Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

プール開き&停電 (Pool Day & Power Outage)

2023-08-14 18:55:35 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hi folks!

How are you doing today?

One Saturday in late June, May-chan and I went to Japanese school and we happened to this incident on the way back home from school.

I was driving to Target located between our house and the Japanese school for some grocery shopping, but I saw some traffic ahead.

Usually, the roads aren't that busy around the time, so I was wondering, "What's going on today?" and moving forward. Then, I found out that traffic lights on the road were off and all the cars coming from the 4 directions at the intersection had to make a stop one by one and took turns to move forward. Yeah, that's why there was unusual traffic jam.

That incident reminded me that we had power outrage at Japanese school earlier that day too. It only lasted 10 seconds and we got power back.
(I assume that they had a generator for such an emergency and thankfully we got power back in 10 seconds.)

"Wow, I saw something unusual today." I was kind of excited and headed to Target just as I had planned, but...

They lost power there too. LOL

The store was still open, but they blocked all the fridges and freezers like this. The dark and quiet store looked kind of scary. I wanted to get milk, but dang!!

I still purchased some stuff and left there.

I'd somehow imagined that the Target would have a big generator since it's a pretty big store, but I was wrong.
(If power outage lasts too long, all the products in the fridges and freezers would go bad and they'd make a big loss.)

Anyways, this is all about the surprising incident the other day. Then, let me talk about another day.

Here in MN, compared to the super humid and hot summer in Japan, we've been having a very comfortable summer so far. The temperature often goes up warm enough to let May-chan play in water too.

In late June, May-chan enjoyed her first pool day this summer when Marie-chan came over for our girl's day.

May-chan's old pool got a hole on the bottle last year, so I got a new one.

I wish that the new pool was a little bit deeper, but it's not an inflated one which you don't have to put air in and also it has a drain hole. Overall, it's easy to maintain and I like it so far.

The first pool this summer! Besides the fun pool time, Marie-chan played with May-chan a lot, so May-chan was super happy and hyper.

Marie-chan was just back from her honeymoon, Disney cruise, so she had a great time and met let me hear a lot of fun and heartwarming stories on the cruise.

I've set out the pool only 3 times so far, but May-chan's big smile and joy made me feel that I want to let her have a pool day as many as possible before the season changes.

Okay, this is how May-chan and I enjoy this summer.

I know that the harsh cold winter always come back here before we get ready, haha, so I' want to cherish this warm season with May-chan as much as we like!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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