Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

J家を初訪問 (The First Visit at J Family)

2023-06-13 11:01:39 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hi everyone!!

How's everything going today?

You know what, it's already more than a week passed since I uploaded the last article here.

I'm not doing something special everyday, but each day just flies away anyways. Haha

So, our loving daughter, May-chan, goes to Japanese school on Saturdays and this year is her 3rd year. Thankfully, both May-chan and I have made lots of Japanese friends there.

Last month, May-chan, Andy and I visited one of May-chan's classmates, Hugo-kun's house for the first time.

Hugo-kun and May-chan both started attending the school since they're 2 years from the youngest class, but we live 40 mins drive away from each other and hadn't had a chance to do a play date until last month.

Hugo-kun's mom, Haruka-chan, and I have wanted to do a play date together for a long time, but she's pregnant with her 2nd baby and the due date was pretty soon, so I decided to bring her some prepped food by then so that she wouldn't have to worry about her meals sometimes after the baby girl's born.
(The baby girl was born healthy a couple of days before. Congratulations!!)

A lot of our friends from the Japanese school actually live in MN temporarily for work, so I'd really appreciate for having Japanese-related friends who were going to live here for a long just like us. I didn't mind visiting them just with May-chan at all, but I kind of wanted Andy come along with us so that we could become closer family friends with J family.

I didn't take many pictures of the house inside, but it was such a lovely house!

Haruka-chan said that they built the house from scratch 7,8 years ago and recently remodeled the basement too. So jealous!!
(Yeah, Andy and I planned to remodel our house last year too, but everything turned out too expensive for us to afford due to the pandemic and we had to give up. I hear that things have been better, but you know, you still need chunk of money anyways. Haha)

Anyways, the day was the very first time for Hugo-kun and May-chan to play one on one, so they were both shy in the beginning. May-chan was so excited with all the Hugo-kun's toys which were new to her and Hugo-kun was also playing quietly by himself first.

Still, they're gradually opening up as time passed. In a while, when Haruka-chan and I enjoyed chatting, we heard them giggling and laughing together downstairs.

We couldn't help checking them what they're doing in the basement. Then, they're playing together on this very soft cushion chair.

How cute Hugo-kun holding the stuffed animal was!

For lunch, Hugo-kun's daddy, Rob, kindly made his special pizza for us. (Thank you, Rob-san!)

It's a very beautiful day, so we enjoyed the delicious pizza on the porch.

May-chan loved and ate the pizza well.

Grown-ups enjoyed chatting too.

It's now 3 years since both Haruka-chan and I became friends and we'd talked several times at school. Still, it's the first time for us to sit down and share more of our private stories on the day.

What's a funny and nice surprise was that Haruka-chan was actually a big fan of F1 races when she's younger. She became passionate enough to study in Brazil for a year when she's in high school because it was her favorite driver's home country. She's even been to watch F1 races in Suzuka, which was one of Andy's big dreams!!
(Isn't it amazing that a high school girl went to Suzuka all by herself just to watch F1 race there??)

Oh my, the more you talk to a person, the more you can get to know the person.

Anyways, I'm very glad that we finally could have a nice family date with J family. I think that May-chan and Hugo-kun, Haruka-chan and me,

They're with the newborn baby girl and their life must be kind of crazy now, but once everything gets settled down, I'd definitely want to visit and greet the baby girl with Andy and May-chan again.

Okay, this is all for today!! Thank you for reading again!

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