Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

3/4 春休みバケーション (Spring Break Vacation vol.3 of 4)

2024-03-31 10:36:18 | MN生活(14年目)(MN2023-24)

Hi folks!




How's your life treating you? 




Okay, this is about my family's spring vacation again. 




On Day 3, Saturday. 




In the morning, Andy had an appointment for playing a golf simulation with Dad, so he left the hotel room around 9am or so. 




Me? Yeah, the entire morning was free and no plan, so I had such a laxuary morning by sleeping in as late as I liked and waking up whenever I felt like to. LOL




Andy's back to the hotel room around noon and then we went out to grab late lunch together. 




It was another nice day and nice enough to make Andy say, "If there wasn't frost on the ground, I'd have definitely played real golf." 




色々とレストランの候補をホテルで考えた結果、結局よく来るThe Wharfに。
Andy and I looked up restaurants around but ended up going to this familiar one, The Wharf.



Same as the hotel we were staying at, the entire town was very quiet during our vacation and this restaurant wasn't an exception either. 



They renewed the menu a little bit. 



Thanks again!





The main reason why we chose this restaurant was this lobster bisque. It was another chilly day, so we were kind of craving for hot soup. We shared a bowl. 




Andy wanted to have some salad, so we shared this Caesar salad too. (We tend to be lack of veggies during vacation in general.) 




Andy got this burger. 




I got fish&chips. 



In all honesty, I was already 85% full at the point when I finished the half of the lobster bisque and salad. Haha.




So, I took most of the fish&chips and some salad to the hotel room and enjoyed it as dinner that night. 




I don't think that we have pulltabs in Japan, but it's really popular and common here in the US, isn't it? We got $20 of 2 kinds and played them just mostly for fun and a little bit for a hope. Yup, we didn't win any of them. Haha. It was still fun though. 




Before May-chan was born, Andy and I had more time, chances and energy to talk about many things. So, it was nice that we could have some quiet time to share our random thoughts again.  




On the way back from the restraurant, I took the steering wheel. It's not so often happening this, so I asked Andy to take some pics of me driving. 
(I also drove back to the hotel from the restaurant the night before. I sometimes drive even with Andy when he drinks at a restaurant or party.) 




It was my 3rd time driving Andy's new car, so I wasn't still fitting the feeling of the car. 
(This has nothing to do with the car, but when I looked at myself close in the picture above, I noticed more wrinkles around my eyes and felt, "I'm surely aging well!" LOL) 




Andy's pretty much always a driver with me, so "It's nice to be able to see more seanery in the window when I sit in the passanger seat!" he said. Haha. 




Okay, let me end this here for today. 




Thank you for reading again!!!




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2/4 春休みバケーション (Spring Break Vacation vol.2 of 4)

2024-03-30 13:00:25 | MN生活(14年目)(MN2023-24)

Hello there!



How's your day going? 



This Sunday is Easter, but my family's gathering and celebrating Easter 1 day earlier today.  



My American family is not very religious, but we still gather for seasonal events like this and spend a happy family time together, which I'm grateful for.



Anyways, today let me talk more about the spring vacation that we had last weekend.



Day 2 was friday, so Andy still needed to work until 4pm, so...



May-chan and I had a relaxing morning. May-chan was very pleased to play Dr. with Grandma. 



When Andy's done with his work of the day, the vacation really began specifically for Andy and me. 




Yeah, Dad&Mom actually offered to watch May-chan Friday and Saturday, so we booked a hotel room nearby and were going to stay there for 2 nights. (Thanks!)



Yay!! Just 2 of us for the 1st time for a while.




The temperature was not that high, but the sky blue was such a beauty that day. 




We checked in our usual hotel. 




We'd stayed at this hotel so many times, so everything in the room looked familiar. 




I'm a big bath lover, so the bathtub made me super happy. 




They have a pool at the hotel, so they put some beach towels in the bathroom too. 



What gave me a big grin was that Andy had brought these babies for this trip. 
(Andy was saying, "I didn't want leave them!" So sweet!)



After we checked in the hotel and had some lazy time, we went to this fancy restaurant. 




This vacation was only for 2 nights and the main purpose was just having a quiet and realxing time, so we hadn't made any plans beforehand except for dinner at this resutaurant. 




We're here! We took a selfie with my camera and then it focused on the background. LOL



Norway Ridge



It was a little bit chilly, so we shared this wild rice soup first. 



Their housemade salad dressings are so tasty and they sell them in a pint too. So, we ordered their bluecheese dressing and French dressing for home. 




They have a variety of food on the menu, but I always end up having their filet steak. That night I ordered a combo of filet steak and scallops since Andy wanted to have some scallops too. 



I love their garlic mashed poteto and always order it for a side of the steak, and I ordered it this time as well. Though, the potatos tasted differently from usual and I couldn't sense any garlic flavor in it. I assume that the kind of potatos was different from ususal too. (Andy tried a bite and agreed with me.)




I don't mean that the mashed potatos was not good, but it was a little disappointing that I didn't have my favorite garlic mashed potatos as I had expected. 
(The steak was awesome as always.)




Andy got a filet steak too. He always gets their potato gratin for the side. 




Thank you for always working hard for us! Thank you for this wonderful time with just 2 of us. 




I didn't put any makeups on even for the special fancy dinner. I love it when nobody cares about it. Haha. 




After the wonderful dinner with the fancy foods and casual date, we directly headed back to the hotel. 



For the rest of the night, I watched a lot of murder investigation channel, took a relaxing bath and then went to bed. 




Okay, this is all about Day 2 of our spring vacation. Thank you for reading again!!!




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1/4 春休みバケーション (Spring Break Vacation vol.1 of 4)

2024-03-29 21:42:35 | MN生活(14年目)(MN2023-24)

Hello everyone!




How are you doing today? 




I mentnioned this here several times, but this winter in MN has been super warm. 




The news that I read yesterday said that this winter was the warmest winter (December through Feburary) in over the last 145 years and breaking the previous record in 1877-1878 by a full degree. 




Final numbers show warmest winter on record for most of Minnesota

It was the warmest meteorological winter on record for most locations in Minnesota.

MPR News




To be honest with you, I'm a freezy person and prefer having a warm winter every year, but the news also said that winter temperatures in the twin cities have risen about 5-6F overall since 1970 due to El Nino. 




So, I personally prefer warm winters, but I also assume that there are certain issues for someone somewhere if the climate keeps changing like this. I was thinking like that and then we got a big snow storm from Sunday and a lot of snow fell through the weekend. 




So, our backyard turned like this in just a night and looked just as our usual winter. Yup, our usual MN winter. 



Thanks to the haevy snow fall, I could have a good exercise by shoveling our driveway 3 times a day. I hope this snow is the last and spring comes next. 




Anyways, our loving daughter, May-chan's school is in spring break this week. 




I wish that our friends are also in spring break as well so that we could do lots of playdates, but some of them were in 1 week earlier and others are in 1 week later. (Dang!)




Still, we went to Dad&Mom's house up north for 3 nights from last Thursday. 




It might be too short to be called "vacation", but let me share the fun family time here anywyas. 




In Thursday afternoon, Andy and I packed the car and picked up May-chan at her preschool and directly headed to Dad&Mom's from there. 
(May-chan was saying, "I wanna go to Granpa&Grandma's house!" from a couple of weeks before, so she's super excited.)





As always, Andy took the steering wheel for the 3 hour drive. By the way, he recently replaced his car again. 
(He said, "I found what I'd wanted for a long time!!" so, I assume that he won't replace the car for a while at least. Haha)





There's no snow on the roads and not much traffic either on the Thursday, so it was a nice and smooth drive. 





We got to the town close to Dad&Mom's house about 6pm, so we swang by this usual pizza place and met up with Dad&Mom there. 





They had a photo panel in front of the store, so May-chan requested me to take pictures for her there. Haha. 
(There were 3 face holes on the panel and May-chan wanted to take pictures putting her face out on every single hole.)





Reuniting with her loving Grandpa&Grandma. We had seen them not long before though. 
(She's making a peace sign with her fingers, which's so Japanesy.) 




Yeah, we're at a pizza store, so having pizza for dinner. This one was Dad's. 




This one was for May-chan and Andy.
(May-chan loves pizza as much as her daddy does, which's so American.)



Mom got this taco pizza. 




I'm not a huge fan of American style pizza, so I got this cashew chicken salad whcih was my favorite at this pizza place. 



Yeah, I said I'm not a huge fan of Amrican style pizza, but I got this mini-size pizza. 
(When I order a pizza at this plcae, I usually order this one with spicy pork. I don't know why, but I felt that the taste was different from usual.)



After the casual dinner, Andy, May-chan and I swang by a grocery store and liquor store nearby and then headed to Dad&Mom's. 




We had a quiet and relaxing night and went to bed. 




Okay, this is how we spent Day1 of the vacation. Thank you for reading again!!!




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8 The Fifth Step/妊娠判定結果(The Result of Pregnancy Test)

2024-03-22 10:25:19 | 5thステップ/不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment 4)

Hello everyone!




How's everything going today? 




Okay, let me talk about our 2nd IVF in MN again. 




A week before Christmas, on Dec. 18th, I was done with the egg transfer well. 




Then, I had a blast at Christmas and then took a pregnancy test at the clinic lab on Dec. 27th. 




The lab appointment on the 27th made return home from Dad&Mom's on the 26th. 




In the morning of the 27th, I went to the lab and took a blood test. They said that they result would be informed via a phone call in the afternoon. 




So, I kept my phone with me all the time in the afternoon so that I could answer the call for sure. 




Around 3:30 pm, my phone rang. 




I called Andy right away and switched my phone to the speaker so that we could hear the news at the same time. 




"Hello, this is XX from XX clinic. I'm calling you for the result of the pregnancy test and..." 




"I have bad news."







Andy said that he could tell the result right away from the way how the nurse said. "Hello." I had no idea though. 




Oh my... In all honesty, both Andy and I had much expectation of the success since they had told us that it was 70% chance to succeed with the pregnancy. So..., yeah, needless today, we both were very disappointed and felt helpless. 




If I could picturize my feelings at the time, it'd not be like this, but...




more like this. Yeah, I was drained out. Yeah, it was super disappointing. 



Especially, we went through the tough time right after the fun and peaceful Christmas time. 




We still had some off days until New Year's day, but both of us needed some time to accept and resolve the reality in our heads and hearts after we heard the result.  




After I wrote about our IVF treatments for our 2nd child in 3 series here, no storks haven't come to us yet. 






Andy and I again need to discuss what we want to do from now. 




Okay, it's too bad that we can't get you the happy news yet, but it is what it is. 




Thank you for reading again!! Bye for now!!




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7 The Fifth Step/移植日 (Egg Transfer)

2024-03-20 14:02:36 | 5thステップ/不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment 4)

Hello folks!




How's your life treating today? 




Okay, this is another article of our 4th IVF. 




For the transfer, I kept taking 5 kinds of medication and finally reached the big day, the first transfer in MN, on Dec. 18th. 




It was a very beautiful day. 




Actually, May-chan got sick from the day befoe and threw up once, was running fever and coughing. 




As usual, Dad&Mom kindly came down to stay at our house for the transfer day, but Andy and I were discussing until the last minute if we should have taken May-chan to an urgent care in the morning of the transfer or not. 




After all, we ended up deciding, "She'd be fine because Dad&Mom are here." and left home for the clinic as scheduled. 




The instruction for the transfer day said that I needed to bring Valium to the clinic and take some ibuprofen in the morning. Also, they told me to fill my bladder for the operation too. 




We don't have many chances to go out just with 2 of us, so it was kind of exciting for us. Haha. 




I don't remember much about the details, but I think we talked to a nurse and embryologist before the operation. 




At the end of meeting with the embryologist, she told me to take Valium then. 




Again, I'd done a transfer twice in Japan, but I'd never taken any medication like Valuim at the time. I might have taken ibuprofen. 
(In the past transfers in Japan, I didn't feel any pain or discomfort, so I even enjoyed shopping on the way from the clinic to home.) 




Andy wasn't allowed to enter the operation room for egg retreivals, but he was for the transfer.



The operation itself went very smoothly without any pain, but the effect from Valium made me get lightheaded like motion-sickness, which was very uncomfortable. 
(I personally don't think that I needed to take Valium for the operation at all.)



Overall everything went well. They told me not to take a hot bath for the next couple of days or take pregnancy tests on my own. 




"Everything went great." our doctor said and they told us that a pregnancy test would be done right after Christmas, on Dec. 27th. 




Like this, our first egg transfer in MN went well. 




Oh, I almost forgot to tell you this, but our doctor said that it's 70% chance of pregnancy success in this transfer.  




Okay, the next article is going about the nervous pregnancy test. How did it turn out?




Thank you for reading again!!!




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