Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

The Market at Malcolm Yards(セルフで注ぐバーに行ってきたよ。)

2023-08-08 21:06:25 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hi everybody!

How are you doing today?

Oh my, it's already August!! Thankfully, I've been having such a fun and productive summer so far thanks to the home preschool which I talked about here the other day and other joyful events. In return for the fruitful summer life, I haven't got enough time for updating my blog as often as catching up with my real-time life events. Grrr!

Andy just said, "You haven't updated your blog for a while." a couple of mins ago, so okay, I will get one up today.

As I will keep going at this pace, I'll eventually never been able to share all the topics that I want to talk here, so I'll speed up more in my writing from now on.

So, what I want to share with you guys today is a great spot that you can enjoy nice food and beer in MN. Yeah, I've been writing mostly about my parenting life here lately, so this is something different for you today.

"Let's do a family date!" my Japanese friend, C-san, and I were talking and finally planned it back in June. We picked up this bar for our first family date since both Andy and her husband love beer.

The Market at Malcolm Yards | Food Hall of Minneapolis flavors

In fact, we're originally going to do the first date about a month before, but had to cancel it due to an urgent matter right before the day, so we used the rain check.

It's was a rainy day, but that's not a big deal. The bar is indoor.

We walked in right after the open time, 11am, so it's still empty there at the point. Though, as time passed, more and more were coming in and the place got busy. So, I recommend you to go there early.

There were some different stores like a food court inside the building and you could order whatever you liked from the store counter.
(You enter your phone number on a device at the counter so that they could text you when the order's ready.)

The main feature of the bar is self pouring beer taps. You can pour into your glass from any tap on the wall and they charge by weight.

FYI, when you walk in the bar, you receive a plastic card at the front counter and link your credit card to it. Then, whenever you order food or self-pour beer from taps, you scan the card on a device so that they can charge you all at once later.

I got this smoked salmon bagel sandwich and coffee.

C-san's family got this salad and...

this big Detroit style pizza. The size was 8x10inch, but it's pretty thick.

We also got a pepperoni pizza from the same pizza shop. May-chan surprised Andy and me by eating 2 slices!!

今回お友達も我が家も注文しなかったんですが、こちらにあるJoey Meatbalsというお店のシェフがフードチャンネルの人気番組、Guy's Grocery Gamesについ最近出演して、しかも優勝するという素晴らしい結果を残されたみたいです。
Neither C-san's family or we ordered anything from this store, but I found out that the chef from Joey Meatbals recently participated in the famous show on Food Channel, Guy's Grocery Games and he won the game too!! Bravo!

Joey Meatballs - Minneapolis, MN

Joey Meatballs - Minneapolis, MN




I got to know about the chef after the family date, so I'll definitely try something at the shop next time.

The place was pretty casual and family friendly, so both C-san's family (with 2 kids) and we were comfortable spending a fun time there. May-chan enjoyed drawing while she's waiting for the pizza.

I met C-san and her family through Japanese school and May-chan (4y.o) and her son (1st grade), H-kun, got a good chemistry from the 1st day they met, which was very surprising to me that they became close friends right away even in the gender and age difference.

So, May-chan was in a good mood overall since her favorite H-kun was there and enjoyed drawing together with her.

May-chan and I often do play dates with C-san and her daughter, but this date was the first time for us to hang out as families. So, I'm glad that Andy finally got a chance to meet C-san's husband and had a nice beer time with him.

Okay, this is all about the nice beer bar in MN.

Thank you for reading again!!!

↓応援クリックお願いします。(Please click these buttons to vote for my blog.)

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Unknown (C-san)
2023-08-10 05:35:38
この日は父の日でもあったね。Food network よく見てるてるのにー😭
C-san (Hit-chan)
2023-08-11 03:15:16


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