Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

1週間が過ぎて。。。(After One Week...)

2018-12-10 15:07:19 | MN生活(9年目) (MN2018-19)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

It's just like a moment, but one week has been already passed since May was born.

For the first 3-4days, we need to feed May and chenge her diaper pretty much constantly every 2-3hours, so we didn't even care about a clock time at all.

In the last couple days, May wakes up and drinks milk more iregularly and she sometimes runs into what I call "Milk Rush" which is she keeps going on between sleep and awake for 3-5hours and wants to drink a lot in a short period of time. I guess it ends up making her more tired and fussy.

She was super fussy the night before and stayed awake all night long, so I had to stay awake overnight and couldn't eat anything till 5pm next day. So, I eneded up running out of all the energy in the evening and sent Andy a big SOS. Thanks to Andy staying up overnight with her last night, I could take more than 8hour sleep for the first time after a while.

Thankfully, I'm feeling much better today.

Even though my body has been still in the process of recovery and Andy and I are still trying to figure things out in the best way, I sometimes get a chance and enough energy to take some pictures lately.

I guess now would be the busiest and most crazy time for us, but I still want to try to capture the precious moments which she shows us only now in my camera.

I've started producing more milk day by day, but May and I are still in training for breastfeeding. We sometimes make it work and most of the time not really.

I'll patiently keep trying anyways.

Okay, this is all about the 1st week with May. Thanks for reading again!!

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無事に生まれました。 (Welcome, Our Baby, May!))

2018-12-03 14:35:52 | 妊娠記録 (Maternity Diary)

10:41am Friday, November 30th in MN time, our first baby girl, May came out to the beautiful winter wonderland.

Since she was only 5lb 6oz, we stayed at the hospital until Sunday morning which was 48 hours from the birth and the 3 of us just got back home yesterday with a help of Dad&Mom.

We've just made our first day at home, but things are still crazy and unsettled.

I'd definitely write about my labor experience here, but I do need some more time to get used to my new life and share the precious experience or respond to your comments here, so I'd really appreciae ahead for your patience.

I just wanted to send this happiest news to everybody who's been supporing us ASAP.

Thank you very much and I hope you'll enjoy my blog with our new member too!

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