicious pulled pork for us.

This is his homemade pulled pork.

We usually shred the cooked meat with regular forks like this.

だけど、このpulled porkっていうお料理、燻製器でじっくり火を通していくのにももちろん時間がかかるんですが、このお肉を削いでいく工程も結構手間がかかって、いつも結構な時間を費やしていたんです。
It takes a long time to cook a big chunk of meat in a smoker in general, but at the same time, the procedure to shred the meat with regular forks is also very time consuming.

When I was looking for something good for a Valentine's day gift for Andy, I ran into this product with a 5-star review saying, "Anyone who's attempted to shred a pork butt with two regular kitchen forks can attest to how labour intensive it can be. I've shredded an 18 pound pork shoulder in under a minute with very little effort. " which made me think, "Oh, this is a perfect gift for Andy!!"

Once the weather gets warmer here, I bet that Andy's going to make his pulled pork for sure, so I'll share how amazing or useless the claws would be when he tries them.

Anyways, after May-chan went to bed, Andy and I had a Colombo night after a while. Colombo night is we enjoy the drama "Colombo" as munching snacks or popcorn. On this Valentine's day, we had much fun with watching "Colombo" as enjoying our favorite Triple Chocolate Tiger cake that we got from a grocery store nearby.

Like this, even in this long stressful quarantined life, we still could have such a romantic and heartwarming Valentine's day with 3 of us, which turned out to be a very good refreshing time too!

Cheese! Thank you for reading again!!

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