Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

11 人生初手術(完)術後経過 (11 Post-Surgery)

2023-03-16 12:59:11 | 右卵巣摘出手術 (My right ovary removal surgery)
Hi everyone!

How's everything going in your life?

Okay, this is finally the last article of My First Surgery series.

Here's the timeline so far.

10月30日 右下腹部痛開始
Oct.30th The pain in my right lower belly started

11月8日  1回目のナースライン(次の生理まで様子を見るようにアドバイスをもらう)
Nov. 8th  The 1st nurse line call was made

11月16日 産婦人科の先生の診察(次の生理後にエコー検査をするようにアドバイスをもらう)
Nov. 16th App with an OBGYN doctor

11月28日 ER訪問
Nov. 28th ER Visit

11月29日 かかりつけの産婦人科の先生の診察(出血性嚢胞または子宮内膜腫の疑い。手術する事にする。)
Nov. 29th App with my OBGYN (Diagnosis of hemorrhagic cyst or endometrioma, Decided to have an operation to take it)

11月30日 ホームドクターとの術前検診
Nov. 29th App with my OBGYN

12月5日  手術当日
Dec. 5th Surgery (I'm talking about this today.)

術後経過&12月10日 術後検診
Post-Surgery& Dec. 10th Post-Surgery App with my OBGYN(I'm talking about this here.) 

Thankfully my surgery was successfully done, but they had to take my right ovary and ovarian tube with the cysts because the bleeding was going to be too much.

The surgery method was called laparoscopic surgery, so they just cut 3 spots in my belly, which were one at a little above my left hip joint, one at about 10cm (4inches) below my belly button and one exactly in my belly button. Each cut was only about 0.5inch wide.

After the surgery, they prescribed Oxycodone in case I couldn't handle the pain, but I was totally fine with over-the-counter medications like Advil or Tylenol.

Again, I was so curious like, "What would the pain be like when a part of your body is cut?" and in my subjective opinion, the inside pain where my right ovary and ovarian tube were removed was pretty much same type and level of pain as my usual menstrual cramps.

As for the cuts on my belly skin, the spots were not painful at all when they're untouched, but when I took my pants down or something and caused any friction on the spots, they hurt like somebody poked your skin with a needle.

What I had the hardest time for was urinating.

I don't know the exact reasons, but maybe because I instinctively tried to avoid from feeling anymore pain after my body was cut and a part of it was removed, I didn't know how to use the muscles to discharge urine.

Even though I tried to urinate by tightening my abs just as I had been doing before the surgery, but my urine didn't come out like I had expected. The amount of urine discharged was much less than what I felt it would be.

Other than that, I had an good appetite and could start enjoying TV or other easy activities from Day 2 after the surgery, so I didn't have any other things to make my life uncomfortable.

The brief idea about my post-surgery life given by my surgeon was life this.

[Day 0] You should stay and relax in bed other than when going to bathroom or eating.

[Day1-3] If you feel fine, you can get up and enjoy some activities like watching TV.

[Day14-after] You can go out for shopping, but don't want to drive.

[Day0-14] You don't want to lift heavy stuff or exercise.

[Day1-after] You can take a shower from Day 1 but you don't want to take a bath. It would take 3 weeks or so to start taking a bath.
(I honestly forgot exactly how long I needed to wait to start taking a bath, but I think it's more than 2 weeks for sure.)

In a couple of weeks after the surgery, I could practice the post-surgery life given by my surgeon thanks to Dad&Mom for staying and watching May-chan at our house.

Then, 10 days after the surgery, I had an appointment with my OBGYN for a post-surgery check-up.

At the appointment, she confirmed that I could start taking a bath, trying to make a baby and getting back to my normal life.

I wanted to know if there's any possibility that I would have an endometrioma in the future again, and her answer was that it's a low possibility.

You know what, the best news for me on the appointment was that I could start taking a bath!
(Even though I could take a shower from Day2 after the surgery.)

Of course, the first thing that I did when I got back home from the appointment was taking a bath! LOL

The more time passed the less the discomfort when urinating felt, and now a couple of months after the surgery, I'm completely back to the shape that I was in before the surgery.

This is all about my first surgery. What I'm feeling about the surgery overall now is that it's simply amazing and impressive how little the pain I had to go through and how quickly I could get recovered in the post-surgery.

I'd never had the same surgery twice and can't compare my experience to anything, but I surely bet that my surgeon was a very high-skilled doctor.

I believe that my super quick recovery was his great skills.

As for the pain that I had for the surgery, it was such a piece of cake compared to the tremendous pain that I went through in the labor for May-chan's birth. Let's say if the pain for the surgery was level 1, I'd say that the labor for May-chan was level 150. LOL

Besides the great surgeon and wonderful nurses at the hospital, I really want to thank every single person who was there for me and Andy in the unexpected hard time. I appreciate Dad&Mom for watching May-chan during the surgery and recovery time, my lovely neighbors, K&S, for babysitting May-chan with such a short notice so that Andy and I could go to a Dr's appointment right before the surgery and Tom&Kat for also saying yes to babysitting May-chan with a short notice.

More than anybody, I can't express in words how much I appreciate my husband, Andy, for supporting and taking care of me so well for the entire tough and busy time.

It's been 3 months since the surgery and I'm gratefully having a great and healthy life just as I was having before the surgery.

Anyways, this report got a little bit longer than I had planned, but this is all about my first surgery.

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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10 人生初手術・手術当日 後編 (10 My First Surgery/ Day of Surgery 3/3)

2023-03-11 16:24:54 | 右卵巣摘出手術 (My right ovary removal surgery)
Hi folks!!

How's your life treating you today?

Okay, it's been kind of long, but this series will be finished so soon.

My first surgery record.

Here's the timeline so far.

10月30日 右下腹部痛開始
Oct.30th The pain in my right lower belly started

11月8日  1回目のナースライン(次の生理まで様子を見るようにアドバイスをもらう)
Nov. 8th  The 1st nurse line call was made

11月16日 産婦人科の先生の診察(次の生理後にエコー検査をするようにアドバイスをもらう)
Nov. 16th App with an OBGYN doctor

11月28日 ER訪問
Nov. 28th ER Visit

11月29日 かかりつけの産婦人科の先生の診察(出血性嚢胞または子宮内膜腫の疑い。手術する事にする。)
Nov. 29th App with my OBGYN (Diagnosis of hemorrhagic cyst or endometrioma, Decided to have an operation to take it)

11月30日 ホームドクターとの術前検診
Nov. 29th App with my OBGYN (I'm talking about this today.)

12月5日  手術当日(今日の記事はここです。)
Dec. 5th Surgery (I'm talking about this today.)

After Andy and I waited about for 4 hours in my private room, I was finally carried to the operation room which was 2 hour late to the original schedule.

My only and biggest concern about the surgery was how I would feel when I woke up from the anesthesia.

日本での体外受精 その13 (IVF in Japan vol.13) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


It's because I felt nausea like I got a carsick when I had anesthesia through IVF treatment in the past.

After I was carried in the operation room, I lost my consciousness shortly after.

Honestly speaking, I was kind of curious and somehow looking forward to having any dreams or spiritual moments under anesthesia, but you know, I don't remember anything while I was unconscious.

When I woke up in the awakening room, I saw that there were some other people in bed in the same room.
(Even in the same room, it's a very big room and I didn't care about others at all.)

Then, when I woke up, a nurse came to me and asked some basic question about myself such as, "What's your name? What's your birthdate?"

I was worried if I would get nausea like a carsick, but I was actually feeling so refreshed like I woke up from a nice and deep sleep.

What surprised me was that my brain was working so fine from the moment that I woke up and I could tell exactly where I was and for what.

Shortly after, I was carried back to my private room and rejoined Andy there.

On Andy's side, while I was nicely sleeping under anesthesia, he was having a meeting with my surgeon.

"The doctor will call your phone once the surgery is done." That's what Andy had heard and other attendants in the waiting room seemed to be talking to their doctors about the operations on the phone, so when my doctor told Andy,

"We're done now. Can I see you in a meeting room now?"

he was so worried, "Did anything bad happen??"

At the meeting, my doctor told Andy that the operation was successfully done. Though, during the surgery he found out that the cysts were endometrioma, not hemorrhagic cyst which was originally diagnosed. He explained to Andy what he's done for me with all the images of the inside of my stomach, which actually helped a lot Andy to understand what he was talking about.

I think this is why my doctor wanted to talk to Andy in person, but he told Andy that he had to take my ovary and ovarian tube since he needed to stop the bleeding before it got too much.

So, on December 5th 2023, I said good-bye to my right ovary which'd been living my life with for 38 years together. Technically, I was sleeping when she's leaving. Haha.

After I was back to my room, they got me Oxycodone once and just let me take rest as much as I wanted until I could get up and go to bathroom on my own.

It was my very first time to cut my body and take a part of my body, so I was so curious how the pain would feel when a part of your body was cut.

Although, I was still on the strong pain-relief medication and didn't feel much pain at the point.

So, I could smile at the camera like this. Haha

A different nurse from the one who took care of me in the pro-surgery time watched my condition in the post-surgery time. I'd been in hospital a couple of times before, but again, "Nurses are angels!!" I was so grateful for their hardworking and warmhearted work. Around 9pm or so, I finally could take some urine out on my own and got a permit to go home.
(In my personal opinion, I feel paternal love from doctors and maternal love from nurses no matter what their actual genders are.)

Anyways, thankfully my surgery was successfully done and Andy and I could go home on the same day. Big thank you to Andy for patiently waiting for me for a long, long time.

Okay, this is all about my surgery day.

Again, I'll finish this series only in a couple of articles. I hope you will enjoy the rest too. Thank you for reading again!!! Bye for now.

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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9 人生初手術・手術当日 中編 (9 My First Surgery/ Day of Surgery 2/3)

2023-02-28 09:44:18 | 右卵巣摘出手術 (My right ovary removal surgery)
Hi there!

How's your day going today?

So well, I know say this too often, but time flies!!

While I've been lazy in my life full of miscellaneous chores, it's already 3 months passed from my surgery. I've been back to my normal life, which is very grateful and lucky, but just because of that, I tend to forget about the somehow special experience in my life. So, let me finish sharing the rest of my surgery record in a couple of articles here.

Okay, here's another article of the series, "My First Surgery".

Here's the timeline so far.

10月30日 右下腹部痛開始
Oct.30th The pain in my right lower belly started

11月8日  1回目のナースライン(次の生理まで様子を見るようにアドバイスをもらう)
Nov. 8th  The 1st nurse line call was made

11月16日 産婦人科の先生の診察(次の生理後にエコー検査をするようにアドバイスをもらう)
Nov. 16th App with an OBGYN doctor

11月28日 ER訪問
Nov. 28th ER Visit

11月29日 かかりつけの産婦人科の先生の診察(出血性嚢胞または子宮内膜腫の疑い。手術する事にする。)
Nov. 29th App with my OBGYN (Diagnosis of hemorrhagic cyst or endometrioma, Decided to have an operation to take it)

11月30日 ホームドクターとの術前検診
Nov. 29th App with my OBGYN (I'm talking about this today.)

12月5日  手術当日(今日の記事はここです。)
Dec. 5th Surgery (I'm talking about this today.)

After Andy and I checked in at the hospital and were sitting in the waiting room, a nurse showed up and called my name.

She led us a room and told me to change into a typical hospital gown, and then I think that she also checked my blood pressure or some other basic vital signs.

It was a little after noon and my surgery appointment was at 2pm.

Although, she let us know that the previous surgery was still going on in the operation room where my surgery was going to be operated, so my surgery actually started around 4pm.

While I was waiting, I thankfully had Andy by me and could enjoy chatting with him, but there was a TV in the room just in case you're bored of waiting there.

In the waiting time, my surgeon visited and explained to us about how he's going to remove my cysts and what risks he could think of.

We asked him some question about how I should have the post-surgery life too.

[Day 0] You should stay and relax in bed other than when going to bathroom or eating.

[Day1-3] If you feel fine, you can get up and enjoy some activities like watching TV.

[Day14-after] You can go out for shopping, but don't want to drive.

[Day0-14] You don't want to lift heavy stuff or exercise.

[Day1-after] You can take a shower from Day 1 but you don't want to take a bath. It would take 3 weeks or so to start taking a bath.
(I honestly forgot exactly how long I needed to wait to start taking a bath, but I think it's more than 2 weeks for sure.)


Just like my OBGYN explained to us before, my surgeon also said that there's a risk that he would have to remove my ovary or ovarian tube during the surgery in case the bleeding amount went over the safe limit.

I had one big favor for my surgeon, seeing a picture of the inside of my stomach, since I was so curious to see what it looked like and asked him about it. Then, he nicely said, "Yes, I can take some pictures for you." (Yay!)

After the meeting with my surgeon, there were also 2 visits of doctors from my anesthesia team. (Both of them were beautiful female doctors, FYI. Haha) They just asked me if there's any question and I didn't have one, so either visit finished in a min or so.

Oh, they actually gave me one head-up about symptoms after the surgery, which they're going to insert to tube into my trachea? and send oxygen to my lungs, so I might feel some discomfort in my throat after the surgery.

When the surgery time was getting close, my nurse told me to put my belongings in a bag with a hunger and zipper (It's kind of hard to explain, but it was like a hunger with a cover.) My name tag was on the bag and they kept it in a locker with a key somewhere on the same floor. Then, it's time to say bye-bye to my loving hubby.

Here's the brief schedule from the time Andy left my room.

I was carried to the operation room and the surgery started.

Andy left the floor and waited somewhere in the hospital.

Once my surgery was done, my surgeon would call Andy's phone and tell him how it went.

I slept in the awakening room (I forgot what's actually called.) until I woke up from the anesthesia.

After I woke up, I was carried back to my room and rejoined Andy.


So, when the operation room was finally open for me and I said bye-bye to Andy, a couple of nurses (probably they're my operation team) showed up to my room and asked me, "Do you know what type of operation you're having?" I think because they wanted to confirm if I really understood why I was there. Then, they carried me to the operation room.
(I went to the bathroom right before the surgery.)

So, this is how I was heading to my first surgery in my life.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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8 人生初手術・手術当日 前編 (8 My First Surgery/ Day of Surgery 1/3)

2023-02-12 23:22:33 | 右卵巣摘出手術 (My right ovary removal surgery)
Hello there!

How's everything going today?

Here in the US, we're having the biggest sports event of the year, Super Bowl, tonight. So, we're having Brad (Andy's bro) over our house and they're so ready to enjoy the game now.

Me? I'm not that into Super Bowl, so having another Sunday.

So today, let me write about my first surgery again.

Here's timeline so far.

10月30日 右下腹部痛開始
Oct.30th The pain in my right lower belly started

11月8日  1回目のナースライン(次の生理まで様子を見るようにアドバイスをもらう)
Nov. 8th  The 1st nurse line call was made

11月16日 産婦人科の先生の診察(次の生理後にエコー検査をするようにアドバイスをもらう)
Nov. 16th App with an OBGYN doctor

11月28日 ER訪問
Nov. 28th ER Visit

11月29日 かかりつけの産婦人科の先生の診察(出血性嚢胞または子宮内膜腫の疑い。手術する事にする。)
Nov. 29th App with my OBGYN (Diagnosis of hemorrhagic cyst or endometrioma, Decided to have an operation to take it)

11月30日 ホームドクターとの術前検診
Nov. 29th App with my OBGYN (I'm talking about this today.)

12月5日  手術当日(今日の記事はここです。)
Dec. 5th Surgery (I'm talking about this today.)

On the next day after they found that there were a couple of cysts in my right ovary at ER on Nov. 28th, I saw my OBGYM. Then, she said "The cysts look like hemorrhagic cyst and you can wait and see till they'll get gone naturally or we can get rid of them by surgery."

For some reasons, I got a hunch that the cysts wouldn't go away naturally, so I told my doctor that I'd love to have a surgery to remove them.

November 29th, the day that I saw my OBGYN was Tuesday and my doctor told me, "I'll call the hospital and see if there's any operation room available for us on Thursday or Friday." and tried to set my surgery as soon as possible.

Although, due to most of the health insurance systems (the out-of-pocket payments get reset on the 1st of Jan.), all the hospitals and clinics are so busy in December in general. Besides that, everybody got sick from COVID-19, Flu, RS virus or etc. this winter, so they didn't have any available rooms for us until the next week.

So, my surgery ended up being scheduled on Dec. 5th at 2pm.

Unfortunately, my OBGYN didn't have room for my surgery on her schedule, so she asked a trustworthy doctor to do the surgery for me.

On the surgery day, Andy was going to come with me and stay at the hospital for the entire time. Plus that, we heard that it'd take about 2 weeks for me to get fully recovered from the surgery, so Dad&Mom kindly came down to our house on the day before my surgery and stayed at our house for several days so that they could take care of May-chan while I was in the recovery process. (Big Thanks!)

The preparation for the surgery was...

No food after midnight on the surgery day

Only water or Gatorade was fine until 4 hours before surgery and No food or drink after that

As for my medications,


All the pain-relief medicines except for Acetaminophen were not allowed.
(My memories about the surgery are already fading out, but I think I stopped taking any pain-relief medications in the morning of the day before the surgery.)

As for my thyroid medication, I could take it on the day of surgery too


The surgery was at 2 pm, but I needed to check in at noon. So, Andy and I left our house in the late morning and Dad&Mom were watching May-chan for us.

The hospital where my operation was held was the same hospital where May-chan was born.

It's a big facility and we first went to the main counter for operations on the 1st floor. They verified my name and birthdate at the desk and then gave me a wrist band with my name on.

Then, we took an elevator to the floor where they'd actually do my surgery.

On the floor for operations, there was a check-in desk and I let them know my information first. Andy got a call buzzer and coupon for a free drink at a coffee shop on the 1st floor.
(The call buzzer was for letting Andy know when my surgery's done and the drink coupon is a little gift from the hospital to him as an attendant who'd have to wait for a couple of hours at the hospital.)

So, this is how I began the day of my first surgery. I was a little bit nervous, but very happy to finally become pain-free at the same time.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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7 人生初手術・術前検診 (7 My First Surgery /Pre-Op App with my primary Dr.)

2023-02-07 17:54:00 | 右卵巣摘出手術 (My right ovary removal surgery)
Hello everyone!

How's everything going in your life today?

Here in MN, it's very nice out and I enjoy the clear sky today, but some of snow on the ground got melted during the day and then it got back frozen during the night yesterday, so the roads are icy and slippery on some spots this morning. So, it's pretty scary for me driving to drop off May-chan at preschool.

Okay, let me share my first surgery story here today.

Here's the timeline so far.

10月30日 右下腹部痛開始
Oct.30th The pain in my right lower belly started

11月8日  1回目のナースライン(次の生理まで様子を見るようにアドバイスをもらう)
Nov. 8th  The 1st nurse line call was made

11月16日 産婦人科の先生の診察(次の生理後にエコー検査をするようにアドバイスをもらう)
Nov. 16th App with an OBGYN doctor

11月28日 ER訪問
Nov. 28th ER Visit

11月29日 かかりつけの産婦人科の先生の診察(出血性嚢胞または子宮内膜腫の疑い。手術する事にする。)
Nov. 29th App with my OBGYN (Diagnosis of hemorrhagic cyst or endometrioma, Decided to have an operation to take it)

11月30日 ホームドクターとの術前検診(今日の話はここです。)
Nov. 29th App with my OBGYN (I'm talking about this today.)

As the timeline above, you can tell how quickly things went from the day when I rushed to ER.

If they had any operation rooms available for me, we're supposed to do my surgery in a couple of days after the appointment with my OBGYN on the 29th. Though, you know, December is one of the busiest season for hospitals due to a lot of medical insurance contract, so they couldn't find any open room for me that week.

So, my surgery ended up being scheduled at 2pm on Dec. 5th which was 6 days after the appointment with my OBGYN.

On the next day after the appointment with my OBGYN on the 29th, I had a pre-operation check with my primary doctor.

I'm still more used to Japanese medical system, but here in the US (for us at least), when you get sick (and don't know what's wrong with it), you usually see our primary doctor for the first examination & diagnosis. In case that your doctor wants you to go through more specific tests or exams, he/she tells you who else you need to meet.

Still, if you already know which department doctor you want to meet, you're also able to make an appointment with the doctor straight, so I personally hadn't seen my primary doctor very often.
(I think that the last time I saw her was when I did a physical exam a couple of years ago.)

I first met my OBGYM through my infertility treatment and she took care of the entire time of my pregnancy too. She also introduced me a doctor for my thyroid problem too.

For the appointment with my primary doctor, Andy and I needed to find somebody who would watch May-chan so that we could talk to the doctor without any interruptions. So, we first asked our close friends, Tom&Kat, if they could do our favor.

On the day before the appointment, Andy called Kat and heard that she's in Chicago for work and Tom's watching their daughter, Mere-chan, at home.

Though, she kindly said, "Tom's parents are at our house and they can watch the kids too."

Though, on the next day, Andy got a call from Tom and heard that he and his dad got fever and couldn't watch May-chan.

"Oh well, what should we do" wondered Andy and I, but you know what, we're always very lucky and blessed.

Andy made a call to our favorite neighbor, Mr. K & Mrs. S and asked him if there's any chance that they could watch May-chan while we're seeing the doctor.
(You can get to know more about our favorite neighbor, Mr. K and Mrs. S on this article.)

Mr. K called his wife, Mr. S at work and talked about our favor and then she left work earlier for us so that she could watch May-chan. (Big Thanks!!!)

Big thanks to Mr. K and Mrs. S, Andy and I could drop off May-chan at their house and headed to the clinic.
(May-chan had a hard time to say Bye-Bye to Daddy & Mommy until a couple of months before, but she didn't have any problem leaving us and even nicely told us, "Bye-Bye!!" that day. That's probably because she's already familiar with Mrs. S who's really good at taking care of kids)

On the appointment for pre-operation check-up, I was asked very basic questions like, "Do you drink?", "Do you smoke?" or "Do you use drugs?"
(The drug question feels really American to me.)

They checked my weight first on the appointment just like other usual medical check-ups, but what's different that day was that the nurse said, "This is for your surgery and they're going to refer to this number for anesthesia dose. So, why don't you take off your boots and step on the scale?"
(For usual check-ups, it's not that rare that they let you step on the scale with your shoes on. BTW, I really liked the nurse taking care of me on the app since she's very calm, kind and very good at giving a shot too.)

In my medical history, there were bunch of information that I needed to let my doctor know, but as you know, I basically don't drink much, smoke or get high in my life, so,

"This is really simple and easy!" said my doctor. LOL

What I needed to pay attention to most was about pain-relief medicines. My doctor told me that I would need to quit taking the strong pain-relief medication prescribed at the ER and also any of Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen by 3 days before the surgery. Although, I still could take Acetaminophen if I would need to. Also, she recommended to take a flu vaccine shot before the surgery.

So, I got approved for my first surgery by my primary doctor and took a vaccine shot that day too.
(Luckily, I didn't get any reactions to the vaccine shot.)

I learned on the day when I rushed to ER that putting a lot of food in my stomach at once caused much pressure on the cysts and that triggered strong pain.

So, even when I quit taking any pain-relief medication 3 days before the surgery, I didn't have to deal with any big pain by controlling the amount of food to eat at one.

After the appointment, Andy and I went to Mr. K & Mrs. S's house to pick up May-chan and I saw her playing with Mrs. S in a very good mood.

I didn't have much time to talk to Mrs. S when I dropped off May-chan before the appointment, but I could talk to her and say thank you in person this time.

"Thank you so much for leaving work earlier for us. I know you've been telling us you'd love to watch May for us, but we didn't mean to ask you in such a short notice!!"

Then, she kindly said,

"Oh, it's totally fine. I know everybody gets sick in this season and people at my work just let me leave early like 'Sure. You go home!'"


From the bottom of my hear, thank you so much, Tom&Kat, for trying to do our favor first, Mr. K and Mrs. S for doing our favor in such a short notice and her co-workers for letting her leave early!!!

Yeah, again, we're blessingly around so many kind people and supported by them.

Thanks to their support, the days went so smoothly until my first surgery.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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