Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

9 人生初手術・手術当日 中編 (9 My First Surgery/ Day of Surgery 2/3)

2023-02-28 09:44:18 | 右卵巣摘出手術 (My right ovary removal surgery)
Hi there!

How's your day going today?

So well, I know say this too often, but time flies!!

While I've been lazy in my life full of miscellaneous chores, it's already 3 months passed from my surgery. I've been back to my normal life, which is very grateful and lucky, but just because of that, I tend to forget about the somehow special experience in my life. So, let me finish sharing the rest of my surgery record in a couple of articles here.

Okay, here's another article of the series, "My First Surgery".

Here's the timeline so far.

10月30日 右下腹部痛開始
Oct.30th The pain in my right lower belly started

11月8日  1回目のナースライン(次の生理まで様子を見るようにアドバイスをもらう)
Nov. 8th  The 1st nurse line call was made

11月16日 産婦人科の先生の診察(次の生理後にエコー検査をするようにアドバイスをもらう)
Nov. 16th App with an OBGYN doctor

11月28日 ER訪問
Nov. 28th ER Visit

11月29日 かかりつけの産婦人科の先生の診察(出血性嚢胞または子宮内膜腫の疑い。手術する事にする。)
Nov. 29th App with my OBGYN (Diagnosis of hemorrhagic cyst or endometrioma, Decided to have an operation to take it)

11月30日 ホームドクターとの術前検診
Nov. 29th App with my OBGYN (I'm talking about this today.)

12月5日  手術当日(今日の記事はここです。)
Dec. 5th Surgery (I'm talking about this today.)

After Andy and I checked in at the hospital and were sitting in the waiting room, a nurse showed up and called my name.

She led us a room and told me to change into a typical hospital gown, and then I think that she also checked my blood pressure or some other basic vital signs.

It was a little after noon and my surgery appointment was at 2pm.

Although, she let us know that the previous surgery was still going on in the operation room where my surgery was going to be operated, so my surgery actually started around 4pm.

While I was waiting, I thankfully had Andy by me and could enjoy chatting with him, but there was a TV in the room just in case you're bored of waiting there.

In the waiting time, my surgeon visited and explained to us about how he's going to remove my cysts and what risks he could think of.

We asked him some question about how I should have the post-surgery life too.

[Day 0] You should stay and relax in bed other than when going to bathroom or eating.

[Day1-3] If you feel fine, you can get up and enjoy some activities like watching TV.

[Day14-after] You can go out for shopping, but don't want to drive.

[Day0-14] You don't want to lift heavy stuff or exercise.

[Day1-after] You can take a shower from Day 1 but you don't want to take a bath. It would take 3 weeks or so to start taking a bath.
(I honestly forgot exactly how long I needed to wait to start taking a bath, but I think it's more than 2 weeks for sure.)


Just like my OBGYN explained to us before, my surgeon also said that there's a risk that he would have to remove my ovary or ovarian tube during the surgery in case the bleeding amount went over the safe limit.

I had one big favor for my surgeon, seeing a picture of the inside of my stomach, since I was so curious to see what it looked like and asked him about it. Then, he nicely said, "Yes, I can take some pictures for you." (Yay!)

After the meeting with my surgeon, there were also 2 visits of doctors from my anesthesia team. (Both of them were beautiful female doctors, FYI. Haha) They just asked me if there's any question and I didn't have one, so either visit finished in a min or so.

Oh, they actually gave me one head-up about symptoms after the surgery, which they're going to insert to tube into my trachea? and send oxygen to my lungs, so I might feel some discomfort in my throat after the surgery.

When the surgery time was getting close, my nurse told me to put my belongings in a bag with a hunger and zipper (It's kind of hard to explain, but it was like a hunger with a cover.) My name tag was on the bag and they kept it in a locker with a key somewhere on the same floor. Then, it's time to say bye-bye to my loving hubby.

Here's the brief schedule from the time Andy left my room.

I was carried to the operation room and the surgery started.

Andy left the floor and waited somewhere in the hospital.

Once my surgery was done, my surgeon would call Andy's phone and tell him how it went.

I slept in the awakening room (I forgot what's actually called.) until I woke up from the anesthesia.

After I woke up, I was carried back to my room and rejoined Andy.


So, when the operation room was finally open for me and I said bye-bye to Andy, a couple of nurses (probably they're my operation team) showed up to my room and asked me, "Do you know what type of operation you're having?" I think because they wanted to confirm if I really understood why I was there. Then, they carried me to the operation room.
(I went to the bathroom right before the surgery.)

So, this is how I was heading to my first surgery in my life.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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バレンタインデー2023 (Valentine's Day 2023)

2023-02-22 15:52:49 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hi folks!

How's your life going today?

Here in MN, a big storm is on the way to us, so both of May-chan's preschools already announced to close school today and tomorrow.
(The announcement made me relieved because I don't have to drive on such snowy roads anymore.)

Okay, just as the title says, let me talk about our Valentine's day 2023 here today.

It hasn't been even 10 days yet since Valentine's day, but my memories are already getting vague, which kind of makes me scared, and I don't remember why, but we celebrated it on the next day after Valentine's day. (I guess it was because Andy had to work late or something.)

We recently ordered fancy sushi from our favorite restaurant on special occasions, but we this time took out our favorite Indian curry.

Indian Restaurant | Taste of India - St. Louis Park | United States
FYI, here's their website.

Both Andy and I are fan of their curry, but for some reasons we hadn't had it for a couple of years. After the long break, their curry was a blast of deliciousness.

Taking out their curry reminded me of a couple of pros compared to taking out the fancy sushi. First, it's way cheaper. Second, we can freeze the leftover and reenjoy it later!
(I think the amount of food we ordered for Valentine's day celebration was enough to serve us 2-3times.)

May-chan didn't want to eat the curry. Yeah, it's a little bit too spicy for her anyways.

After the yummy dinner, we had a present and card time!

What's inside? It's from Daddy to May-chan.

Ta-da!! I can't deny that it's kind of a gift for Daddy himself, but it's a T-shirt of Andy's favorite F-1 team. May-chan was so excited about it too.

For Daddy, 2 cards from each of May-chan and me.

After all the years we've been together, we end up writing same old things over and over on cards, but you know what, you never say words of love and gratitude too many times.

めいからダディへは、はらぺこあおむしの作者が書いた「I Love Dad」という絵本。
From May-chan to Daddy, it's a book called "I Love Dad" by Eric Carle who made "The Very Hungry Caterpillar".

Yeah, it's also more like a gift for May-chan herself, but this book will give them a Daddy & May-chan time more. Haha.

I also got 2 cards from each of Andy and May-chan.

May-chan got me a gift card of my favorite sushi restaurant! Haha.
(Andy's got me a gift card for the restaurant multiple times so far, but he never let me use them for our special occasions by saying, "Hon, they're a gift for you. They're for whenever you get craving for the fancy sushi on an ordinary day. What a spoiler he is!! LOL)

A gift from Andy to me was books! I'm a fan of detective stories, so he picked 3 titles for me.

He picked up ones that he's read and liked before and one with lots of good reviews. (Big Thanks!)

A gift from me to Andy was actually a book too! It's a recipe book with all the yummy looking Spanish Tapas recipes.

I also got him some fancy canned seafood. He loves munching such a thing, so he's very pleased with my choice.

So, this is all about how we celebrated Valentine's day this year. It was a little bit surprising that we both got books for the gifts, but everybody loved every single gift, which was a big success and happiness.

At last, here's the picture of Andy and me which's actually taken by May-chan! Valentine's day is actually our half wedding anniversary too, so we in a way celebrated our 12.5th anniversary too.

Again, it's very blessing for the 3 of us that we could remind each other of our love and gratitude by having fun with the delicious dinner and joyful present time together.

Okay, this is all about our Valentine's day 2023!!!

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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免許&グリーンカード更新 (Renewed My Driver's license and Green Card)

2023-02-21 14:51:19 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hi dear.

How are you doing today?

So, here in MN, we haven't got much snow for a while after we already got enough for this winter, so I was optimistically thinking, "Oh, are we done with snow now??" lately. I know, I was too optimistic. Andy just told me, "We're gonna have a big snow storm this week." Dang!!

Yeah, I know, I know. It's a fantasy in MN that we say we won't get any more snow when February isn't over yet. LOL

Again, we've already got much more snow this winter than we usually get and our house unfortunately got a thing called "Ice Dam" on the roof. "Ice Dam' could cause a severe damage on our house, so we just hired somebody to remove it.
(Yeah, it's totally unexpected expense.)

For more information about "Ice Dam", this article below explains it very well.


皆さん、明けましておめでとうございます!  (遅いっ・・・) 元旦の朝には お雑煮 を作って、新年をお祝いしました。 他にはおせち料理が何もないのがちょっと寂しい...


Anyways, just as the title says, I recently renewed my MN driver's license and green card.

My driver's license was going to expire on my birthday (Jan. 5th) and my green card was good until this June.

So, I did some research about how to renew my 10-year green card beforehand and found out that I could start filing the application 6 months before the expiration date at the earliest, so why not? I started working on my green card renewal around the same time when I was working on my driver's license renewal.

As for my driver's license, I filled the form online on the DVS website and then also made an appointment for a visit at a DVS office nearby.

Before the pandemic, I remember that I just walked in the office and filled the form and everything without an appointment, but after the pandemic, it seems like that they take appointments probably for regulating the number of visitors at once.
(I'm not 100% sure, but they still took care of your need without an appointment, but they would prioritize people with an appointment, of course.)

My appointment was 8am on Dec. 29th which was the earliest time available.

Just in case I happen to unexpected things that I can't handle with on my own, I asked Andy to come with me. It's totally worth being an early bird. It was the quickest renewal process ever in my life.

At the DVS office, they reviewed my information on the form, did an eye test, shot a photo and I paid the fee. It was around 8:15am when Andy and I left the office.

As for green card, I also filled the form and paid $540 with my credit card online.

I know, $540 just for the renewal makes you feel, "So expensive!!" but I can't stay in the states without a green card, so I have no other choice. The card is also valid for the next 10 years, so when you think it's just $54 per year, it might sound not that pricy, doesn't it?

?申請手数料~?G-325A - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


The past article on my blog says that I paid $1,010 when I changed my fiancé visa to a green card 12 years ago.

バイオメトリクスに行ってきたよ。 - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


When I first applied to change my fiancé visa to green card, I had to go in a USCIS office for Biometrics which they took my finger prints and photo to save in their database.

So, "Maybe, I'd have to go in and take a phot at an office this time again." I was wondering, but I luckily received a message from them saying, "We'll use the past record of your photo and finger prints for the new card." and didn't have to go in their office at all. (Yay!)
(I guess, they considered me as a harmless human being from no crime record in the past 10 years of my life here. Haha)

The time which they took to issue my new green card was surprisingly and impressively short this time.

1月3日 申請
Jan. 3rd Filed the application online

1月13日 カード発行
Jan. 13th My card issued

1月17日 カード発送
Jan. 17th My card shipped

1月19日 我が家に到着
Jan. 19th My card delivered

Yeah! It's only 2 weeks for the entire process from filing the application to getting the actual card delivered.

FYI, when I applied for a 10-year green card last time, which was switching from a 2 year-card, it took 9 months for the entire process.

Tada!! The right ones are old and the left ones are new.
(This just crossed my mind, but was that okay for them to reuse the same picture of me taken 10 years ago? Haha)

Anyways, I went through kind of tough times such as the surgery or flu at the end of the last year through the beginning of this year, but I am so happy that I could get 2 of the most essential chores done without any hustle or stress.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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父から届いた年賀状&幸運 (A Handmade Greeting Card & Good Luck from My Dad)

2023-02-14 00:49:14 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hello everyone!

How's your life going?

Here in MN, it's raining today. Yup, raining, not snowing!

The temperature is about 34F as of 3 pm, but it's going to be below 32F tonight and the highest temperature is going to be 31F tomorrow, which sounds like the roads will be very icy and slippery tomorrow. I don't want to drive!

So, it's already Mid-February, but let me talk about New Year greeting cards today.

Just like we send Christmas (Holiday) cards here in the US, there's a tradition that we send New Year greeting cards to friends or families in Japan though I've heard that the number of exchanged cards has been decreased ever since when I was still in Japan, 12 years ago.

This is also exactly same as Christmas card situation in the States, but some people send New Year's cards every year and some people don't at all in Japan.

In my family's case, as our friends and families know, we send Christmas (Holiday) cards to friends and families both in Japan and here every year. We take our family photo around our wedding anniversary in August and make Christmas cards with the pictures.

Thankfully, some of our friends and families kindly send us cards from Japan and every time I find them in our mailbox, I feel so blessed and happy.

My dad is one of those who kindly sends us a card every year. He's enjoyed woodcut prints as his hobby for over 4 decades and always makes his cards by it.

Here's this year's card from him.

I'm very proud of him for being able to create something cool from scratch.

He doesn't have to make so many prints nowadays, but he used to make more than 200 prints when his mom (my grandma) was alive since she had a wide network.

It's an annual routine for my dad, so I used to see him so many times saying, "Oh, gosh. How can I design the card this year??" or "Oh crap, I don't know if I can make this in time!!!" LOL Still, he's always finished it in time besides his full-time job, so "I'm so impressed by him." I often heard my mom saying.

When I was a child, my dad taught me how to make a woodcut print and we made New Year greeting cards together too.

So, Japanese postal service sells New Year greeting cards with lottery and the card from my dad had a number of the lottery too. So, why not? I checked if the number won something just in case.

Then, it did!! I won the 3rd prize which was a sheet of postal stamps!! Yay!!

が、調べてみたら84円切手一枚と63円切手一枚ですって。147円相当。ショボくない?(笑) (画像拝借元
Though, I checked the prize closer and then found out the stamp sheet only had 1 84yen(cent)-stamp and 1 63yen(cent)-stamp, which means the total prize was only 147 yen ($1.5) worth! LOL It's a very small win, isn't it?? Haha.

I got so excited to see my number matching the 3rd-prize number and then disappointed a little bit to know that the prize was worth only 147yen ($1.5). Still, I was very happy that I won something. I got flu and sick in the very beginning of this year, but I felt like that my dad sent me a good luck with the card.

Nowadays, you can easily get contact with people on Internet, but I believe that actual letters and cards can deliver some spirit or love of the sender along with them.

When I got flu in the beginning of the new year, "Andy and I were saying that we'd make it a brand new start in 2023 after all the dramas we went through for my surgery in the end of 2022, but why did I get flu and sick first in the new year??" I was a little bit discouraged. Though, I felt like that my dad's lucky card broke the vicious cycle for us and made me believe, "Oh, everything is going to be good for the rest of the year. "

Okay, this is all about the lucky greeting card from my dad!

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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8 人生初手術・手術当日 前編 (8 My First Surgery/ Day of Surgery 1/3)

2023-02-12 23:22:33 | 右卵巣摘出手術 (My right ovary removal surgery)
Hello there!

How's everything going today?

Here in the US, we're having the biggest sports event of the year, Super Bowl, tonight. So, we're having Brad (Andy's bro) over our house and they're so ready to enjoy the game now.

Me? I'm not that into Super Bowl, so having another Sunday.

So today, let me write about my first surgery again.

Here's timeline so far.

10月30日 右下腹部痛開始
Oct.30th The pain in my right lower belly started

11月8日  1回目のナースライン(次の生理まで様子を見るようにアドバイスをもらう)
Nov. 8th  The 1st nurse line call was made

11月16日 産婦人科の先生の診察(次の生理後にエコー検査をするようにアドバイスをもらう)
Nov. 16th App with an OBGYN doctor

11月28日 ER訪問
Nov. 28th ER Visit

11月29日 かかりつけの産婦人科の先生の診察(出血性嚢胞または子宮内膜腫の疑い。手術する事にする。)
Nov. 29th App with my OBGYN (Diagnosis of hemorrhagic cyst or endometrioma, Decided to have an operation to take it)

11月30日 ホームドクターとの術前検診
Nov. 29th App with my OBGYN (I'm talking about this today.)

12月5日  手術当日(今日の記事はここです。)
Dec. 5th Surgery (I'm talking about this today.)

On the next day after they found that there were a couple of cysts in my right ovary at ER on Nov. 28th, I saw my OBGYM. Then, she said "The cysts look like hemorrhagic cyst and you can wait and see till they'll get gone naturally or we can get rid of them by surgery."

For some reasons, I got a hunch that the cysts wouldn't go away naturally, so I told my doctor that I'd love to have a surgery to remove them.

November 29th, the day that I saw my OBGYN was Tuesday and my doctor told me, "I'll call the hospital and see if there's any operation room available for us on Thursday or Friday." and tried to set my surgery as soon as possible.

Although, due to most of the health insurance systems (the out-of-pocket payments get reset on the 1st of Jan.), all the hospitals and clinics are so busy in December in general. Besides that, everybody got sick from COVID-19, Flu, RS virus or etc. this winter, so they didn't have any available rooms for us until the next week.

So, my surgery ended up being scheduled on Dec. 5th at 2pm.

Unfortunately, my OBGYN didn't have room for my surgery on her schedule, so she asked a trustworthy doctor to do the surgery for me.

On the surgery day, Andy was going to come with me and stay at the hospital for the entire time. Plus that, we heard that it'd take about 2 weeks for me to get fully recovered from the surgery, so Dad&Mom kindly came down to our house on the day before my surgery and stayed at our house for several days so that they could take care of May-chan while I was in the recovery process. (Big Thanks!)

The preparation for the surgery was...

No food after midnight on the surgery day

Only water or Gatorade was fine until 4 hours before surgery and No food or drink after that

As for my medications,


All the pain-relief medicines except for Acetaminophen were not allowed.
(My memories about the surgery are already fading out, but I think I stopped taking any pain-relief medications in the morning of the day before the surgery.)

As for my thyroid medication, I could take it on the day of surgery too


The surgery was at 2 pm, but I needed to check in at noon. So, Andy and I left our house in the late morning and Dad&Mom were watching May-chan for us.

The hospital where my operation was held was the same hospital where May-chan was born.

It's a big facility and we first went to the main counter for operations on the 1st floor. They verified my name and birthdate at the desk and then gave me a wrist band with my name on.

Then, we took an elevator to the floor where they'd actually do my surgery.

On the floor for operations, there was a check-in desk and I let them know my information first. Andy got a call buzzer and coupon for a free drink at a coffee shop on the 1st floor.
(The call buzzer was for letting Andy know when my surgery's done and the drink coupon is a little gift from the hospital to him as an attendant who'd have to wait for a couple of hours at the hospital.)

So, this is how I began the day of my first surgery. I was a little bit nervous, but very happy to finally become pain-free at the same time.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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