Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

ホテル生活 2日目、そして奇跡が起こる (Hotel Life Day 2 and Miracle happened)

2022-05-31 14:28:36 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)

Hello there!

How's your day going today?

So, I want to give you an update about the storm aftermath at our house today.

On May 11th, a big thunder storm and tornado hit a big area around Twin cities in MN including our house and a big tree in the back yard fell and cut the electric wire connected straight to our house.

We use well water, which means we lose water supply at the same time we lose power, so on the next day we decided to evacuate to a hotel room to stay until we got power back.

The hotel life was pretty comfortable and May-chan really enjoyed it.

Our family had been self-quarantined for a reason at that point, but it's kind of boring just sitting in the room all day long, so May-chan and I took a quick walk around the hotel.

When I say, "Smile!!", she says "Smile!" and makes a smile, but she always looks at a wrong direction from my camera. LOL

The roads around the hotel were very busy, but there's luckily a sidewalk, so we just walked there.

It's dandelion blooming season now, so May-chan enjoyed picking them up every time she found one.

As for the power outage, in our case, the wire was only connected to our house, which means that we're the only one who got an impact from that.

Due to the big thunder storm, a lot of people lost power at the same time, so we assumed that crews from the electric company were probably working on the cute wires giving more households an impact first.

We booked the hotel room from Thursday through Saturday, but as of Friday, "We still don't know how much longer it will take to get the power back, so we might as well ask the hotel if we can extend our stay." we thought and thankfully they said yes.

On Thursday, Andy was standing in front of our house just to chill out and then one of our neighbors came to him and kindly said, "If there's anything I can do for you, please feel free to tell me so."

At the same time, a wife of our family friends in the neighborhood was coming home from work and stopped and talked to Andy because she was surprised by the fallen tree in our yard.

Actually, her husband is a high voltage electric engineer and works for the electric company supplying power in our area. Of course, he was out to work on repair all the electric problems from the thunderstorm.

So, the wife, Miss J, kindly told Andy, "I don't know when he can check his phone now, but I'll text him anyways!"

Of course, they're friends of us, so Andy knew that Mr T was a high voltage electric engineer, but he could easily imagine that Mr T would be super busy working on all the repairs around the cities and didn't want to bug him at all.

Anyways, after that, I was just chilling out and watching YouTube in the hotel room on Friday. I still kept an eye on the electric company website and checked what our repair status was like even though I was thinking that nothing would happen soon. Though, all of sudden, the status sign changed and said, "The crews are working on the site. The repair estimate is 12:30pm"

This is the outage map around the time when I saw the sign saying that the crews are working on our house. As you can see, there's a lot of households still out of power at that point.

I personally assume that Mr. T did something for us, but he wouldn't admit it anyways. Whatever it is, I really appreciate everything for working out to make this miracle happen.

Honestly speaking, the hotel life wasn't that bad and we wouldn't have minded staying there for a week or so, but we actually had a certain reason to want to return home at that point, so the quick repair meant so much to us.
(I almost got teary eyes when I saw the sign saying "The crews are on your site." )

The repair itself was for temporary and they'd still need to fix it more later, but it's a tremendous life savor for us to get power back at such an early point.

May-chan and I once returned home to doublecheck if the power was really back Friday afternoon, and we checked out the hotel Saturday morning.

Thanks to such a nice and sweet neighbor, we could end the hotel life and come home just in a couple of days, which was really like winning a lottery.

We still have to take care of the fallen tree or insurance stuff, but this is the miracle ending of our family's tornado story.

Okay, this is all for today! Thank you for reading again!!!

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ホテル生活 1日目(Hotel Life Day1)

2022-05-26 09:01:21 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)

Hi everyone!

How are you doing today?

Okay, let me talk more about the tornado aftermath today.

At night of May 11th, a big thunder storm passed by our area and broke one of the trees in our back yard. Because of the fallen tree, the electric wire directly connected to our house was cut and we lost power too.

Andy reported the incident to Excel energy last night, but there must be a lot of houses lost power and we have no idea how long it would take to get our wire fixed.

I mentioned this on the last article, but we pump up well water, so once we lose power, we lose water at the same time.
(The well pump works by electricity.)

In such a situation, "When my friend's mom had a same issue, they took 3 days to get power back." the chief of our family disaster prevention, Andy estimated a couple of days at least to get power back and started finding a place to stay shortly after.

Our friends, Tom&Kat, kindly offered, "You guys can come over our house anytime." but we decided to book a hotel nearby after all.

Andy talked to a lady of this hotel about our situation and asked if we could check in earlier and then she was super nice and flexibly took care of our request. Thanks to her kindness, we received a notification saying our room's ready around 10am.
(The normal check-in time was around 3pm.)

Andy actually made a phone call to a different hotel first, but they actually had lost power from the storm the night before too. So, they couldn't use their washers and dryers for a while and said that rooms would be ready around 1pm.

In the meantime until we got a notification that our room was ready, Andy ran to a gas station closest to our house for some ice and we threw the ice in our freezers.
(Again, we have no idea how long it would take to get power back, so we've pretty much given up foods in the fridge and freezers. It'd maybe help, maybe not...)

Then, we packed some clothes and foods for a couple of days in a suitcase and came to the hotel about 10 mins away from our house.

This is the room we're staying at now. A kind suite with kitchen.

It's nice the bedroom is separated so that May-chan can go to sleep first on her own.

The living room is pretty spacy and comfortable too.

It's also nice to have a bathtub for me, a big bath-lover.

The sink is big and convenient.

Thankfully, there are a set of plates, bowls, silverwares, and some cooking tools too.

There's a microwave and toaster too.

What's most convenient for us is this big fridge. We could put all the foods that we brought with in the fridge.

May-chan's really excited about this special room and unusual situation.

She especially loves this king-size bed and stareted pretending to sleep in there right away.

She loves turning on and off the light switch by the bed too. I don't know how many times I told her, "Don't play with the light switch!!" LOL

Also, the internet connection at this hotel is really well and we haven't had any trouble watching YouTube so far.

At the first night, I cooked this simple fried rice with ingredients that I brought from our house.
(At the point, I only had butter and soy sauce to season the rice, but they're good enough. After this, Andy went back home once and brought some salt and pepper back to the hotel room.

I'm writing this on the next day after the tornado hit us and this is the first day at the hotel. So, we still have no idea when we can get power back and booked the room until Saturday at least.
(Today's Thursday.)

Andy already left a voice mail on our insurance company at night when the tornado hit us and today received a call back. They said that the tree damage would be probably covered by insurance, which got rid of one of our concerns.

All I can do at this point is hoping that the electric line will be repaired as quickly and safely as possible and we can end this hotel life shortly too.

Okay, this is all about Day 1 of our hotel life.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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嵐が去った後。。。(After a Thunder Storm passed...)

2022-05-23 04:44:01 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)

Hello there!

How's everything going in your life?

So, I've complained about the long and cold winter here in MN a couple of times on my blog, but I can finally say that we're completely through the winter now in May and we've been enjoying nice and warm days.

Though, once we're through the long and cold winter, the season of storms has started.

I'm writing this on May 12th and we got a thunder storm warning and tornado warning last night, May 11th, and around 8PM when the tornado got closer to our area, they told us to evacuate in the basement.

Following Andy, the chief of our family disaster prevention department, we also went into the bathroom in the basement with a comforter and some snacks.

It was about for 40 mins or so that we stayed in the bathroom and during the time, the lights in the bathroom went off and made us notice that we lost power.

It's actually not that unusual for us to lose power when a thunderstorm hits the area and tree branches cut electric wires or something in summer, so we were optimistically thinking, "Oh, a wire somewhere was cut again." at the point.

Fortunately, we could get out of the bathroom when the tornado warning was cancelled in 15-20 mins.


Andy went out to check around the house even though it's still stormy outside...

Oh...my....the tree....!!!!!

One of the trees in the back yard fell down on the ground.

It was still too dark to see what's going on last night and we lost power anyways, so I went to bed early.

Today, I went out to check the tree first in the morning.

Wow! The tree was completely broken. We're super lucky that the tree didn't hit the house!!

The tree wasn't that old, but it was broken at the thick trunk.

From the opposite angle.

The tree fell over and cut the electric wires directly connected to our house.

That's why only we lost power in the area though other houses still had it.

Needless to say, it's very dangerous to get close to the wires, so I took these pictures from a certain distance.

Andy reported the incident to Excel company last night right away after he found it.

The big thunder storms hit a big area of MN, so there seemed a lot of houses lost power at the same time.

The operator lady of Excel energy mush have got millions of incoming calls endlessly last night and sounded very exhausted.
(She was still very nice and took care of our report really well.)

I imagine that there are so many people working to fix power outage at lots of different locations now, but in our case, the broken wire is only connected to our house and we're the only one getting an impact by that.

So, Andy's saying that we're probably on the bottom of the list.
(They'd probably start working on from the lines connected to more households.)

We also use electricity to pump up well water, so once we lose power, that means we lose water as well.

Anyways, I'll just end this here for today.

On the next article, I want to write about what we're doing on the next day after the storm.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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2 サードステップ/血液検査1回目 (2 Third Step/Blood Tests)

2022-05-16 16:46:52 | 3rdステップ/不妊治療(Infertility Treatment 2)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

Today I want to share another article of Third Step (Infertility Treatment) series.

FYI, I was originally writing this article about our 2nd IVF treatment at the same time as the things were happening, but Andy and I changed our minds after I finished writing this article. So, what I'm writing here is not what we really ended up doing.

Still, I thought that the experience how we did our 2nd IVF including such a plan change would tell the real story and could be useful for somebody too. So, I want to upload this article here as the real record too.

Okay, from here is the original article.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Andy and I decided to do an IVF from scratch at a clinic in MN in the beginning of 2020.


11. 第二子妊活日記、心変わり (11 Infertility Treatment diaries, Changed Our Minds) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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Though, neither of us liked the first clinic that we had a counseling with first and we canceled the treatment there. Then, we decided to do the treatment at the clinic where we used to do AIH treatment.

It had been over 1 year since we last visited the clinic, so we needed to fill a lot of foams (online) and take a couple of essential blood tests first. Andy did a semen test as well.
(We did the tests and foams before we had a counseling with our doctor for the first time.)

On this day, only I needed to take a blood test, but 3 of us went together and left home around 7am.

Kids are not allowed to go in the clinic, so May-chan and Andy were waiting for me in the car.

The blood test only took 5 mins or so. I could receive the result online in a couple of days.

In the blood test, they checked the 3 kinds of hormone and...

AMH level which is an essential factor for infertility treatment.

As for AMH level, you can get more information on the website below.

木下レディースクリニック AMH値検査について
What's is AMH?

Thankfully, all of my results were normal. As for AMH level, my result was quite good for my age (38).

This doesn't have to do with the infertility treatment, but we swung by our favorite sandwich shop to grab lunch on the way home from the clinic.

After we're done with some blood and semen tests, our coordinator arranged an appointment 1 month after for the first counseling with our old doctor.

Honestly speaking, there were way more paperwork to read and sigh on compared to the amount of documents that we're through in Japan. Plus, I personally felt that it took so long that we actually could talk to our doctor.

This is how Andy and I started working on our 2nd IVF in MN.

What's going to wait for us from now and on??

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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2年半ぶりの発熱 (The First Fever in the last 2 and a half years)

2022-05-13 08:39:16 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hi everybody!

How's your day going?

On the last article, I wrote that May-chan had much fun with her first class playdate.

クラスプレイデート (The First Class Play Date ) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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Yeah, we did the slide million times together. Haha.

In the end of the playdate, I was super exhausted and also May-chan looked so tired too.

She fell asleep in the car on the way back home, which was very usual, so at the point, I was casually thinking, "Oh, she played a lot!"

It was on Easter weekend, so we had Dad&Mom and Brad over at our house. May-chan also took a nap in Grandma's arms for a while.

Andy cooked the Easter dinner for us that day. Everything was so yummy!

When the dinner was ready, May-chan woke and sat down on the chair, but as you can tell in the picture, she's not happy at all.

Andy took care of her for a while and noticed that her temperature was pretty high.

At the point, her temperature was over 101F. She seemed to want to sleep more, so we put her down on the couch in the living room.

After an hour nap or so, I asked her if she wanted to eat yogurt and then she said "I'll eat yogurt."

She ate a little bit, which made me relieved some.

As the title says, May-chan actually hadn't run fever since when she and I were in Japan.

めいちゃんの初日本 最終編 (May-chan's 1st Japan The final) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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It was October 2019, so that means she hadn't run fever at all in the last 2 and a half years.

It's pretty normal and usual for children around May-chan's age to run fever very often, but this was obviously one of the impacts from the pandemic that she hadn't got fever at all for more than 2 years. We'd been quarantined for a long time and recently started going out more to grocery stores or other places, so I assumed that May-chan had got some virus or germ somewhere finally.

Andy made a call to a nurse line a couple of times and got some advice about how we should have taken care of May-chan.

Considering May-chan's symptoms at the point, (Fever and lost appetite), the nurse said that we wanted to make sure that May-chan's hydrated first. As for her fever, we could wait and see without giving her Tylenol as long as it's below 102F or so since we prefer to make her own immune system kick out the germ or virus on its own.

Still, if her fever runs over 103F or so for 4-5days or she doesn't pee more than 12 hours, we need to take her in an urgent care so that they could give her an IV to hydrate her body.

After all, she started running fever on Saturday and then it dropped down in the morning and went up in the afternoon for a couple of days following. She usually doesn't take a nap at all, but in those days, she took a nap too. She pretty much got back to normal on Tuesday.
(She gradually got her appetite back too. We gave her Tylenol only on Sunday and after that, just waited for her immune system to win the battle.)

So, this is all about the sick report of May-chan first fever in the last 2 and a half years. Thankfully, it didn't go serious and she could get well recovered and strengthen her immune system.

From now on, I hope that she'll get a good amount of germs and virus to make her body stronger and stronger.

Okay, this is all for today! Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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