Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

布おむつとお腹のガス対策。(Cloth Diaper and Gas Drop)

2019-01-30 12:13:56 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hi there!

How's your day going?

Here in MN, this winter had been pretty warm, but from this week, it's got freaking cold just as what we call MN winter.

On January 29th, today I'm writing this, the highest temperature is 7F and the lowest is -28F. Wind chill is -38F. OMG!

When I used to work, I always started my car 5 mins at least before I left home and checked the weather for the next day, but now, I stay inside the warm and protected house all day with May-chan and I have no idea what's going on the world outside.

Tomorrow, January 30th, is going to be even colder and Andy put packing tape on the little gap in the front door. Haha

So, this is what I was talking when I was pregnant and I wanted to try cloth diapers for my baby.

After I researched some on Internet beforehand and went through the first tough month just with paper diapers, I started cloth diapers when May-chan turned 1 month old.

First off, here are the covers that I'm using.


When I researched it online, people recommended to get ones with buttons rather than ones with Velco (sticky tape).


Also, you can adjust the sizes with the buttons depending on how big your baby is.


They have a pocket to put an insert in, so you can use it or just put it under a cloth too just as the picture above. For now, I'm using the pocket.

I also brought a couple of covers with Velco from Japan, but I haven't used them since they're still too big for May-chan.

I got 3 diffrent brands of clothes on Amason, but all of them are not that different.

On my very first day, I had a hard time to find the best position to put a cloth in and got leaks from the sides or on the cover, but after some experiments, I figure out the solution.

BTW, we have a changing table, but we ended up using one spot as a diaper section in the living room.

Like this, everything about diapers is here.

Of course, you have to wash them and my style is...

I got 2 2gallon buckets beforehand. One is for pee and one is for poop.

You could get a bigger bucket, but I got 2 gallon ones because I didn't want make them too heavy with water and I also thought I would do laundry everyday. Now, I'm thinking that they're a perfect size for me.

So, in these buckets,

I make citric acid water for No1 and baking soda water for No2 and then soak dirty clothes in them.

I was originaly thinking to use just baking soda, but my mom in Japan asked me to get citric acid for her since she was going to live with us for 3 months. (Unfortunately, the plan was cancelded due to her medical issue. She's okay though.) So, I thought, "Oh, I could use it for cleaning cloth diapers." and I'm using it!

BTW, I put English lables on the buckets and the jars of citric acid and baking soda because I was slightly hoping that Andy might use cloth diapers too! Hehe.

I'd say...Andy has changed cloth diapers about 5 times so far??

I guess, he might mind toucihg pee or poop.

I directly damp wet diapers into the washer from the bucket, but I always briefly handwash dirty diapers before I soak them in the bucket.

I turn on the washer for the cloth diapers once a day at least. I usually easily wring them before throwing them in the washer and dry them in the dryer. That's it.

It would be a lot of work if you don't have a dryer, but if you do, it's pretty easy.

Speaking of poop, May-chan had a very gassy tummy and she looked super uncomfortable.

She still farted frequently, but sometimes screamed "Gya!!!" even while she's sleeping.

As parents, all we could do is moving her legs or rubbing her tummy or back, but it didn't help so much. So, we asked her pediatrician about it at 1 month check-up.

Then, she taught me about this.

Infant gas relief drop

Since we started putting the drops in my breast milk or formula, she hasn't screamed almost at all.

Anyways, it's been about a month since I started using cloth diapers and I use them about 2 thrids of a day.

We still use paper diapers when we go out, I'm sleepy or Andy changes.

I was actually a little bit worried if I really could do cloth diapers, but once I started, it's actually not that hard which made me relieved.

Anyways, this is all about how I've been doing cloth diapers. Thanks for reading again!!!

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35回目の誕生日 (My 35th Birthday)

2019-01-25 14:26:55 | MN生活(9年目) (MN2018-19)
Hi there!

How are you doing?

I'm doing pretty good!

Actually, I haven't got sick like cathing a cold or something about for 7years.

Even when I was working at Caribou and rondomly seeing strangers, I was pretty healthy even if all of my co-workers got sick.

So, I want to keep my No-Cold record longer and longer. Haha.

Well, the 5th of this month, January 5th was my 35th birthday!

My loving hubby, Andy's never ever forgotten our special days like Valentine's day or our wedding anniversary and of course, he's never missed to celebrate my birthday either. (Yup, he's the best husband!)

On my birthday, he always plans special things like a mistery tour, a fancy dinner or something, but we just had May-chan this year and celebrated my birthday at home in a small way.

I was spending my birthday in my pajamas all day which has been my usual since May-chan was born and then Andy asked me,

"What do you wanna eat for your birthday dinner, hon?"


Oh well, it's basically hard for us to eat out with May-chan and I generally don't have any favorite restaurant here anyways. I couldn't come up with anything by myself and then Andy told me,

"What about taking our sushi?"

Oh yeah, that's right! I was actually craving for sushi since I couldn't eat raw fish during my pregnancy. (Nice job, hon!)

So, we made a phone call to place an order with the Japanese restaurant nearby beforehand and Andy went to pick it up.

ちなみに、今回利用したレストランはこちら。Yumi's Sushi Bar
This is the restaurant website. Yumi's Sushi Bar

It was my birthday dinner, so Andy told me to order anything and as many as I wanted.

Their website didn't say prices on the menu and Andy made the order, so I didn't know how much it ended up being for total. I wondered how much it was and asked Andy about it. Then, he said

"You don't wanna know."


He told me later that it was $140.

Considering that we're in this inland state which is hard to obtain fresh seafood, their sushi was very good.

It was my birthay and I could make the leftover the next day lunch too. So, it's worth it.

After we ate the decent sushi dinner, it's present time.

Please ignore that mess on the table.

Andy filled the card with a lot of love as always.

The present was another Hard Rock Cafe's T-shirt!

Andy went to Houston for work right before May-chan was born and got the T-shirt there. Thank you, hon!

He was worried that he didn't get a big present for my birthday, but he already gave me a brand new camera and laptop for Christmas!! (I know, it's too much!)

I was thinking that the sushi dinner itself was a lot, so it was more than enough that he got me a present too!

Like this, my birthday this year was more quiet and smaller than usual, but I got as much love from Andy as always!

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading again!!

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はなマーケットとBWW (Hana Market & BWW)

2019-01-23 13:14:18 | MN生活(9年目) (MN2018-19)

How's your day going?

Mine is full of laughter.

Today, I want to update an article that I finished writing right before May-chan was born.

It feels so belated if you read it now and I was going to delete it, but I felt bad to waste all my time that I spent to write the article. So, I'll share it with you here anyways.

It looks very weird now when we have May-chan here, but I hope you'll still enjoy it.

I had an appointment with my nurse on Monday and she checked my cervix again, but it's not dilated at all. So, I think that our baby's still going to have some more fun in my belly.

This week, I have 3 appointments, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. One with my nurse on Monday, ultrasound on Tuesday and one with my doctor on Wednesday. They're doing NST twice on the Monday and Tuesday appointments as well.

Andy took days off on Monday and Tuesday for the appointments, so we tried to go to an Asian grocery store which we've never been to after the Monday appointment.

Andy googled it and this is the one we went to.

Hana Asian Market
1716 E Old Shakopee Rd, Bloomington, MN 55425

On the window, there was "Hana Market" sign in Japanese, but they mostly sell Korean products there.

品揃えは結構豊富でして、この前United Noodlesに行った時にはなくて買えなかったお餅を買う事ができました。(やったぁ、これでお正月気分が味わえるよ。)
The selection of food and product was pretty big and I could find rice cake which I didn't see at United Noodles on the other day. (We eat rice cake around New Year's Day, so I'm so happy that I could get them this time!)

お値段の方もUnited Noodlesと変わらないので、もし近くに住んでいたら結構しょっちゅう通うだろうなぁというお店です。
The prices were pretty much same as United Noodles, so if I were living in the area, I would shop at this store more often.

They sell some fresh veggies as well and they're in a very good quality. I saw Japanese yam there which was as fresh as ones sold in Japan.

The owner of the shop seems Korean and most of the customers there were also Korean. I heard a lot of Korean conversation inside the store.

So, when we're cashing out, I greeted "Thank you!" in Korean. Then, the lady nicely greeted me back in Korean too!

で、はなマーケットで買い物をした後、Home Depotというホームセンターでもちょっと買い物してから、Andyっちの提案でBWW(バッファローワイルドウィングス)で遅めのランチを食べる事にしました。
After we shopped at Hana market, Andy wanted to stop by Home Depot for a couple of things. Then, we went to BWW for a light lunch.

I got a snack size boneless wings with honey BQQ and coleslaw.

Also, side of french fries.

What I really like at BWW is that you can order multiple kinds of a little amount of food.

Andy was drinking some beer with his usual, bonless wings with spicy garlic.

Yeah, we're in the football season now, so they were playing so many different NFL games on the screens at that time.

Oh well, this is another ordinary day of our lives, but I assume that it'd be way harder to go shopping or eat out like this once our baby is born. So, it was nice for us to have such a relaxing day.

Okay, this is all that I'd already written.

Just as I expected in the last part of the article, it's got way harder for us to go out for shopping or something. Though, I still try to take my own time. (It's too cold out to take a walk anyways. Haha.)

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading!!!

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初めての外食 (The First Eating Out)

2019-01-21 12:30:48 | MN生活(9年目) (MN2018-19)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

I'm doing pretty well.

I actually have started cloth diaper since a couple of weeks ago.

On the very first day, I had a few troubles like leaking from the sides or wetting the outside covers, so I googled how to fold a cloth again and also asked my mom in Japan for a tip and then I could fix the problems.

Basically, I think that I could use only cloth diapers when I'm home, but Andy doesn't want to use them so much fow now. So, I use cloth diapers when I'm alone at home with May-chan and do paper diapers when Andy's home.

I was writing till here before, but Andy actually started using cloth diapers since a couple of days ago. Yay!

Okay, I want to write about the day that we ate out for the first time after May-chan was born.

Though, we asked mom to babysit May-chan and went out just with us.

It's about 3weeks after May-chan was born, Andy said to me,

"Let's ask mom to watch May-chan and go out and do something even for a couple of hours."

since I'd been stuck home everyday.

FYI, Andy could take 4week paternity leave, but he didn't take it all at once. He took only 2weeks for the first 2week after May-chan was born and would take other 2weeks, as many days at once as he wants to at any time.

So, on the 3rd week after May-can was born, he went back to work full time.

I'm basically a person who likes being at home and doesn't get stressed out by being stuck at home all day, but Andy's not. So, he was worried about me not having got out of the house for a while.

Mom came over our house directly after work.

Enjoy, Mommy&Daddy!

Andy said that he would take me anywhere I would like to go, but I was still tired and didn't want to go somewhere vvery far plus I wanted to be able to go back home if mom called us or something. So, we ended up eating at this bar restaurant 5mins away from our house.

I'm doing hard on my usual work and my new daddy work.

I was born to be a long sleeper, but am doing hard on my mommy job with short sleeps. I look sleepy in this pic. haha.

Andy ordered this steak bites and...

Ahi tuna.

I ordered this walleye sandwich.

Oh well, it was the first time for me to take fresh outside air and talk to somebody other than my family or friends after a while.

Honestly, it was the first time for me even to change my pajamas to the normal clothes.

We actually hadn't had much time to talk with each other because Andy sleeps while I take care of May-chan and vice versa.

So, I was so happy that I could have enough time to have an aimless conversation with Andy.

Okay, this is all about our first eating out after May-chan was born. Thanks for reading again!

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出産記録 その3 (How May was born)

2019-01-19 12:40:00 | 妊娠記録 (Maternity Diary)
Hi there!

How's everything going in your life?

Yeah, I've been writing about my labor experience here for a couple of days and I think I can finish it today.

After I struggled witht the very strong contractions' pan for a while, May-chan was finally born.

This is what Andy told me after, but while I was moaning in the crazy pain, my nurse whispered Andy,

"I don't think she's going to make it (to Epidural)."


After all, I started taking induction medicine at 10pm on November 29th.

The pain started getting stronger around 8am on the next day.

Andy said that I started moaning around 9am.

Then, at 10:41am, May-chan was born.

Just as you would tell from the timeline above, it was a super quick labor.

My nurse helped my labor was actually had 30year experience and she even said, "I do this for 30 years, but I haven't seen such a quick one for a long time."

Andy and I talked to the doctor after and she said that the reason why my labor went so speedy was because the placenta had already started getting off from the uterus before May-chan came out.

When Andy got to know that fact, he said

"I'm glad it was induced labor. Otherwise, we might not have been ablt to make it to the hospital."

He was so relieved that it didn't happen. Haha.

At the hospital, we could order food from the kitchen, so I ordered the first meal after the labor from their manu.

They had many things on the menu, but I just got raisin bran and yogurt paffait.

Oh my, May-chan in this picture is way smaller than her now.

Yup, our older babies said hi to the new baby.

So, my bottom part was ripped during the labor, but I didn't feel much pain or difficulty at the hospital, probably thanks to Ibuprofen. Though, I had a hard time about for 3weeks when going to bathroom or sitting on a chair at home.

I also started to practice breastfeeding May-chan, but we couldn't do it well probably because there's a big gap between my nipple size and May-chan's tiny mouth. (Now at age of one and half old, she can lach on great.)

So, we practice laching on with each boob for 5mins and then supplemanted with donor milk. (We could choose from donor milk or formula.)

I'm not sure this is because May-chan was born so tiny or just general thing, but they always checked May-chan's blood sugar before I started feeding her so that we could see if she'd had enough milk.

To check her blood sugar, they had to prick her little heel with a tiny needle and of course, she cried every single time and it's kind of hard for me to see it.

Fortunately, she kept drinking enough milk and generally, but surely gained her weight.

In the evening of her birthday, Dad&Mom visited us and Brad also came to meet May-chan on the next day.

Brad was actually going to trip to Chicago, but he kindly and voluntarily canceled it and stayed home just in case.

I don't remember specific details, but they did some general tests like jaundice on May-chan and also they monitored her in the car seat for 2 hours to make sure that she could breathe fine there.

Usually, you can be discharged in 24hours after your baby's born, but again, May-chan was so tiny and they needed to monitor her for another 24hours (48hours total), so we eneded up staying 4 nights at the hospital.

When May-chan and I were done with all the tests and they found out that everthing was fine, we finally came back home on December 3rd.

At last, I had many different nurses to take care of me every some hours at the hospital, but every single one of them, from the young ones to the experienced ones, was excellent. I was very moved by their reliable and warm care and dedication.

I've stayed in a hospital for 3months in Japan as well and I alraedy know how wonderful Japanese nurses are, but I thought that it's borderless how amazing what great nurses do for their patients is. I was just inspired by them and felt that I do want to be able to do something helpful for somebody else too.

Okay, this is all about my labor experience and how May-chan was born. It became a long story, but I hope that you enjoyed it.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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