Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

2 日本帰国 2022/薬の持ち込み許可書 (2 Japan Trip 2022/Permits to import medications)

2022-06-25 13:06:29 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hello there!

How are you doing today?

Okay, I'd like to write more about our trip to Japan which was for the first time in 3 years to May-chan and me and in 4 years to Andy.

Exactly a week before the departure day, we got a big thunder storm and tornado and a big tree in our yard fell down. due to the accident, we lost power and water and had to live in a hotel for a couple of days. Besides that, we also had another thing to make us extra busy too.

The beginning was about a month before the trip.

Our wild monster, May-chan, accidentally fell on and hurt Andy's right ankle so badly.

After that, Andy saw a couple of different doctors and took an X-ray too, but he still struggled with the strong pain and couldn't sleep a few nights even taking Advil and the injury didn't get better for a long time.
(He was actually using crutches after we're back home from the hotel.)

With the X-ray examination, they found out that Andy's tendon was hurt for sure. Although, besides the injury, there seemed another factor to last his ankle pain much longer than it's supposed to be, which was gout. May-chan's attack obviously was a trigger to cause a gout attack, but the combination of the injury and gout attack made the pain last so long.
(His doctor didn't tell that it's a gout attack, but considering all sort of facts, Andy and I ended up reaching the conclusion on our own.)

The foot pain was still going on even at the point when we came to Japan, but he did his best to watch his diet and take supplement for gout, which made his life pretty much back to normal.

Anyways, when he couldn't sleep at night from the strong pain, his doctor prescribed Oxycodone which was super strong pain relief.

Andy only took the medication once or twice when he had the hardest time with the pain, but he really wanted to bring it with him to Japan just in case he had to deal with the severe pain again.
(At the point, we were still not sure if the pain was just from the injury or also something else, so it's unclear for us how to prevent the pain.)

I also took medications for my thyroid hormone everyday, so I did some research about rules to import medicines to Japan about from 2 weeks before the trip.

After all, the quickest way to the answer was asking experts, so I emailed to Narcotics Control Department and asked them what we would need to do for our case.


What? Why Narcotics Control Department? You might wonder why I asked them about importing our medicines to Japan, but the strong pain relief for Andy, Oxycodone, contains narcotic ingredient, so the Narcotics Control Department is in charge of issuing a permit to import/export the medication to/from Japan.

I specifically lined up names of Andy's and my medications and simply asked them, "What do I need to do for importing these medications to Japan?"

Then, I was so lucky that the person who answered my email was super nice and kind. I was actually supposed to file an application to get a permit by 2 weeks before the trip, date, but he said that they could issue a permit if I would sent them necessary documents in a couple of days.

で、Andyっちが処方されたオキシコドンという薬は麻薬取締部で麻薬携帯輸入許可申請書というものを出して許可を頂かないといけないんですが、その他の普段飲んでいる薬(麻薬成分などが入っていないもの)に関しては、30日以上の容量を持ち込む際には同じく関東信越厚生局の健康福祉部 薬事監視指導課に輸入確認申請書の提出をしなければいけないとの事でした。
For Andy's Oxycodone, I needed to fill an application to "Import narcotics by carrying" and besides that, we needed to get a different permit to import other non-narcotic medications from a different department, Pharmaceutical Inspection and Guidance Department, when you want to carry in medications or medicines over 30 day doses.
(Depending on the kind of medications controlled by Narcotics Control Department, there are 2 different types applications, one for Narcotics and one for Stimulants’ Raw Materials. So, I'd recommend to simply ask them, "Which application do I need to fill for this medication?" via email or something beforehand. Again, they were extremely kind and helpful with me.)

(The application to import non-narcotic medications over 30 day doses is here.)

(重複しますが、同じ関東信越厚生局でも薬によって提出する申請書の種類や提出先の部署は異なり、麻薬成分が入っている薬に関しては麻薬取締部、それ以外の薬に関しては健康福祉部 薬事監視指導課への提出になります。)
The offices where you send the applications to also differ depending on which location you enter Japan from. In my case, entering the country from Haneda airport, Tokyo, so I sent our applications to Kanto-Shin’etsu office.

A list of their office locations is Here.

This is an application form for narcotics.

This is an application form for other medications.

What's surprising to me was that the necessary documents to get a permit for narcotics were more simple than the ones to get a permit for other non-narcotic medications. All you need for a permit to import narcotics were the application form, a letter from your doctor and a picture of the medication (container).

Still, the letter from your doctor must include all the following information, your name, address, the reason why you need the medication or the name of disease, the name of the narcotics and the size and the amount of daily dosage.

In our case, we didn't have much time to get a letter from Andy's doctor, so we asked the narcotics control department if an electric visit summary could be substitute for a letter from Andy's doctor since the electric visit summary had all the necessary information. Then, they said, "Yes, it has an electric signature from the doctor, so it's applicable to our needs."

As for the application to get a permit for non-narcotic medications, you need to give them more information and documents. Besides basic information of your prescription, you also need to give them the name of the manufacturer and country where the medication was made.

実はこの製造業者名と国名を調べるのが結構大変で、Hit-chanはそれぞれの薬の処方箋に書いてあるNDC(National Drug Code)という番号を元に、DailyMed というような薬の情報を調べられるサイトで、製造業者を調べました。
I actually had most time to find the manufacturer and country names and used this website called DailyMed .

Anyways, I talked to 2 different departments about the permits via email and a couple of days before the trip, we luckily got permits for all the medications that we wanted to bring in Japan.

We're supposed to get ready for the permits much more earlier, but thanks to the nice staff at the departments, we could get the permits. Honestly speaking, I even didn't know that there's such rules to bring medications in Japan (even though it's not narcotics) and that is why I started collecting all the documents in such a short time.

Oh well, in the middle of the process to get the permits, we happened to evacuate to the hotel. So, I was really stressed out then.

Okay, again this article won't be helpful for most of the people, but I hope that even one person in the world would like it.

This is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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1 日本帰国 2022/帰国準備 (1 Japan Trip 2022/What to do before the trip)

2022-06-19 08:26:17 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hello folks!

How are you doing today?

So, I've been writing a lot in the series of articles called "Third Step" here, but Andy and I changed our minds doing an IVF from scratch in MN to doing it in Japan with our frozen embryos there.

Due to the pandemic, we needed to do a couple of extra things ready to go to Japan as of May 2022.

One was that Andy needed to get a visa.

In a normal situation, the US and Japan have an agreement for visa exemption and Andy's usually allowed to stay in Japan up to for 90days without a visa.

Though, as of May 2022, the Japanese government regulated the number of visitors to the country due to the pandemic, so Andy needed to apply for a visa to enter the country.
(At the point, only people who were a spouse of a Japanese citizen or, for a few other reasons, were eligible to apply for the type of visa.)

So, I did some research about how to apply for the visa and mailed the application to the consulate of Japan in Chicago about a month before the departure date. Then, they mailed back Andy's passport with an approved visa on in a week or so. Phew, we cleared the first hurdle.

Then, we also had to prepare documentations telling that we're negative in a PCR test taken within 72 hours before the first flight departure time.

If you prefer a cheaper option, you could take a free test at a drug store like CVS or Walgreens, but from Andy's experience, we're worried if they're really going to get the result back in 48 hours and chose a local clinic telling that they're sure to get the result back in 24hours.
(Only for the test, it'd be fine for us to go take it 2 days before the departure date, but considering about the time to have them fill the specific forms (a template made by Japanese government), we went to take the test 3 days before the first flight.)

FYI, we used this clinic and they're really nice.

Again, technically speaking, you can use any format to show your test result as far as the necessary information are on it, but we thought that the format made by the government would be most trustable and least troublesome. So. we gave them the forms and had them fill them.
(The documents were okay in PFD files, so we asked the clinic to email us the filled forms after the test. )

BTW, I wrote this here on my blog, but exactly a week before the departure date, a big tree in our yard fell down because of the storm hitting us the night before. Due to the accident, we lost power and water at the same time and had to evacuate to a hotel for a couple of days.

竜巻が去った後。。。(After a Tornado passed...) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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ホテル生活 1日目(Hotel Life Day1) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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We had been really cautious not to get exposed to any risks of COVID-19 and self-quarantined about from 10 days before the departure date. May-chan and I skipped Japanese school and Andy worked from home too. Though, because of the unpredictable accident, our self-quarantine plan was messed up too.

Thankfully, we're all negative in the PCR test and they emailed us the filled forms in the next morning after we took the test.

Then, 2 days before the departure date, we installed a couple of Apps on our phones which Japanese government required all the visitors and uploaded all of our information such as passport numbers, vaccination records, PCR test results and etc...In a day or so, "Your documents are approved" they told us there's no problem with our documents on the app. Phew, we cleared the second hurdle!


Then, all we needed to do was checking in the flight the day before and then getting on the plane.
(For some reason, only I could check in the flight the day before online, but Andy and May-chan were told, "We need to check your documents at the counter." on the screen.)

Anyways, this is how we prepared things for this trip. Beside the extra documents due to the pandemic, we personally also needed to get some more documents ready too. I'll talk about it on the next article.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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6 サードステップ/最終決断 (6 Third Step/The Final Decision)

2022-06-15 09:11:08 | 3rdステップ/不妊治療(Infertility Treatment 2)
Hello folks!

How are you doing today?

Okay, this is another article about our IVF treatment record.

On the last article, I talked about how Andy and I confronted a financial challenge in the treatment.

Andy had taken a lot of time and effort in researching all the financial matters in the treatment, but one day he told me,


"The more I did research about it, the more the things got complicated. I started leaning toward doing it in Japan again."


Yeah, we'd been debating if we would want to do another IVF in Japan again or in MN from scratch for a long time.

Either way has the pros and cons for sure, which means that it's really difficult for us to make a decision easily.

In March 2022, around the time when we started facing the financial challenge doing an IVF in MN, Japanese government eased the restrictions about entering the country in the pandemic. So, the biggest challenge for our family, the rule of being not allowed to use public transportation for a week or so after entering the country, was lifted, and also they don't want you to be self-quarantined for several days after entering the country if you're vaccinated too.

Andy (a spouse of a Japanese citizen) would still need to get a visa, but as long as he has a visa, he can go to Japan too.

So, Andy and I restarted considering about doing an IVF in Japan again and did some research to see if the plan would be really possible or not.

When you want to do an IVF in Japan, the medical costs would be way cheaper than in the US, but you have to add all the travel costs to your budget instead.

IVF treatment in generally takes you 1 month at least for 1 cycle.
(I heard that some people take a bullet trip to Japan and swing back to their residential country right after their egg is transplanted.)

In case that you can stay at your family's or friends, you don't have to pay a place to stay and cut a lot of costs by that, but in our case, my parent's house isn't big enough for 3 of us to stay. Also, they live in a condo, which means that we would have to worry about May-chan making a lot of noises and bother other people living in the lower level.
(Thankfully, the neighbor in the lower level is kind and never made a noise complain to my parents, but I wouldn't be comfortable to force them hear all the noises that our little monster makes.)

So, we would have to rent a house for more than 1 month and also need 3 full-price flight tickets too since a child over 2 years old must buy a same ticket as an adult.

So, all the cost to do an IVF in Japan to us would be not much cheaper than the costs in MN, but the biggest difference is that it's way easier for us to estimate all the expenses doing an IVF in Japan.

Of course, it's not unusual that an actual expenses goes over the budget, but most of the costs for doing an IVF in Japan is going to be for the flight tickets and place to stay, so it's very easy to know the actual costs when you book it and it's not going to go over the price.

As for the medical costs, the clinic in Japan showed us a list of the costs for all the treatments and medications last time, so even if we would need more medications or something than the last time, it's easy for us to estimate the costs with the list and also the payment records from the last IVF that we did there.
(At the clinic in MN, they didn't include the costs for medications in the basic plan, and that's also why the total cost could go very high depending on the case.)

Anyways, after we did some research, we reached the final conclusion to do an IVF in Japan again.

Even though the regulations about entering Japan in the pandemic were eased some, but there were still a lot of things that we had to care about more than the time before the pandemic.

Oh well, are we really going to go to Japan and do another IVF there??

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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5 サードステップ/米国医療システムの壁 (5 Third Step/The High Bar of Medical System in the US )

2022-06-10 20:23:45 | 3rdステップ/不妊治療(Infertility Treatment 2)
Hello there!

How's everything going in your life?

Okay, this is another article of The Third Step series.

I have talked about how Andy and I decided to do another IVF at a clinic in MN after we considered about all sort of circumstances like the pandemic, our ages and etc... After we had a meeting with our doctor and loved her so much, all we needed to do was taking care of the financial part.

もしかして、これを待っていたのかな? (Have we been waiting for this??) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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I wrote about this on the article above, but besides the pandemic, the main reason why we changed the plan to do another IVF in Japan to here in MN was because Andy's company announced that their health insurance was going to start covering the cost of IVF treatment from the beginning of 2022.

As we were going through all the medical tests and meetings with the doctor, Andy did a lot of research and talked to a person from the insurance company or the financial advisor from the clinic about all the actual costs and the amount the insurance would cover.

Although, the more he tried to collect information, the more he realized how complicated the medical financial system in the US was, and he ended up being like, "Hon, I don't know. It's too complicated."

I personally didn't get much involved in the financial part and can't explain about it well here and also even Andy said, "It's too complicated for me to explain it." Still, let me share a little bit of what kind of challenge we confronted here.

First off, the total costs of IVF totally differ at the clinic we really liked. It's totally understandable that they say, "It depends on the case.", but the range of the costs seemed very wide to us.

So, we never know exactly how much it would cost until we actually do it. Plus, the difference between the possible maximum and minimum of the total costs was too big for us to be comfortable with.
(I can't say specific numbers, but the gap between the max and minimum costs could be $10,000 or so.)

The total costs would also differ at the clinic in Japan, but to us, any costs for an IVF in Japan overall looked 1 or 2 digits less than the ones in MN.

The total costs would differ depending on the case also in Japan, but the gap between the maximum and minimum costs seemed way smaller than the clinic in MN, and also it's easier for us to estimate the maximum numbers as well.
(Honestly speaking, it seemed like the sky is the limit about the maximum costs at the clinic in MN.)

Then, even if the health insurance would cover the costs, it's really hard to tell how much they're actually going to cover beforehand and it's also like something we never know until we actually do it.

Also, even if the insurance would cover some, we have to make all the payment to the clinic first and get quite amount of cash (we even didn't know how much we would need) to start the treatment.
(If I give you an idea, you'd probably need to get $20,000 to $30,000 ready in cash and it could be more than that too.)

Besides that, you can get tax deduction for medical expenses in the US as well as in Japan, but Andy said that the process seemed also very complicated and unclear too.

Anyways, even though Andy had taken a lot of time and effort in researching all the financial stuff related to IVF treatment here,

"Hon, I don't know. It's too complicated. Why don't we do it in Japan again?"

he asked me one day.

Andy and I had been deciding if we would want to do another IVF in Japan or MN for a long time.

Even though we had decided to do it in MN from scratch, we confronted a big challenge in the process again.

Oh well, what choice are we really going to take??

Stay tuned.

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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4 サードステップ/血液と精液検査(4 Third Step/Blood and Semen Tests )

2022-06-07 08:13:35 | 3rdステップ/不妊治療(Infertility Treatment 2)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

Today I want to share another article of Third Step (Infertility Treatment) series.

Same as the previous articles in this series, I was originally writing this article before Andy and I made the final decision.

So, what I'm writing here is not what we actually ended up doing, but I thought that even this winding history was a real record and could be helpful for somebody somewhere and decided to still share this article here.

On the last article of this series, I wrote about the first meeting with our doctor. After the meeting, "If we're going to do IVF in MN, we'll definitely want to do it with Dr. J!" Andy and I both really liked and trusted our doctor.

A week after the meeting, Andy and I went to the clinic for some additional blood tests designated by Dr. J.

We left home a little after 6am.

We both needed to take the tests, so we took a turn to go in the clinic and watch May-chan in the car.

We could get the results in a couple of days online.

This is the result of my TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) level.

I have undergone radiation therapy for upper throat cancer and because of that, my TSH is higher than the normal range, and I take medication to fix that.


セカンドステップ・その2 (The Second Step vol.2) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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I found the problem with my TSH in the beginning of my infertility treatment.


セカンドステップ・その4 (The Second Step vol.4) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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Since then, I've got a prescription for the medication from my endocrinology doctor.

They also did a test for Vitamin D and...

Hemoglobin too.

Besides them, we both took a test for HIV, HepB and HepC and the results came back fine.
(I'm also a HepC carrier, but I've done with the treatment over 15 years ago in Japan.)

Andy also took a semen test on a different day and the result came back normal as well.

After we talked to our doctor and did some blood tests, all we needed to do is having a meeting with a coordinator to take care of the financial stuff and documents.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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