Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

めい用パスタソースを作ってみた (Pasta Sauce for May-chan)

2020-11-30 07:51:30 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)

How's your life treating you today?

Thanks to everyone's support, our lovely daughter, May-chan, turns 2 years old today!!

Though, I can't use my laptop for a long time for some reason and have updated some articles that I had already written so far.

I'll talk about the details when my laptop is fixed anyways.

So, I've mentioned this here before, but my daughter, May-chan, isn't a huge fan of vegetables or fruits.

Andy doesn't eat veggies so much and neither of Andy and I eat fruits either, so May-chan took it from both of her parents.

I used to chop veggies very small and mix them in curry or fried rice and she ate them for a certain period of time, but not anymore. As far as I observe her, she judges if she would want to eat something or not by the color, looking or texture, which means that she says "No!" even before trying it.

Still, May-chan loves Andy's homemade tomato pasta sauce, and it actually gave me this idea. "Wait a sec, if I make sauce with veggies, she might like it!" So, I gave it a shot one day.

I just grabbed some veggies that I found in the fridge at the time and stir-fried them on a pan first. (Tomato, onion and corn)

A great nutrition resource! I added some spinach too.

I usually don't use this hand blender, but tried to use it.
(Actually, I was making a very little amount of sauce, so I realized that it'd have been much easier if I used my Ninja blender with the single serving cup.)

I seasoned it with salt&pepper, ketchup and Italian spices or something. (I just randomly picked up the seasonings and didn't measure them, so I'd never be able to make the same flavor. LOL)

In the middle of the cooking, "Oh, I can put some sausages in the sauce now to make it more flavorful!" I thought.
(Sausages are actually one of May-chan's favorite foods, so I didn't want to chop them too small.)

Done!! I put some parmesan cheese on top (May-chan likes cheese too). The dish looks something made only with May-chan's favorites.

Oh my, is she gonna eat it?? The most heart-pounding moment to me.

Oh, she seemed to like it! Yeah, it's ketchup based flavor which May-chan likes.

She even gave me a double yummy sign!

I froze the leftover sauce in a silicon container which was very helpful when I used to make baby food for May-chan so that I can defrost it in the microwave whenever I want to use it.

She liked the sauce for the first time, but she refused it on the second time. So, you never know whether she'd eat it or not even if it's a same thing.

Anyways, my first experiment to make pasta sauce with some veggies turned out to be worth it because she liked it once at least.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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今年最初の雪遊び (Play in snow for the first time in the year)

2020-11-28 11:18:00 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi there!

How's your day going toady?

On Nov.10th, we also got some snow that night and had a pause in the morning of the 11th, and today, on the12th, when I'm writing this article, we got some snow from this morning again.

As a Minnesotan for 10 years, the snowy view is so familiar and quite normal in November, but we surprisingly had a very warm weather enough to walk outside in T-shirt last week.

This week's big snow was actually the 2nd time of this winter and we had the 1st time in the late of October.

In a famous Japanese kids' snow snog, it sings "Dogs are excited running outside in the yard and cats are napping in the Kotatsu."
(Kotatsu is a table with an electric heater attached to the underside of the table.)

According to the song, I'm definitely in the cat team, but May-chan belongs to the dog team. So, I kicked my butt to let her play outside in snow as often as possible on the snowy week.

When we play in snow, I try to bundle us up to make sure that we're coldness and water protected. May-chan thankfully understood mommy's love and let me put the hat on her head without any resistance. (Phew)

I was originally looking for water proof gloves for May-chan so that she could grab things and enjoyed more playing outside with them, but I couldn't find any good size for her but mittens.

She's already super excited once she stepped outside. Yeah, this is our first play in snow this year.

This big smile was worth that I kicked my butt to get out of the house.

Look, snow got piled up this high on our soccer ball.

May-chan loves lying down on the ground in general, and of course, on snow too. The boots that she were wearing that day were actually too small on her and came off her feet so easily, so I ordered a new pair of winter boots for her right after this.

While we're playing, it was still snowing. May-chan sometimes gives a look into the distance like this which I don't see inside the house.

She loved throwing fallen leaves in fall and yeah do that with snow in winter for sure.

From my 10 years experience in MN, on snowy days, the temperatures don't get super low, and May-chan and I could kept playing comfortably just in medium level winter clothes.

I don't know why, but May-chan's favorite way to play in snow is eating the snow. So, her nose and mouth always get red like this.

Like this, we had such fun time with playing in snow for 30mins or so that day.

Once MN real winter comes here and the temperature gets super low, it's fatal to play outside, so I'd like to try to play outside with May-chan as often as possible before that.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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幼児クラス・バーチャル版 (The toddler virtual classes)

2020-11-26 08:30:04 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

If it's as usual, our family was supposed to gather and enjoy Mom's handmade Thanksgiving together today, but we are going to do it in a different way due to COVID-19 this year.

Anyways, I'll write about today sometime later.

So, it's already been for over 9 months since my family started the quarantined life.

Before the Corona pandemic got very serious, I registered a toddler class in the local school district for May-chan so that she could have a chance to play with other kids around her age.


幼児クラス5回目 (5th Toddler Class) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


幼児クラス5回目 (5th Toddler Class) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


Aww..., I miss it a lot!

It was a great opportunity for May-chan to have a connection with other kids, but at the same time, it's also a precious refreshing time for me to talk to other moms or the class teachers. For both of May-chan and me, the class was such a fun time.

Due to COVID-19 pandemic, they had to cancel the spring class in the middle of the course.

After the shelter-in-place order was lifted, they announced descriptions about the fall classes. They got 2 type of classes, in-person and virtual classes, ready for us so that we could choose one that we preferred.
(Before the announcement, they also had done a survey with us, parents, to get an idea about what we would want the classes to be like.)

One difference that I noticed about the fall classes from the previous spring classes was the age range. The spring toddler class that May-chan and I signed up was for kids from 1 to 2 years old, but this fall toddler class was for ones from 2 to 5 years old.

Andy and I discussed which style of classes we should have registered and reached the conclusion to choose the virtual classes since we still concerned about the risk of COVID-19.

The virtual classes are sent to you as links to circle time or reading videos every Wednesday, and you can play them for your kids anytime you like.

May-chan enjoys songs or plays along the videos like this.

The parents have online meetings on Wednesdays too, and we casually talk about general parenting things with the class teacher. We share joys and concerns and exchange each other's experiences or something on the meetings.

What I heard was that only 3 families signed up for the in-person classes, which means that people have been still cautious of the risk of the virus.
(Of course, they wear masks in the in-person classes too.)

Even for the virtual classes, there are only 6-7 families in there and it's very friendly and close to everybody.

To me, the weekly online meetings are still a nice refreshing time for me to talk to other moms and the teacher. Though, all May-chan can do in the virtual classes is just watch the circle time videos in one way, which is quite different from playing with other kids in a same room. So, I still miss real in-person classes.

Even before COVID-19 happened, all the staff working on the classes were just awesome, but in this odd situation, nobody knows what's really right, they've been trying so hard to figure out what's the best for us. I can't describe how much I appreciate them for that.

The fall class that we signed up was already ended, but I heard that all the classes in the school district including preschool or kinder switched back to virtual classes only due to another wave of the pandemic.

From the change or even just voluntary kindness, they're going to keep sending us circle time videos and host an online meeting with other parents regardless of their kids' ages once a week.

The toddler class in fall that we registered was already over and it's not a compulsory education either, so they actually keep the service to make circle time videos or host parents' meetings for free.

They could say that they didn't have to do it for us, but I really appreciate them for trying to do something for kids and their parents in the quarantined life, and it's really a big help.

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading again!!!

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5. 第二子妊活日記、第二の案 (5 Infertility Treatment diaries, Plan B-1)

2020-11-24 12:49:25 | 3rdステップ/不妊治療(Infertility Treatment 2)

How's your day going today?

Today I want to share another article of Second Step.

In infertility treatment for our second child, Andy and I originally hoped to transfer our frozen embryos from Japan to MN and then do another IVF with them at a clinic here in MN. Though, all the clinics in MN that we made contact with answered, "We can't help you."

So, we also made contacts with other clinics outside of the state and found 2 clinic in San Diego who would be able to help us. Though, even if they're in the same country, it's about 29 hour drive from our house to get there. As Andy and I were considering all sort of things comprehensively, our thought leaned toward the conclusion giving up the plan.

Around that time, I also started researching more about things to see if our second plan, "Do another IVF in Japan again" would be really possible or not.

One of the good things about doing IVFs in Japan is the reasonable costs.

Nowadays, the importance of infertility treatment has been more acknowledged in Japan and people started recognizing that the expensive costs are the high bar for a lot of patients and trying to build a financial support system by expanding the health insurance coverage or other ways. Still, the costs for infertility treatment in the US is incomparably more expensive than the ones in Japan.

Of course, depending on the clinic, the total costs would vary, but when Andy and I made the big decision to do our first IVF in Japan, we went through considering these 2 options

選択肢1 アメリカで300万円をかけて治療する
Option 1, Spend $30,000 for IVF in the States

・・・ When I get pregnant, I'll have a baby.
・・・ When I don't get pregnant, I'll have the money back.

選択肢2 日本で300万円かけて治療する
Option 2, Spend $30,000 for IVF in Japan

・・・ When I get pregnant, I'll have a baby. Plus, the great memories and experiences in Japan remains.
・・・ When I don't get pregnant, the great memories and experiences in Japan remains.

Andy ended up staying in Japan for 3 months and I was there for 4 months, so all the expenses for flights, rent and other stuff just to stay there were a lot. Though, when it comes to see the medical costs only for the entire IVF treatment including all the medicines, it ended up being about $5,000 for total. If we had done the same treatment and got pregnant in the same process at a clinic in MN, the total costs would have been 6 times more than what we paid for the treatment in Japan.

If we would do another IVF in Japan this time, the cost would be even less than the first time in case that we could use the 3 frozen embryos and get pregnant.

In a perspective of treatment itself, I've already done with the cycle to fertilize my eggs, so I can skip the part and start from the transplant cycle next.

More than anything, Andy and I already know that the clinic who's done with our first clinic is reliable. They already have all the record of our treatment, which makes everything smooth.

One of the big challenges to do this plan is how we can manage time and person to watch May-chan.

If it's just a short period of time, I could fly to Japan and do all the treatment on my own, but it's always a big challenge in infertility treatment that you never know when you would get pregnant or even never.

That means I even don't know how long I would need to stay in Japan at all.

The big question was also a big concern to me when we did our first IVF in Japan. Thankfully, I was blessed with May-chan on the first time, which was super helpful to manage and plan things ahead from that point.
(I wrote about it like this on my blog before. "When I found out that my pregnancy test was positive at the clinic, I was very happy that I was pregnant, of course, but at the same time I was very relieved that I clearly could see what to do from that point.")

If I can't tell how long I would need to stay in Japan, it'd be me who's going to take May-chan with since Andy works full time and it'd be impossible to keep watching her as working full time even if he can work from home.

Okay, this is going to be long so I'd like to end this here today.

Thank you for reading again!!! Bye for now!!

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AndyっちにQ&A・スパイスが商品化されるまで (Q&A with Andy: How his spice mix became commercial products)

2020-11-22 12:14:53 | Andyっちのスパイスミックス商品情報(Andy's Spice Mix)
Hello there!

How's your day going today?

So, just as I mentioned this on the last article, my hubby, Andy's original spice mix became commercial products and they're sold in stores now thanks to a big support from his old friend, Mike.

I live under the same roof with Andy needless to say, and also tried the samples before they started the first bottling process, but to be honest with you, I actually didn't know much about what and how Mike and Andy really did to make the business idea come true. Hehe

When I decided to write about this great news here on my blog, I realized that I didn't know enough about it. So, I came up with this idea, "Oh, why don't I have an interview with the inventor because he's in my house!" and asked Andy to answer some questions about the product and the story for me.

Photo of the inventor LOL

Q&A with the inventor! I asked him about how he made his own spice mix commercial products.

質問1 まず最初に、元々このスパイスミックスを作ろうと思ったのはどうしてですか?自分自身で作る特定の料理に使う目的ですか?
Q1 What originally made you feel like making this spice mix? For personal use for any particular dish?

回答1 まず最初にこのスパイスは自分で燻製器を使いリブや豚肩肉を調理する時の為に作りました。元々料理に関して色々と実験するのが好きで、言うまでもないですが、その方が自分好みの味が作れるんじゃないかと思いました。
A1 I originally made this for personal use on smoked pork ribs and pork shoulder (pork butt.) I enjoy the creativity involved in cooking and experimenting in general, not to mention I felt I could make something that suited my tastes.

質問2 最終的にこのスパイスの調合にたどり着くまでにどれくらいの時間がかかりましたか?
Q2 How long did you take to do all the experiments to get to the final recipe?

回答2 このレシピを作ろうに大体8年かかりました。ですが、友達と商品化しようと決めた後は1年半くらいで商品用のレシピを仕上げました。というのも、商品用のスパイスを実際調合している会社で使われているスパイスは、自分が家庭用で使っているものとはその風味や辛さの度合いが違います。商品用のものを作る際には最低量として1000lb(約453㎏)の材料を混ぜるのですが、どの種類の材料を使えるのかやコストについても考えないといけません。自分で使う分で使っていた唐辛子の一種が商品用では使えなかったので、求める味を再現するために似たような唐辛子の種類を探して割合も調整しなければいけませんでした。
A2 I've spent about 8 years experimenting with the recipe, but it took about a year and a half once my friend and I decided to sell it to get to a commercial version. The spices used by the company that mixes the seasoning are different in heat and flavor than the ones I use at home. When making something commercially where you're mixing at minimum, 1000lbs of seasoning, you have to keep in mind what products you can get in bulk and the cost. I use a particular pepper in my home blend that isn't available commercially, so we had to find a similar pepper and adjust the ratio to get the right flavor.

質問3 どういう経緯で自分のスパイスミックスを商品化する事になりましたか?
Q3 How did you get a chance to make your spice be commercial products?

回答3 かつて一緒に旅行をしていた友人がファーマーズマーケットで売るために自宅でサルサを作り始めました。そのサルサがとても人気を呼び、彼は仕事を辞めて本業としてサルサを作り始めました。彼は新たなビジネスの一部として、他の小さな企業の為に商品を流通させるという事もしています。時折、彼がミネソタに商品の配達で来て泊る事がありました。ある晩、彼が流通を請け負っているいくつかの調味料サンプルをくれる事があったので、その折に彼に自分のスパイスミックスを味見してもらう事にしました。するととても気に入ってくれ、ぜひ売りに出した方が良いよと言ってくれました。
A3 friend I used to travel with began making salsa at home for sales at farmer's markets. It was so popular that he quit his job and began making salsa full time. Part of his business is also distributing products for other small companies. On occasion he would be delivering products up in Minnesota and would spend the night. One night he was giving me samples of some of the seasonings he was distributing so I decided to have him try my personal mix. He liked it so much he thought that we should make and sell it.

質問4 どういう風に自分のスパイスミックスを楽しんで欲しいですか?どんなものに使うのがお薦めですか?
Q4 How do you want people enjoy your spices and what do you recommend to use it for?

回答4 このスパイスが一番合うと思うのはポークや鳥肉、そして味のあっさりしたものです。ポークチョップ、手羽先、鶏のむね肉、卵、野菜や自家製ソーセージなどが挙げられると思います。僕自身が一番好きな使用方法は燻製リブや燻製豚肩ロースです。
A4 I think the best use is with pork or poultry or other foods that are lighter in flavor. Pork chops, chicken wings and breasts, eggs, vegetables and homemade sausage are some of the ways we know people use it. My favorite of course is either for smoked ribs or smoked pork butt.

質問5 また違う種類のスパイスミックスを商品化してみたいですか?
Q5 Do you want to try to make another blend of spices to sell?

回答5 もちろん作ってみたいです。僕自身、色んな調合を試して一般的なスパイスミックスとは違うけれど美味しいと思えるものを生み出す過程をすごく楽しんでいます。たとえそのスパイスミックスが売れなかったとしても、新しいスパイスや調合を試す事自体が楽しいです。
A5 I do want to make another blend. I really enjoy the process of trying new combinations and coming up with something that is different than most seasonings but still delicious. Even if I don't succeed in selling a different blend, I have fun trying new spices and combinations.

質問6 このブログの読者さんにコメントをお願いします。
Q6 Any comment to my blog readers?

回答6 このスパイスミックスはお金儲けを求めて作ったものではないのですが、商品化する事によって色んな人の意見が聞けるのが嬉しいです。この商品をアイオワ州で売り出した1週間後、友人がフェイスブックを通じて、娘さんの元を訪ねた時にこのスパイスミックスを試してみたというジョージア州に住んでいる人からメッセージを受け取りました。この方はこのスパイスミックスをすごく気に入ってくれ、どこでもっと手に入るかを知りたくて連絡をしてくださったとの事でした。このように僕のスパイスを気に入ってくださる人がいるというのを聞いたり、実際にお店に行って自分が創り出したものが棚に並べられているのを見られるというのは、商品化したことで得られる一番の醍醐味です。
A6 This seasoning is something that isn't likely to ever make much money for us but the part of selling it that I enjoy is hearing that other people like it as well. A week after it first started selling (we began in Iowa) my friend received a Facebook message from someone in Georgia who had tried some while visiting his daughter. The man liked it so much he wanted to know where he could get more. Hearing that other people enjoy it and knowing that I can go to the store and see something created from my own mind on the shelf is the best part of this.

Okay, they're all about the interview with Andy.

By the way, there are 58 stores around Iowa selling Andy's spice mixes on the shelves and 1,100 bottles were sold so far.

Here's a picture from one of the stores who's kindly let Mike have his own shelf at. On the 2nd shelf from the top, you can see Andy's spice mix bottles on the left there.

My only wish is that we will distribute Andy's spice mixes as many people as possible and have them enjoy the deliciousness too.

Aim KALDI shops in Japan!! (KALDI shops are super popular for imported food products in Japan.)

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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