Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

13 サードステップ/出血 (13 Third Step/Bleeding)

2022-10-29 21:38:03 | 3rdステップ/不妊治療(Infertility Treatment 2)
Hi there!

How's everything going today?

Yup, it's a Third Step article today.

So far, I wrote that Andy and I did our 2nd IVF in Japan, I got pregnant and the could identify the baby's heartbeat on the last appointment in Japan.

From today, I want to start talking about how the baby went to the moon here.

On Aug.3rd which was 2 weeks after May-chan and I came back to MN from Japan.

On the day before, May-chan and I had a great time on a play date with our Japanese friends, Ume-chan and her daughter, Koume-chan.

Then, on Aug 3rd, May-chan had an appointment for COVID-19 vaccine, so I took her to a clinic.

BTW, I was really prepared for the shot because it was the first shot for May-chan after she grew up enough to know what it was. Though, she actually didn't cry at all, even a single tear. She even didn't seem to care about it at all, which was a big good surprise.

She didn't get any side reaction or something and was doing fine as usual after the shot too.

Anyways, on Aug 3rd, it was around 5pm or so. I noticed a spot of blood on my pantie when I went to bathroom.

I hadn't felt anything weird or usual until then, so I was really surprised.

I told Andy about it right away and then he made a call to our usual nurse line and asked them what we needed to do in the case.

We specifically explained what happened to me on the phone (Not much of blood or not much pain etc...) and then the nurse told us, "If you keep bleeding in the next 24 hours , bleed even a little bit again within the next 2 days or start feeling a pain, you want to make a call to your obgyn. Otherwise, you want to take it easy and see."

Especially because I already had a couple of appointments for ultrasound or with a NP scheduled on the next week, the nurse on the phone told me that I could take it easy until those appointments unless I had more bleeding or pain.

At the point, Andy and I were surprised by the unexpected bleeding, but we both were calm and thinking, "This could happen for some people." since I didn't have any pain or issues.

So, I went to bed as usual that night.

Okay, let me end here today. Thank you for reading again!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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37 日本帰国 2022/ただいま、ミネソタ! (37 Japan Trip 2022/We're back, MN!)

2022-10-27 16:49:24 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hi there!

How's everything in your life?

Okay, finally this is the last article of the long series, my Japan diaries 2022.

May-chan and I stayed overnight at a hotel at Haneda airport on the day before the flight back to MN.

The return flights to MN were opposite to the outward flights from MN to Japan, which were a flight from Haneda to Detroit and then a flight from Detroit to Minneapolis.
The flight from Haneda to Detroit would depart at a little before 5pm, so we stayed lazy in the hotel room until the check-out time.

Good morning! Thankfully, both May-chan and I were feeling good.

May-chan actually got sick twice and had a sty once during the Japan life, so I was kind of careful of checking her condition before the long flight.
(I remember that she was sick on the return flight to MN on the last trip in 2019 and Andy and I had to take her to an urgent care straight from the airport at that time.)

My mom, May-chan and I had a brunch at Tully's coffee at the terminal which was the same place where Andy, May-chan and I had a breakfast when Andy's flying back to MN.
(Again, due to the pandemic, there were not many options to eat at the terminal anyways.)

May-chan got a donut as usual.

After the easy and quick brunch, we said thank you and good-bye to my mom there. She's planning to meet her friends in Tokyo using this opportunity. Thank you, mom!
(I'm glad that she seemed to have a great time sightseeing in Tokyo with her friends.)

There's not much space and entertainment to kill time at the terminal 3 before you go through security gates, so May-chan and I checked in right away when they opened the counter and went through a security gate in a couple of minutes.

After we're into the other side of the security gate, I was going to take May-chan to one of the play areas and let her play there as much as she would like to. But...,

Dang!! Again!! The area was closed due to the pandemic!! I felt very sorry for May-chan because I just showed her the area and had to tell her not to play there.

After all, we decided to just sit down at one of the waiting areas.

Like this, there's nobody around there.

She's looking so far at that time, which now makes me wonder what she was thinking about.

It was a little after noon when we went through the security gate, so we had quite time to kill until the departure time at 5pm ish. Just sitting doing nothing for hours was super boring to both of us, so we sometimes got up and walked and explored around the terminal.

At the terminal, they had this big section for capsule toy machines.

So, why not? I let May-chan try one.

She got this the front car of bullet train. She could have got just a middle part or a back part of the train, so I'd say that she had a good luck.

I was getting hungry, so...


You might know this, but Takoyaki is my favorite food. So, why not? I got them for my last meal in Japan. BUT!!!

They're almost cold!!

The best part of Takoyaki is the piping hot temperature and you enjoy them as blowing.

This was actually Deja Vu!!!

日本2018 (Japan 2018, vol.58) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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On the trip in 2018, I also got Takoyaki at Haneda airport as my last meal of the trip in Japan, but they were cold!!!

Why??? Why do they always serve cold Takoyaki??? Is there any rules at the airport not to serve hot food or something?

I was super excited for my last meal in Japan at the time when I took this picture, but after I took a bite, I made up my mind not to buy Takoyaki at Haneda airport ever!!!

May-chan got this ice cream. It was very pricey.

Finally, it's time to board the plane. I gave May-chan a lollipop so that she could relieve her ear pressure by licking it when taking off.

Bye-bye, Japan!! Thank you again for the great time!!

May-chan behaved really well on the flight. She enjoyed drawing or watching some cartoons.

It was a night flight, so May-chan slept about for the half time of the 12hour flight.

We landed at Detroit a little after 8PM in the local time.

I was a little bit worried if we could go through the custom and immigration gates smoothly since we had to transfer to another flight there. A good surprise was that all the procedure going through gates, especially the custom gate, was much more simple than before and I was like, "What? Don't you guys ask me any question ??Can I go already??" I could go through the gate surprisingly easy.

I have no memory of what we're doing while we're waiting for the next flight at Detroit. No memory means that nothing special happened. Haha.

Around 9PM, we took off from Detroit to MN!

May-chan was such a good girl on the flight too, but fell asleep 5 mins before we would land.

It was Mission Impossible that I carried 2 backpacks and May-chan all by myself out of the plane, so I asked a couple of cabin attendant ladies to get me a help. They kindly carried May-chan's backpack for me.

I assume that May-chan was awake at some point after we got out of the plane. Then, we reached the place outside the security doors where people were waiting for the passengers coming out. We finally could reunite with Andy there.

Luckily, I could pick up our suitcases after we joined Andy, so he pulled my heavy suitcases from the carousel for me.

Like I talked, the return trip was still long and required us to transfer once, but thanks to May-chan for behaving nice, the entire experience wasn't that bad.

We didn't get a bad jet lag like wake up at night and go to bed in the morning since we got back home around midnight and went to bed shortly after. still, our time schedule was slightly messed up and it took us almost 2 weeks to get back to our normal cycle in MN time.

Okay, this is the end of my Japan diaries 2022!

Thank you for reading again!! Bye for now!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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36 日本帰国 2022/さらば日本 (36 Japan Trip 2022/Good-Bye Japan!)

2022-10-26 13:13:27 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hello everyone.

How are you doing today?

So, I've been writing my Kyoto diaries here for a long time, but there's only a couple of more articles left.

May-chan and I spent 2 months from last May in Japan and were going to fly back home in MN on July 20th. On the 19th, the day before we flew back home, we were going to check out the Airbnb place where we stayed for 2 months.

In the morning of the 19th, we had some time before the check-out time, so enjoyed the last morning coffee time with my dad who swung by the place directly from his work after he's done his 3rd shift.

I'd already shipped 2 suitcases to the airport on the 18th, so all we needed to carry was 2 backpacks, May-chan's and mine.
(Still, I had to carry both May-chan's and my laptops in my backpack and it was pretty heavy!)

After we said thank you and good-bye to my dad, we headed to Kyoto station by train with my sister, Skutch.

At Kyoto station, we had the last lunch together with Skutch.

I have no idea if May-chan knew that we're going back home in MN, but she's so happy because the water cup at the restaurant was her favorite character, Anpanman's!

Skutch ordered this spicy noodles.

I got this curry so that May-chan could eat some white rice from it.

She's a happy girl there, which made my life so easy.

After the lunch, we joined my mom who was going to come along all the way to Haneda airport in Tokyo. Then, we said big thank you and good-bye to Skutch who spent most time with us and supported us the best by giving us a ride everywhere on this visit.

Let's get on Shinkansen (Bullet train) now!

I was having a morning sickness at that point, so it was a huge help and right decision that she came along with us.

On the 2-hour Shinkansen ride, mom kept distracting May-chan by watching YouTube with her or in other ways.

We're here! We safely got to Haneda airport and then checked in the hotel at the terminal 3.

We're not sure where we would like to eat for dinner at the airport since most of the restaurants at terminal 3 were closed due to the pandemic. We ended up taking out some fast food from Mos Burger (Japanese Burger shop) and Yoshinoya (Beef bowl) and enjoyed it in the hotel rooms.
(My mom ordered a big beef bowl which seemed popular for college sport athletes, which really surprised me, "Wow, mom, you're so young!!" LOL)

Thankfully, we got to the airport without any trouble and went to bed early that night so that we could be charged enough for the long flight on the next day.

I originally wanted to check in the flight online on the day before, but they said "Please check in a counter." or something probably because I was a green-card holder, so I ended up not checking in that night.

Okay, we said thank you and good-bye to our Japanese family after the great 2 months with them and then there's just one more step to reunite with our MN family.

The next article is the last story of my Japan diaries in 2022. I hope that you will enjoy it!!

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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12回目の結婚記念日 (Our 12th Anniversary)

2022-10-24 12:01:22 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hi folks!

How's your day going today?

So, it's been over 2 months already, but August 14th was Andy's and my 12th wedding anniversary! (Applause!)

We made one cycle in the Chinese zodiac calendar. Yay!

May-chan and I were back home from Japan only 3 weeks before the anniversary, so we celebrated it very casually this year.

Here's the celebration dinner.

Andy's special steak

Garlic mashed potato

Garlic bread

I sauteed an egg plant from Mom's garden, asparagus and some mushrooms (I forgot the name.)

All the dishes were our favorites, so we really enjoyed the dinner.

For dessert, Andy got my favorite cake from Lunds & Byerly's.

After the delicious dinner, we exchanged presents!

Oh no, it's not "exchanged" I was too busy coming home from Japan to get any presents for Andy. (Sorry, hon!)

So, it was a present time only for me! Andy gave me a card full of love and gratitude words as usual.

What's inside??

Yay! Another Blue-ray of Colombo! We've been too busy to do a Colombo night lately, but I definitely want to do it sometime soon.

BTW, I'm a fan of Colombo and watch it for a while, but I didn't know that Peter Falk wasn't Italian-American until recently! Did you guys know that??
(FYI, his father was Russian Jewish and her mother was Poland Jewish.)

Another present was a Hard Rock shirt. I've been collecting the brand's shirts for several years.

I'm so lucky to have such a sweet hubby who surely remembers all of our special days and celebrate them with me.

Again, I didn't get any presents for Andy, but at least got a card ready. Just like Andy did to me, I wrote words to describe how much I loved and appreciated him.


It was a very low-key way to celebrate our anniversary, but we could reminded ourselves that 3 of us were happily getting along together after 12 years.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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35 日本帰国 2022/はるかさんと再会 (35 Japan Trip 2022/Reunion with Haruka-san)

2022-10-23 11:34:47 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

Okay, here's another article of my Kyoto diaries. There's only a couple of more articles left, so I hope that you'll stay tuned.

BTW, I got 3 packages at the same time that I had shipped from Japan on October 19th.

The white big bag on the left had 2 boxes of books that I had shipped from the postal office at Kyoto station on July 8th and the 2 boxes on the right were the ones that I had shipped on July 13th.

All the packages were in a good condition and took about 3 months to get safely delivered at my house in MN, which I'm very pleased with.

Considering the fact that a New year's greeting card from my dad and a letter from my mom took more than 6months to be delivered, I assume that the international postal system has been back to normal lately.

Okay, let me get back to the title topic. 3 days before May-chan and I went back to MN, we luckily could see a friend of mine from high school, Haruka-san.

日本2018 (Japan 2018, vol.56) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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Haruka-san lived in Nagasaki which's far away from Kyoto for several years, but she's back to Kyoto a couple of years ago and we finally could reunite for the first time in a decade when I went to Japan in 2018.

めいちゃんの初日本 vol.15 (May-chan's 1st Japan Trip 15) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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When I went back to Japan with May-chan, we also could hang out too.

☆晴香さん☆訪ミネソタ記? - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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This was already more than a decade ago, but she visited Andy and me here in MN in 2011.
(At the time, I even didn't have a driver's license and mom kindly took us to many places.)

All we wanted to do was chatting as much as we liked, so I asked her to come over to the Airbnb place.

As you can see, May-chan opened her heart to Haruka-san right away.

Haruka's very good at taking care of kids too.

Haruka-san kindly got us lunch too. (Yeah, I'm spoiled by everybody. Hehe)

Oh well, why Japanese bread tastes so good??

I bake bread at home in MN and "Yummy!" I really enjoy them. Though, when I took a bite of bread from a bakery in Japan, "Yeah, this is the professional work." I really got impressed.

Haruka-san generously brought us dessert too! Beard Papa's cream puffs.

Beard Papa's Mall Of America — Beard Papa's Cream Puffs

Beard Papa

Beard Papa


I heard that the brand recently opened a store in Mall of America, but I luckily could try one in Japan thanks to Haruka-san. Thank you!

Of course, it's delicious!

Yeah, we barely could make the reunion in the last minute before May-chan and I left Japan, but we had a great time again.

Actually, she recently got married too! Congrats!! She's moving to a new place on the next day, but thankfully took her precious time and energy to come see me before the big day.

I hope to meet her husband sometime soon too!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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