Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

ユニクロ、無料裾直し始めたってよ。(Uniqlo USA started free pants/Jeans alteration online)

2020-10-19 11:58:18 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi there!

How's your day going today?

I started having pollen allergy symptoms from a couple of days ago. I always get the symptoms in spring and autumn and need to deal with my runny and sneezy nose.

I'm not sure which kind of tree I'm allergic to, but it always lasts about 1-2weeks and then goes away. So, I'll just wait and see for another week or so this time again.

Okay, just as today's title, I found that Uniqlo USA started free pants/jeans alteration when I was browsing their website the other day. It's super exciting news to me!

ユニクロ Uniqlo画像拝借元

I've lived in MN for 10 years and still have a hard time to find my size for pants/jeans here.


ミネソタでジーンズを買うの巻。 - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


ミネソタでジーンズを買うの巻。 - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


こちら、ミネソタに来て1年ちょっとの時に書いた記事なんですが、この時も自分に合うジーンズを探すのにいくつもお店を梯子して、結果的にGAP Kidsのジーンズを買ってました。
I actually wrote about it here 9 years ago or so, and on the article, I was saying that I had to check at several different shops just to find jeans to fit me and ended up getting a couple of pairs at Gap Kids. Haha.

In Japan, most of the clothing shops offer free alteration at the locations when you purchase pants/jeans, but as far as I know, there are some shops here who would do alteration for free here too, but those are usually very fancy and their products are pricy too or you have to become a member of the shop. So, it's kind of difficult for me to expect the same convenience here.

First off, I'm a quarter inch short of 5 feet and have a challenge to find jeans which would make my body line look good first before the alteration problem.

Just like I wrote on the article above, it was relatively easy for me to find some pairs of jeans in kids size which waist fit me well, but the styles really made me look like a kid.

So, it became one of my must-do things to buy a couple of jeans for sure whenever I got a chance to go to Japan.

なので、Uniqlo USAで無料裾直しをしかもオンラインでやってくれるという情報を知った時に、めちゃくちゃテンションが上がったんですねぇ。
That is why I was super excited when I saw the sigh saying, "Free pants/jeans alteration" on Uniqlo USA online shop.

Just in case, here's the details of their service.

$0-$5 alteration fee for products over $20.

$5-$10 for products below $20.

They'd do 4 styles of stich, but depending on the products, the available styles would differ.

Anyways, I tried to order a pair of jeans with the free alteration service to see what it'd be like.

Thorough making an order, I found one disappointing thing. I don't know why, but they offer the alteration service itself with certain styles of pants/jeans. I have no idea about the difference between the products available for the alteration and ones not.

This is the pair that I ordered this time. They cut the hems as long as exactly I ordered, so that was nice!

Though, the jeans size itself was a little bit bigger on me, so the butt part is much looser than I like. They're still a skinny style, Haha.

It's kind of hard to decide clothing sizes without trying them on after all, right?

Hit-chanの場合、今持っているジーンズのウエストがが少しきつく感じられるようになっていたんですが、日本で買ったものがほとんどなので、今回Uniqlo USAで注文する時に、今持っているジーンズのサイズより大きいサイズを買うのか、同じサイズを買うのかで悩みました。
In my case, some pairs of the jeans in my closet were getting tighter on me, but most of them were the ones that I bought in Japan. So, I debated if I should have chosen the one bigger or the same size at a shop in the US. (Generally, American sizes are bigger than Japanese sizes. For example, small sizes in the US are bigger than small sizes in Japan.)

I ended up choosing the same waist size, 28 inch, as most of the jeans that I already had. Though, as you can tell it in the picture above, the ones that I ordered at Uniqlo USA were a little bigger than my perfect size.

The website says that you can still return the product altered at the time, but I decided to keep them because they're still wearable to me.

Anyways, this is all for today. I'll be more careful to choose a size and a style when I want to buy another pair of jeans next!

Thank you for reading again!! Bye for now!!

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