Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

モンスター、格好良かった!(Naoya, The Monster, Inoue!)

2023-07-25 09:31:01 | MN生活(14年目)(MN2023-24)
Hello there!

How's your day going today?

Let me make a quick update today.

This morning I woke up early so that I could watch the big boxing match, Naoya Inoue vs Stephen Fulton for WBO&WBC belts, and oh my, what an exciting match!


I was watching the match on a show with American announcers and even in the middle of the match, they were making lots of complements to Inoue like "Fulton is a great boxer, but Inoue's making him look an average now." "Fulton has the longer reach, but Inoue's dominating the jab battle." "Fulton has a great foot technique, but Inoue hasn't let him to use it."

I'm not a huge boxing fan or something, but I've subscribed a boxing channel on YouTube, so I'd say that I'm more interested in the sport more than most of other girls. So, I knew about the big match since the first announcement.

Although, I was originally thinking, "I'd be happy if I can check the result and watch the highlights after the match at least." but when I mentioned this match to Andy who had known that I was kind of a boxing girl, he asked me, "Do you wanna watch it?"

Once I was asked if I'd want to watch the match live, I started feeling that I couldn't miss it. "You can watch it on this website for free because I have the account." said Andy and he kindly set it up for me.

Thanks to my sweet hubby, I could watch the big match on live.

"I'm so happy that I watched it on live!!" is what I felt when the match was over.

I was so thrilled to watch it without knowing the result for sure. I have about 10 year experience in Karate, so I partially can tell how energy-consuming fighting just in 1 round is or how difficult hitting a punch on an opponent is. That's why I could tell how great both Inoue and Fulton were in the match.
(Inoue won in the end, but the match couldn't have been that fun and thrilling without Fulton either.)

Anyways, I just wanted to say that I had such an exciting morning thanks to the great match.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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おうち幼稚園始めました。(Home Preschool)

2023-07-23 18:56:25 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hello there!

How's your summer going so far?

As for my singles that I talked on the last article, they're no longer itchy or sore and I've been having a normal and comfortable life back. Thank you.

So, May-chan's summer break started about 2 month ago.

Japanese schools follows school calendar in Japan, so they had classes until last week.

It's kind of usual for Japanese or Japanese-American friends who I met at Japanese school to take this season for visiting their friends and families in Japan and I assume that for American families it's common to register summer camps for their kids.

Before the summer break began, I was wondering, "Should I register something for May-chan?" a little bit, but "Oh well, I'll just set up many playdates for her." I ended up not doing anything to be prepared for the long summer break. Then, I asked one of my Japanese mom friends, K-chan, about her summer plans and then she said, "You know what, I haven't planned anything for Ah-chan (her daughter) and don't know how to get over it with 2 girls!" So, "Oh, good. Why don't we do playdates like 3 days a week??" I made a proposal.

あーちゃんとプレイデート2連チャン(2 Playdates with Ah-chan) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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Her oldest daughter, Ah-chan, and May-chan are classmates at Japanese school, and luckily we live relatively close to each other too. So, we'd already done several playdates together since earlier this year.

K-chan and I wanted to take the advantage of having 3 playdates a week for 3 months and decided to make some time to teach our girls Japanese Katakana alphabets and numbers in the playdates. We named these playdates "Home Preschool" and made a certain day schedule including, "Lunch" "Outdoor Play" "Snacks" and "Storytelling", and I'm in charge of teaching the girls Katakana and prepping lunch and K-chan's in charge of teaching numbers & addition and prepping snacks.

We explained about the idea of "Home Preschool" to the girls and showed the day schedule beforehand too.

Okay then, Day 1 of "Home Preschool" came!!

The girls were told what they're going to do at Home Preschool beforehand, so they were so excited to start studying together!

I was a little bit worried if May-chan could concentrate in studying for a long time, but she did a great job and the different atmosphere at Home Preschool helped her to stay motivated too.

Ah-chan did an amazing job in maintaining the good posture as practicing writing the alphabets.

What's very convenient and easy is that both girls would listen to their friend's mom rather than their own mom, so K-chan and I made a good team to keep the girls motivated. Haha.

While the big girls were working so great on studying, Ah-chan's little sister, He-chan was behaving very well too.

K-chan came up with some nice and fun ideas to teach the girls numbers, so they could enjoy the study time like playing games.

After we had a nice lunch, the next activity on the schedule was playing outdoor. We walked to a park nearby together.

Hop scotch!

They were super thrilled just to find an air plane in the sky. Haha.

He-chan's having fun and cherishing the sunlight in her way.

She's into playing with balls recently.

The girls became old enough to play well just by themselves. They sometimes fight, but I really appreciate that they can learn a lot of things even though those little conflicts.

結構無茶をする事もあるので、Hit-chanもKちゃんも「それやめて~!」と叫ぶ事も度々。(笑) 色んな事ができるようになっています。
They both are such fearless girls, so K-chan and I sometimes have to yell at them, "Nooooo!!! You don't wanna do that!!!!" Still, they've been capable of more things.

After the highlight of the day, we enjoyed some snacks and free play time. They had much fun playing quoits and couldn't stop giggling.

May-chan loves Ah-chan's mom, K-chan and often tries to get attention from her by saying, "Ah-chan's mom!!!!"

Before we say goodbye, we have a storytelling time by K-chan. The girls loves books too!

Like this, it's been over a month since we started Home Preschool since the long summer break began. Thanks to Ah-chan's family, May-chan and I both have been able to spend such a fun and productive time from 10:30am to 3:30pm 3 days a week.

If I had tried to do the same thing just by myself, it'd have been super chaotic and stressful for both of May-chan and me like "I won't do that again!!!" Though, at Home Preschool, I support Ah-chan when she's distracted or less motivated and K-chan does that for May-chan too, which makes things much easier and more entertaining for everybody.

Thanks to K-chan for understanding who I am and letting me be comfortable, we can make a great team without any hustle.

Even though I wasn't having any specific plans to spend the long summer break with May-chan, I luckily found the awesome friend to make the time so special and industrious so far.

I'm making this article a little long, but there's only 2 months to go. I'd love to keep setting up more playdates with other friends too and make our summer so fun for both May-chan and myself.

Okay, thank you for reading again!!!

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帯状疱疹発症ナウ (Shingles Out)

2023-07-16 13:10:41 | MN生活(14年目)(MN2023-24)
Hello there.

How are you doing today?

Today, let me give you a quick update of my ordinary life.

Andy, May-chan and I stayed at Dad&Mom's house up north and had a great time there last week. A couple days before we started our family vacation, I noticed a couple of tiny rash by my belly button.

Still, the rash wasn't either super itchy or painful, so I was casually thinking, "Oh, maybe I got sweat rash or something." and didn't think it was a big deal.

Then, I got a couple of more rash spots in a few days and "They're slightly itchy" the spots still weren't bothering so much. Besides that, we're staying at Dad&Mom's which's located 3 hour drive away from our house, so I still kept waiting and seeing.

At the same time, I started googling about rashes in general and got some specific information matching my symptoms such as "They appear on only one side of your body." or "They might get itchy in the beginning." and I got this idea. "It might be Shingles, isn't it?"

I also showed my rashes to Andy and said, "I've got these rashes from some days ago. They're not super itchy or painful though." Then, I brought up the idea, "By any chance, I think it might be Shingles." Then, he almost interrupted my words and said,

"NO!! Shingles usually happen when you're over 50."

which was a little bit irritating to me.

I understand why Andy said was true, but from my experience to hear that one of my co-workers in the past got Shingles when she's still in 20s, I believed that you could get it even before you're younger.

About 6 days after I first noticed the rashes, Andy kindly made a call to nurse line because my rashes hadn't been either better or worse.

Then, the nurse on the line said, "I can't do diagnosis, but from the symptoms I think it's Shingles. So, you want to make an appointment with a doctor to check them."

She said Shingles!! That's what I thought!!!

On the next day, I saw a doctor and she diagnosed it's Shingles too! Luckily, it's a mild case and didn't cause a big pain.

If it's within 3 days after you find a rash or still keep getting new spots even after 3 days, it's useful to get an antivirus shot to stop the further symptoms. Although, my case had been over 1 week from the start and also I didn't get any new spot at the point, the doctor told me to just wait and see by taking Tylenol for the pain or Hydrocortisone cream for the itchiness.

If you get Shingles on your face, you need to be more cautious because there's a risk to lose your vision or hearing, worst case scenario. Thankfully, my spots were by my bellybutton and on the upper left side.

My only concern was "If the rashes would be more painful in the future." and the answer to the question was "The pain's usually caused when the rashes come out and yours already looks over the point, so the pain wouldn't get worse after this." which made me relieved.

Shingles are contagious to people who haven't got Chickenpox or a vaccine shot for it, mostly little kids, but when the rashes pass over the blister phase and you don't make direct a skin contact, there's a low possibility to spread the virus to others. So, I was told that I wouldn't have to worry about it either.

"It might be Shingles." when I first mentioned it to Andy, "NO! It can't be!" he completely denied my guess and slightly irritated me, but he kindly took care of everything to make sure that I was fine by making a nurse line and coming along with me to the Dr's appointment on the next day. So, after all, "Thank you, honey-chan!!" LOL

The doctor told me that it'd take 2-3 weeks for the Shingles to get completely healed. Also, I already got the antibody in my immune system this time, so it wouldn't be necessary for me to take a vaccine shot in the next couple of years.

Today, probably 8 days or so after the first rashes appeared, the spots are little sore but doesn't bug my life at all.

Still, I have a slight discomfort on the spots and do hope they'll be back to normal as soon as possible.

Anyways, I got Shingles for the first time ever in my life, but I'm glad that they didn't get so bad. Also, I really appreciate Andy for taking care of everything for me.

Okay, this is all about the quick update. Thank you for reading again!!!

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マリーちゃんの結婚式 (Marie-chan's Wedding)

2023-07-14 16:44:43 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hi folks!

How's your day going today?

It's already July in 2023. This is about a story in June. Speaking of June, Andy, May-chan and I went to our precious friend, Marie-chan's wedding on the 10th.

マリーちゃんのブライダルシャワー (Marie's Bridal Shower) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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May-chan and I went to her bridal shower too.

On the wedding day, the weather was a little bit unstable, but...

The sprinkle of rain stopped shortly before the ceremony began just like the nature was celebrating the couple too.

They had asked the guests not using cameras or something to be really present at the ceremony, so I took a couple of pictures beforehand.

That was May-chan's first wedding to attend. Andy and I were a little bit concerned how well she could behave there. I got dressed up and put some make-up for the first time in a long time. Haha.

They handed out little cards printed the ceremony schedule and I could utilize the card to tell May-chan what's going on at the time like "Hey, we're here right now and there are only 3 things to go." when she started being fussy and saying, "I wanna end this now!!"

I have attended some weddings here in MN so far and don't fully understand what's said in people's speeches due to the language barrier, but Marie-chan and Josh's wedding was very low-key and comfortable to me. Their pastor? made his speech really entertaining using some Disney topics because Disney was their wedding theme. So, I could enjoy his speech a lot as well as other guests.

After the ceremony, there was some time to greet the groom and bride in person, but May-chan was over the limit and couldn't stay there anymore, so we walked to the party venue straight from the ceremony site.

The theme color of the party room was purple. Of course, it's Disney themed too, so they put some Disney related decorations on the table too.

May-chan who barely made it to the end at the ceremony turned to be in a happy mood at the party room.

Andy and I were less nervous there too because we could take her out of the room anytime she got crabby. Haha.

4 other guests at the same table were all kind and friendly, so I could comfortably enjoy the time with them though I usually tended to be so shy with strangers at parties.

When May-chan started getting bored at the table, we found that there were some Disney ink stamps there. Perfect items for kids!

Here's my plate. They serve roast beef or chicken and some side dishes. It's a buffet style and May-chan ate them well too.

Marie-chan came to the table say hi to us! Congratulations!! On Marie-chan's dress, there were some butterfly decorations on and May-chan was so excited to find them because she's really into butterflies lately.

Besides celebrating the cute couple, there's one more thing that I was really looking forward to at the wedding, which was...

seeing Marie's big sister and my dear friend, Franki!!

6年ぶりにフランキーに会えたよ。(Seeing Franki for the first time in 6 years) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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Franki and I met through working at Caribou several years ago and she introduced me her sister, Marie-chan. On this article above, you can see a picture of Marie-chan's husband, Josh too.

Franki said the same stuff later, but what's so surprising to me was that May-chan opened her heart and gave Franki a big hug right away when we saw her. I had explained to May-chan, "Franki is Marie-chan's big sister, okay" a couple times, which helped her to get out of her shell without a hustle.

I was very pleased to see Franki there. She's the bride's sister and, needless to say, busy greeting to the guests at the party, so we couldn't have much to time to make enough catch-up, but it's still worth and priceless for me just to see her face in person.

フランキーの歓送会 (Farewell Party For Franki) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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We worked so hard together at the Caribou for a couple of years and I witnessed the process that she was joining the Air Force to explore her life in 2015. It's been already 8 years since then. I'm very proud of her and have a lot of respect in building up a great career from scratch in the Air Force.

I know that Franki's the person who's willing to sacrifice herself to help others and won't ask others for a help for herself, so a part of me is always concerned about her and wants her to remember that "Your friends are always here for you too."

She's going to fly back to Texas in the evening, so we promised to reunite again when she would be able to get back in town probably in the next fall.

The party kept going on, but our 4-year-old was getting tired around 8pm, so we left the party around then.

In the next morning, Marie-chan surprised me by sending a "Thank you" message.

"Wow, I'm surprised that you guys already opened the cards and gifts though you had such a long and busy day yesterday! If I were you, I would've been dead now. Haha." and then she said, "Josh and I were like kids the night before Christmas! We couldn't open the gifts after the party." LOL
(The longer I am friends with Marie-chan for, the more I can tell why she's so loved by her friends.)

Anyways, I'm so glad that their wedding turned out to be wonderful.

I'm very grateful that Andy, May-chan and I all could be there for Jush&Marie-chan's very special day.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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Memorial Day 2023

2023-07-09 11:17:18 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hello there!

How's your summer going?

So, May 29th was Memorial Day in the US and a lot of people enjoy the weekend by gathering and grilling with their friends and families.

My family was not going to host or go to a party at all, but our close friends, Rheanna and Patrick, kindly invited us to their family gathering.

At their house, we always get a very passionate welcome greeting from their dogs. May-chan got a "Play with us!!" request from them right away after she stepped in the house.

Rheanna had prepped a lot of food for the family day.

The main event of the day for May-chan was the pool!! The water was a little bit cold, but May-chan couldn't stop giggling and laughing for the first pool in the season.

I think this is a typical kids thing, but May-chan kept saying, "I don't wanna get out of here!" even though she was shaking a lot. She enjoyed swimming there as taking some warm-up breaks.

May-chan remembered about their nice trailer which she's let in on the last visit, and "May-chan wanna go in there!" she said.

Andy enjoyed some relaxing time too.

He also did some Daddy's job to entertain May-chan.

What I was looking forward to the most for the day was that I was seeing the 2nd family of Andy and me in MN, the Raymonds. I could see the dad and mom, JT & Maureen and the youngest daughter, Marie there.
(FYI, Rheanna is a daughter of the Raymonds too and Marie's her younger sister.)

Our 2nd family, the Raymonds, and we open presents together in the Christmas morning every year, but we couldn't do that in the last couple of years due to the pandemic or scheduling difficulties, which was so disappointing for me.

So, it had been about a year or more since I saw the members of the family except for Rheanna.

I was especially glad to see JT&Maureen there because I had heard that they'd been recently having some challenging time. Although, they both seemed doing much better than I had expected, which was a big relief to me.

Rheanna prepped the chicken and Patrick smoked them on the driveway. They look so delicious, don't they?

It was a beautiful day, so we enjoyed the special meal outside. BTW, Patrick built the garage on his own from scratch. Isn't that amazing?

When we're chatting and enjoying the yummy food, I think it's Marie or somebody said, "Wait a sec. Isn't that a bunny there?" and pointed toward the garage.

We looked at the direction and then found this little cute bunny there!

How cute!!

It's so cute, but it's a wild animal, so we had to be careful not to touch him/her and Patrick tried to assist him/her to get out of the garage with a broom.

Phew! The little bunny got out of the garage.

Andy, May-chan and I didn't have any plans for this Memorial Day if Rhenna and Patrick didn't invite us to the casual party.

Thanks to them for kindly inviting us over their house, we could see JT&Maureen and Marie who we had missed a lot and had such a wonderful time with them.

Since we couldn't open presents together last Christmas, May-chan got a present from them that day.

The resent was some cute dolls with washable markers so that May-chan could color and wash them over and over which was perfect for a toy to play in a bathtub or pool.

She colored some dolls and played with them in her bath time that night.

Anyways, this is how we spent Memorial Day this year. We couldn't see everybody from the Raymonds who's our 2nd family this time, but it's still a great reunion and precious time with them.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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