Hello there!
How are you doing today?
Okay, I want to write another article of Second Step Series today.
On the last article of thie series, I talked about the day that we transplanted one of our embryos into my womb for the first time on March 14th.
After the transplant, I didn't have any bad symptons like nausea or cramps, so I was wondering "Is there really the egg in my belly?"
Though, my chest was very sore and annoying, but it has happened during my period many times before, so I didn't take it special either.
The 10 days after the transplant to test were not unusual either and Andy and I spent fun time as usual like taking a short trip to Suzka.
On March 24th, 10 days after the transplant, we had the fatal day.
As I read blogs by other women doing infertility treat, I thought my pregnancy test would be done with a blood test. So, I told Andy, "We might have to wait about 40mins after they take my blood."
Though, when I checked in the clinic on the day, they gave me a paper cup and said "Please put your urine in the cup and leave it in the bathroom."
I was totally thinking that they would do a blood test and surprised that they told me to do a urine test. Anyways, I gave them the cup and waited in the room with Andy.
Needless to say, my heart was beating hard.
Of course, it's because we're about to find out if I got pregnant or not, but besides that, "Okay, if I'm not pregnant this time, how much longer will I have to stay in Japan?" or "Well, if I need to stay more, do I need to rent an apartment room again?" Like for those practical reasons, the test result was going to decide the direction of our next couple of months too and that made me nervous as well.
How long did we wait in the room? In 20mins or so, they called us.
Andy and I entered the room and I saw a small stick (pregnancy test kit) on the desk. Then, our doctor said
"You're pregnant. The line on the stick is really thick and clear, so I think it's pretty well."
Of course, I immediately told Andy,
"Yay! It's positive!!!"
and we shared the calm, but very passionate joy together.
I was so happy to see the positive result, but I was very relived that I could make a specific plan for the rest of my stay in Japan.
I asked our doctor about the timing that I can fly back home and then he said it wouldn't cause any problem just by getting on a plane, but you sould wait until week 10 or so since you'll start getting morning sickness sometime soon and it'll end around week 10.
That is why I decided to stay in Japan until May 16th though Andy had to go home on April 11th as planned. After we left the apartment room, I moved to my parents' house.
Andy and I had worked on the infertility treatment over 3 years and we're kind of used to seeing nothing happened, so I still can't believe that a little human being will be born just in 10 months.
I just want to say a big thank you to my dearest husband, Andy, our families & friends both in MN and Japan and bosses and co-workers for their understanding and big support. Without their support, our bid dream couldn't come true.
Thank you so much for everything!!!!
As for the other 3 emryos, we asked the clinic to keep them for the next 3 years.
Again, thanks to everyone, our big project in Japan turned out to be a great success!!
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