
Hi everyone!

How's your day going today?

Today's topic is mainly for people living in Japan.
In Japan, they ended the quarantine order and started school this month.

After the long stay-home life, a lot of kids are excited to go back to school, but on the other hand there are certain number of kids who don't want to go back to school too.

Today I'd love to introduce this young man, Motoaki-kun, who runs a free school in Suita, Osaka for those kids who are not comfortable with going to school. He is actually a son of Mishina-san who's one of my mom's friends and has been on my blog some times too.

I don't know if I have mentioned this here, but I was actually one of those kids who didn't want to go to school and had a big support from so many people when I was young.

I was supposed to have to walk to the school with other kids in the same neighborhood every morning, but I didn't want to. So, Mishina-san's daughter and Motoaki-kun's big sister, Aya-chan, used to come to pick me up at my house and walked along with me to the teachers' entrance every morning.

You guys might wonder why I didn't want to go to school. Well, it's kind of hard to explain it, but I was simply uncomfortable to be at school. From the moment when I got to the school in the morning, "I wanna go home." for the rest of the day.

I don't remember the details, but it's not unusual for me not to follow my teacher's instruction like other classmates did. I often did whatever I wanted to do, and my teacher let me to do it too.
(For example, while the other classmates were sitting and learning alphabets from the teacher, I was hiding alone in a desk cabinet in front of the black board. Haha)

Now I can easily imagine that my mom had a lot of concern about me back then.

Though, I started being able to go to school and take classes just as other classmates did when I turned the 3rd grade.

Do you guys wonder what made me change??

Oh well, my teacher in the 1st and 2nd grade was actually a father of my close friend from the daycare that I went to.

So, he was more likely to "XX-chan's dad" than a teacher, and I always clung to him all the time at school.

Such a sweet time for me didn't last forever, of course, and I had a new teacher when I turned the 3rd grade.

My new teacher was a female and for some reasons she seemed a little bit scary to me.

So, even though I was still young, I thought, "Oh gosh, she looks scary. I can't be spoiled anymore.!" LOL

So, from the 3rd grade, I started going to school with other kids everyday.

Though, I was still uncomfortable at school.

I was such a tomboy and actually strong enough to beat up bullies by myself, so I didn't worried about bullies or something and had a good time with my friends once I got to the classroom.

Even though, my fundamental personality didn't change so easily, and I still had this feeling, "If I get a chance, I want to stay home instead of going to school." in my mind all the time.

You might think that the uncomfortable feeling would fade away as the child gets older, but in my case, I kept feeling like staying home more than going to school the whole time from the 1st grade through the last year of high school.

I'm also a lazy person originally, so it actually helped me a lot to become more patient and responsible enough to go to school that my mom disciplined me with some strictness.

Every child is different and has a different reason why they don't want to or can't go to school.

Here in the US, there's an option not going to school and study at home, which is called home school, and people are commonly aware of the system. Not wanting to go to school is not only the reason why people choose home school but also there are so many different reasons.

In Japan, it's pretty much impossible (extremely difficult) to do home school, and most of the people still get stuck in the stereotype, "Children have to go to school."

I believe that both parents and children would end up being lost if they only can see one option, "Children have to go to school."

Motoaki-kun says that there are many places to help you figure out what to do about school for your child or yourself in Japan. So, I hope that you will call and casually talk to them before you really get lost.

Okay, this is all for today. It was a unusual topic for my blog, but I hope that this will help some of you. Thanks for reading again!!!
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Hi everyone!

How's your day going today?

Today's topic is mainly for people living in Japan.

In Japan, they ended the quarantine order and started school this month.

After the long stay-home life, a lot of kids are excited to go back to school, but on the other hand there are certain number of kids who don't want to go back to school too.

Today I'd love to introduce this young man, Motoaki-kun, who runs a free school in Suita, Osaka for those kids who are not comfortable with going to school. He is actually a son of Mishina-san who's one of my mom's friends and has been on my blog some times too.

I don't know if I have mentioned this here, but I was actually one of those kids who didn't want to go to school and had a big support from so many people when I was young.

I was supposed to have to walk to the school with other kids in the same neighborhood every morning, but I didn't want to. So, Mishina-san's daughter and Motoaki-kun's big sister, Aya-chan, used to come to pick me up at my house and walked along with me to the teachers' entrance every morning.

You guys might wonder why I didn't want to go to school. Well, it's kind of hard to explain it, but I was simply uncomfortable to be at school. From the moment when I got to the school in the morning, "I wanna go home." for the rest of the day.

I don't remember the details, but it's not unusual for me not to follow my teacher's instruction like other classmates did. I often did whatever I wanted to do, and my teacher let me to do it too.
(For example, while the other classmates were sitting and learning alphabets from the teacher, I was hiding alone in a desk cabinet in front of the black board. Haha)

Now I can easily imagine that my mom had a lot of concern about me back then.

Though, I started being able to go to school and take classes just as other classmates did when I turned the 3rd grade.

Do you guys wonder what made me change??

Oh well, my teacher in the 1st and 2nd grade was actually a father of my close friend from the daycare that I went to.

So, he was more likely to "XX-chan's dad" than a teacher, and I always clung to him all the time at school.

Such a sweet time for me didn't last forever, of course, and I had a new teacher when I turned the 3rd grade.

My new teacher was a female and for some reasons she seemed a little bit scary to me.

So, even though I was still young, I thought, "Oh gosh, she looks scary. I can't be spoiled anymore.!" LOL

So, from the 3rd grade, I started going to school with other kids everyday.

Though, I was still uncomfortable at school.

I was such a tomboy and actually strong enough to beat up bullies by myself, so I didn't worried about bullies or something and had a good time with my friends once I got to the classroom.

Even though, my fundamental personality didn't change so easily, and I still had this feeling, "If I get a chance, I want to stay home instead of going to school." in my mind all the time.

You might think that the uncomfortable feeling would fade away as the child gets older, but in my case, I kept feeling like staying home more than going to school the whole time from the 1st grade through the last year of high school.

I'm also a lazy person originally, so it actually helped me a lot to become more patient and responsible enough to go to school that my mom disciplined me with some strictness.

Every child is different and has a different reason why they don't want to or can't go to school.

Here in the US, there's an option not going to school and study at home, which is called home school, and people are commonly aware of the system. Not wanting to go to school is not only the reason why people choose home school but also there are so many different reasons.

In Japan, it's pretty much impossible (extremely difficult) to do home school, and most of the people still get stuck in the stereotype, "Children have to go to school."

I believe that both parents and children would end up being lost if they only can see one option, "Children have to go to school."

Motoaki-kun says that there are many places to help you figure out what to do about school for your child or yourself in Japan. So, I hope that you will call and casually talk to them before you really get lost.

Okay, this is all for today. It was a unusual topic for my blog, but I hope that this will help some of you. Thanks for reading again!!!
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