Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

4th of July Vacation 2024, Day3 1/3

2024-08-04 10:03:13 | MN生活(15年目)(MN 2024-25)

Hello there!




How's your day going today? 




Okay, let me share more about my family's summer vacation. 




On Day 3, we didn't have a specific plan and Andy and I were talking, "Maybe, we could go for a family walk or something." but May-chan wasn't in the mood for getting out of the house. 




So, here's a plan B. Mom kindly said that she would watch May-chan at home, so Andy and I could go for a date. 




It was another beautiful day up north. 




The first thing crossed our mind was going to grab breakfast. 




We went to this ice cream shop. They sell coffee, sandwiches, souveniors and whatnot.  




The inside was like this. 




I got a cup of hot Americano and this raspberry white chocolate scone. 
(When I used to work at Caribou coffee, we were selling raspberry white chocolae scones and they were really popular. So, when I saw the scnoes in the display, I got a throwback memory and couldn't help getting one.)




Andy got this sandwich and iced Americano. 




It was the next week after 4th of July, so they were out of some stuff on the menu. Andy originally ordered sausage for the sandwich, but they were out of them. Then, he chose Canadian bacon insead, but they're out of them too. LOL Fortunately, his 3rd pick, regular bacon was in stock. Haha




Andy also frist ordered Cold Brew for his drink, but they're out of it too. That's why he got iced Americano. 




It was not his day at the shop. 

ちなみにこちらのお店で提供されるコーヒーは、このブログでも何度か登場していて、以前にプレゼント企画の賞品にもしたStone House Coffeeの豆が使われており、店頭では豆も販売されていました。
They actually use Stone House Coffee beans which I had introduced here before. I've used their beans as prizes for my present event too. They were selling beans in the store too. 




ママパパ宅滞在記 1/5 (Up North 1/5) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog





祝・4年振りプレゼント企画(第九弾)(Hit-chan's WakuWaku Present!) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog




The raspberry white chocolate scone was actually not too sweet and really yummy with the fresh raspberries. The size was big, but it's not heavy at all. 



Andyっちにその事を言うと、「もしかすると、スコーンの生地も、僕が好きなStone House Coffeeで売っているスコーンと一緒かもね。」と言っておりました。
I was giving the feedback to Andy and then, "They might use the same scone mix as the one Stone House Coffee sells." he said. 




At the souvenior shop, I found this funny MN joke sweat shirt. 
(We have to deal with lots of mosquitos in MN, so we make a joke saying mosquitos are the state bird.)




They also sold these cute stickers by the casher.



You might know this if you've read my blog for a long time, but my orange suitcase's actually covered with tons of stickers. 




This is it. 




The stickers kept beeing added after the picture above was taken and now has no room for new stickers. 

"I like this sticker, but my suitcase has no more room for stickers." 




I mentioned it to Andy. 




"You can put it on the new suitcase we got in Japan." 




Andy suggested. 




"You can make the new suitcase covered with stickers too." Oh! I got a permission from Andy, so why not? I purchased the sticker. (Yay!!) 




The store was not busy at all, so we could spend a very relaxing and chatty time. 




Okay, this is how we started from the nice breakfast on Day 3 of the vacation. 




Thank you for reading again!! Bye for now!!




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