Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

2 我が家のクリスマス・イヴ (2 Our Christmas 2020, Eve)

2020-12-30 09:27:58 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello there!

How are you doing today?

Okay, I want to keep talking about our Christmas here today.

After the 3.5 hour drive on the slippery road, we safely got to Dad&Mom's new cabin on Christmas eve.

There's a giant tree in the living room and a lot of presents under the tree just as I imagined.

Actually, before Christmas, Andy was saying, "I think it's gonna be less presents this year. It's been weird because of Corona, but also Dad&Mom has been busy working on thier cabin too. " Though, I honestly didn't take his words seriously because I'd been a member of this family for 10years and known enough about Dad&Mom.

For Dad&Mom, Christmas is the most special event of the year and their love for Christmas pretty much can overcome anything. Even Corona or the construction couldn't beat their Christmas love. And just as I expected, their Christmas love conquered both Corona and the construction. Haha.

After we took a break, we decided to have an easy dinner.

Oh, BTW, I really loved the big kitchen counter. It was big enough for some people to cook or do something on it at the same time.

The Christmas eve dinner was pizza.

Just like Andy's a big pizza lover, his daughter, May-chan loves pizza too! She really enjoyed the dinner. BTW, the red high chair was the one that Dad used in his childhood, so it's been used through 3 generations.

After the pizza dinner, we helped Dad&Mom bake cookies.

Mom was finishing Andy's favorite Christmas cookies at the time.

They're peanut butter cookies with Kisses chocolates on top.

Then, we spent the rest of the night as enjoying some Christmas movies.

It was such an eventful and long day for May-chan, so she fell asleep in Daddy's arms.

I said that Dad&Mom let us use their bedroom since May-chan was with us, but then where did they sleep??

Yeah, they inflated the mattress and...

slept in the living room.

We felt so bad and told them, "We can sleep in the living room, so why don't you guys take the bedroom back?" several times, but they said, "Oh, don't worry! We're fine!" and didn't take the offer. (Big Thanks again!)

Anyways, this is how we spent Christmas eve this year.

Okay, it's all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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1 我が家のクリスマス・イヴ (1 Our Christmas 2020, Eve)

2020-12-28 13:29:46 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi everyone!

How are your holidays going?

I updated you guys a little bit the other day, but again, I had an amazing Christmas with my family this year.

We're supposed to leave Dad&Mom's cabin on the 27th, which is today when I'm writing this, but we're having a too nice time to leave and decided to stay here for one more day.

Okay now, I want to start sharing how we spent our Christmas this year. On Christmas eve, we left our house in the morning and headed to Dad&Mom's cabin.

Brad joined the ride with us this year.

In the morning, Andy got so nervous and worried if all the presents and stuff could fit in my car, but thankfully and barely Andy figured out the way to load everything into the car.

Yeah, May-chan was a little bit buried in the presents too. Haha.

A big snow storm hit us on the day before Christmas eve and we got about 11 inches (28cm) of snow in a day.

So, the roads were still icy and slippery on Christmas eve though they had already cleared most of the snow away.

Andy drove that day as usual, but he paid extra attention to the road condition and other drivers.

Usually most of the drivers run over the speed limit on the highway, but everyone was driving at about 20mph on the road which speed limit was 70pmh.

After we kept driving very slowly up north for a while, the road got much better enough for us to run at the normal speed.

After the 3.5 hour drive, we finally got to Dad&Mom's cabin!! Yay!

For this Christmas time, Dad&Mom generously let us use their bed room since May-chan was with us. (Big thanks!)

The view from the windows was just beautiful!!

They hadn't finished the basement area at the point yet, so the bedroom-to-be was like this. Still, they got the bed ready for Brad for the Christmas time.

Anyways, we made the long drive, so everybody had a break for a while after we got there.

May-chan was super happy to see Grandma&Grandpa too. She actually didn't take a nap during the drive at all, but we somehow kept her entertained with snacks or something.

Okay, this is just the beginning of our Christmas, but I'd like to end this here for today since there's much more to be shared coming.

So, thank you for reading again!! I hope you enjoyed it.

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素敵な時間を過ごしております。(We're having a great time.)

2020-12-26 15:22:43 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello there!

How are you doing today?

Today is the day after Christmas. We safely got to Dad&Mom's new cabin yesterday and had a wonderful Christmas again.

On the day before Christmas Eve, we got a big snow in MN.

We're worried if we couldn't make it to Dad&Mom's cabin as we originally planned, but thanks to Andy for driving on the icy slippery road, we could get to the destination after 4 hour drive. Usually, it takes about a little less than 3 hours.

Now, the main event, Christmas, is over and all we are doing now is enjoying a very low-key and relaxing family time. We're going to stay until tomorrow, the 27th.

This Christmas was too eventful to be written just on one article here, but I'd love to share it when we're back home. Now, I just want to focus on this precious family time.

So, I want to end this here for today and go back to the family circle.

I hope that you are having a great time of the year as well!

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メリークリスマス!(Merry Christmas & Happy holidays!!)

2020-12-24 10:58:14 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi there!

Merry Christmas &Happy Holidays, everybody!!!

I'm actually writing this on the 22nd, but today on Christmas eve when I'm posting this, Andy, May-chan and I would be getting ready for about 2 hour drive to head to Dad&Mom's new cabin to spend Christmas.

We usually bring millions of presents for Christmas, and I was actually talking about it here in 2017 even before May-chan was born.

Lots of presents and our clothes just for 2 nights made my car like this.

I have no idea how we can deal with this when we have kids. Haha.

At the point of 2017, I was already worried, "How could we handle so many presents when we have a kid??" But so far, thanks to everybody's help, we've been able to manage it somehow.

A couple of days ago, Dad&Mom stayed at our house for one night, so we asked them to take most of the presents which we had already wrapped at the point back home with them.
(We didn't Thanksgiving with Dad&Mom this year since some contractors had been working inside of their house for a while around the time, but it's been more than 2 weeks since they finished it, so we could see them in person again.)

Besides Dad&Mom already took most of our presents back home with them, we're not going to join our second family's (The Raymonds') Christmas this year (Of course, due to COVID-19), so we also already dropped our presents for them off at Rheanna's house, which saved some room as well.

Anyways, exchanging millions of presents is our family tradition and even COVID-19 can't break it. Andy and I divided them and finished wrapping all the presents by a couple of days before Christmas.

The quarantined life made us easier to prepare Christmas together since Andy's home all day, but the only disadvantage about it is that you have be extra careful to buy presents for your spouse! Otherwise he/she might take the package first and get to know what it is.

I actually failed on one present for Andy. I ordered it on Amazon and "Well, they'd probably put it in an Amazon box, so it should be fine!" I was thinking, but it actually came in the original box!!

Yeah, the timing was unluckily bad too. When Andy came upstairs and was about to take a smoking break outside the front door, the delivery man showed up. Yeah, Andy's right there when the package was delivered.

Yeah, he could read what it was inside on the box, so my surprise was over in a moment. (Dang!)

Oh well, it is what it is.

This year was such a difficult time to take a change of air overall, but it was still a very precious and heart-warming time for me to wrap all the presents thinking of the loved ones.

I'm writing this 3 days before Christmas, so I haven't seen everybody's surprise or happy face when they open the presents, but I can feel happy just by imagining what they would be like.

Anyways, I just wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy holidays, everyone!!

Merry Christmas!! (This picture was taken last Christmas which was the last Christmas we spent at Dad&Mom's old sweet home.)

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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ツリーの飾り付け (Tree Decoration)

2020-12-22 08:02:32 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello everyone!

How are you doing today?

On the last 2 articles, I talked that multiple home appliances got broken all at once and both Andy and I were thinking that we'd already been through it. Though, we were wrong. Another home appliance was broken last week too. (Dang!)

So, I had to work on the unexpected incident and got worn out for a couple of days.

I'll talk more about it sometime later and today I want to write about our Christmas tree again.


めいの初めてのツリーハント (May-chan's 1st Tree Hunt) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


めいの初めてのツリーハント (May-chan's 1st Tree Hunt) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I shared our tree hunt 2020 here the other day, but we usually go and get a tree of the Christmas at a farm every year.

Some days after the tree hunt, Andy put the tree up in the living room with an assistance of Brad, and we first put a child protection fence around it like this.

Though, May-chan got over the fence in a second.

So, we ended up taking the fence off. Haha.

This year Andy took the lead to decorate the tree, and May-chan was very curious to watch what Daddy was doing.

She also got a help from Daddy to hang a couple of the ornaments too. It was actually her first time to decorate a Christmas tree!

Andy made a smart decision not to put any breakable ornaments on the tree this year. (Obviously, it's because of our 2 year old monster.)

And then, this is our tradition. We put the Soot Sprite on the top of the tree. Yeah, May-chan's trying to climb up on Daddy.


The lights looked more pretty when we turned off the room light. May-chan was excited saying, "Kirei! (Beautiful)".

It's been some days since we decorated the tree and the tree is still fine so far. May-chan's pulled some ornaments or slapped the tree a couple of times, but she quit bullying the tree when she was told, "Be gentle!" So, she's been nicer to the tree than we thought she would be overall.

We put presents under the tree before May-chan was born, but this year we hid all the presents from her until we open them at Dad&Mom's house since we bet that she would rip all the wrapped presents.

Speaking of Christmas decoration, we also put Christmas lights on the house every year, and it turned out like this.

It's pretty much same as last Christmas, but there are a few changes too.

Can you tell what's changed?

We actually added the baby reindeer this year. Yup, she wasn't here last year.

We got her on sale right after last Christmas.

The addition of the cute baby reindeer is a happy change, but the other one is not happy one.

Can you see it? The candy canes and the Santa Clause lights were out. (Oh No!) It's probably because of the fuses according to Andy.

They were so pretty like this until last Christmas.

We'd used them for several years, so it might be the time.

We're not going to do anything with them this year and when everything gets settled down, we want to consider if we'll try to fix or buy new lights for the next year.

It's only 3days to Christmas! This year has been so odd and chaotic due to COVID-19, but thankfully this special season still makes you excited, doesn't it?

We're planning to celebrate this Christmas at Dad&Mom's new cabin and it's going to be the first big family event in a long time, so I'd definitely like to enjoy it to the maximum.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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