Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

26 日本帰国 2022/Andyっちを見送り 前編 (26 Japan Trip 2022/Andy leaving Japan 1/2)

2022-09-30 12:57:46 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hi everyone!

How's everything going today?

Okay, this is another article of my Kyoto diary.

On June 28th, it was the day that Andy was leaving Kyoto to go back to MN.

That day my sister, Switch, who recently moved to Nigata prefecture after her boyfriend (husband now) had moved there for work, was coming down to Kyoto to see us. Switch took a long-distance bus all the way from Nigata to Kyoto and arrived at Kyoto station very early in the morning. Thankfully all the timings were miraculously met and Andy and Switch could reunite for a little while before we left Kyoto.

I was curious and googled how long it would take to come to Kyoto from Nigata. Then I found out that it's approximately about 4 hours even though by bullet train cause you have to transfer at Tokyo station anyways.
(On my, she's still in Japan, but so far away from Kyoto.)

BTW, May-chan and I were going along with Andy to Haneda airport this time because we still needed to take a COVID-19 test and show a negative result at an American immigration gate at the point when we booked the trip. The US government required you to take the test within 1 day before your flight, so Andy was going to take a test at Haneda airport on the day before his flight.

Taking the test was really important to get Andy back home and also he wanted me to be there just in case something happened and he needed to deal with it in English, so I decided to go along with him to the airport.

While we're in Japan, the rule to show a result of COVID-19 test at an immigration gate became unnecessary anymore. Still, I'd already booked a hotel at the airport and also May-chan and I were going to stay in Japan for another month without Andy, so we thought that it'd be nice to spend time together for us until the last minute of Andy leaving the airport.

In the morning of us leaving for the airport, my dad kindly swung by the Airbnb place to say bye-bye to Andy as enjoying our usual morning coffee time.
(Everybody in my family loves coffee, so I personally love this precious coffee time with them a lot.)

Before we left the Airbnb, we took a picture. This pic reminded me that my loving twin sisters, Swtich&Skutch, turned out beautiful ladies.

After we said goodbye to my family, we headed to Kyoto station to take a bullet train, Shinkansen, from there.

At Kyoto station, my mom kindly came to say goodbye to Andy, so Andy luckily could spend time with my family until the last moment.
(Dad, Mom, Switch&Skutch, thank you all for coming to say bye-bye to Andy!!)

While we're waiting for our train, we saw a couple of Shinkansens come and go.

A train trip by Shinkansen is one of Andy's favorite things to do in Japan. He enjoyed drinking beer as looking at the scenery from the window on a Shinkansen. What a calm and peaceful time!

May-chan usually doesn't take naps, but she fell asleep on the comfortable ride of Shinkansen.

We arrived at Shinagawa station in Tokyo and caught a taxi to the 3rd terminal at Haneda airport.

Then we checked in the hotel in the terminal and went out to explore in the building.

Look at the empty terminal! The government of Japan was still regulating the number of visitors very strictly at the time, so the terminal was very quiet like this.

We walked the 4th floor of the building where they displayed a half size replica of a famous bridge called "Nihonbashi"

We were walking around to see if there's any good place to eat dinner that night, but most of the restaurant in the terminal were closed and the floor looked like a ghost town.
(Yoshinoya, Mos Burger, Tully's, a ramen place and a rateting sushi place were open.)

If you move to the 1st or 2nd terminal, there would be more restaurants open, but we're too tired to do that and ended up eating at a restaurant in the hotel.

There's a clear divider on every table in the restaurant due to COVID-19, so it felt like that we're eating so far from each other even at the same table.

Andy got this pizza as usual. He said it's pretty good.

I got this a set of assorted Yakitori and side dishes. I'd honestly wanted to try a different dish, but you know, May-chan would eat white rice only on the menu, so...a part of parenting, right?

In general the prices at a hotel restaurant are pricy and so were they, but the service was very sophisticated and the convenience was a big value.

Okay, this is all about the day before Andy headed back to MN!

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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10 サードステップ/妊娠判定 (10 Third Step/Pregnancy Test)

2022-09-28 11:29:02 | 3rdステップ/不妊治療(Infertility Treatment 2)
Hello everyone!

How are you doing today?

This is another article of Third Step series today.

I strongly want you to read this to the end part for sure today.

On the last article, I wrote that I had our embryo transplant into my womb on June 16th and it went really well. Then, on June 27th, 11 days after the transplant, I visited the clinic for a pregnancy test.

I was doing just as usual from the transplant day to the pregnancy test, but in the morning of the pregnancy test appointment, I started getting super nervous out of the blue when I was leaving the Airbnb place. I was feeling as if I was walking on the air while I was waiting for a train at the station.

Though, as I was getting closer to the clinic, I was getting back to normal and standing on the ground for sure around when I got to the clinic. Haha.

When I got off the train at the station by the clinic, I don't know why, but I was curious, "Will my face change after I know the result by any chance??" and took a selfie.

This is my face before I heard the result.

After I checked in, I gave them my urine sample in the bathroom.

Then, they called my name sooner than usual.

Here it is! The result was positive!!

This was exactly same as when I was pregnant with May-chan, but I was more relieved for the fact that I didn't have to change any trip plan and could go back to MN as we had originally planned than I was excited.

While I was waiting for a train going back to the Airbnb place, I made a call to Andy.

Even before we heard the result, Andy kept telling me, "It'll be fine." So, he was excited that the result confirmed his hunch was right.

Right after that, I also called my mom. She actually answered my phone right away and surprised me. "Oh yeah, because I knew you're gonna call me." she said and that made me happy to know that she really cared about us.

Needless to say, we shared the happy news with our very close friends and family both in Japan and the US, and everybody was so happy for us.

This was my face after I heard the result. Do you think it changed??


So..., I really wanted to share the happy news with you here too, but unfortunately our baby went to the moon at 9 week pregnancy on Aug. 4th which was 2 weeks after May-chan and I came back to MN from Japan.

I'm going to write about the details here, but for now I just wanted to share the fact so that you guys wouldn't have to celebrate it for no reason.

I also want to share my feeling about it here too, but let me tell you that I'm doing both mentally and physically fine and please don't worry about us!

At last, here's the bill of that day. (No insurance coverage)

再診料・・・ 1,250円 / Re-Visit fee 1,250yen=$13ish
検査料・・・1,650円 / Lab fee 1,650yen=$16ish
その他(消費税込み)・・・8,888円 / Other 8,888yen=$90ish

合計・・・11,790円 / Total 11,790yen=$120ish

(They rounded off the last digit of the total.)

Okay, this is how we got to know the result of our 2nd IVF.

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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25 日本帰国 2022/第二回タコスパーティー (25 Japan Trip 2022/The Second Tacos Party)

2022-09-26 08:53:23 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hello everyone!

How's your day going today?

Okay, here's another Kyoto diary.

2 days before Andy left Japan, we hosted another tacos party and invited my family.

7 日本帰国 2022/タコスパーティー (7 Japan Trip 2022/Tacos Party with my girlfriends) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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Our first tacos party on the trip was this.

You can find tortillas at any grocery stores in the US, but not in Japan. Some big stores sell tortillas in Japan too, but we brought a package of tortillas all the way from MN for the 1st tacos party in Japan.

For this tacos party, I was going to go get some tortillas at a big grocery store, but Andy kindly offered, "I can make them. It's easy."

The ingredients of tortillas are very simple. Just flour, salt, water and oil.

He did his best in the unfamiliar kitchen with unfamiliar kitchen tools.

There's no roll pin in the kitchen, so we got one at a dollar shop. Yeah, dollar shops in Japan are just awesome.

Needless to say, this girl couldn't help being Daddy's assistant.

We made 2 kinds of tacos same as the 1st tacos party, Andy's special and Hit-chan's Korean BBQ flavor.


As for Andy's homemade tortillas, "They didn't turn out that good." said Andy.

Yeah, honestly and personally speaking, the texture was a little harder and the flavor was a little bit floury.

Still, we could taste Andy's love in the tortillas and "Yummy!" everybody enjoyed the tacos.
(Oh, I forgot to tell you, but the guests were Hit-chan's parents, sister Skutch and her boyfriend N-san.)

Okay, this is all about our 2nd tacos party in Japan. It was the last chance for Andy to have a precious family time with his Japan-side family and we really had a wonderful time.

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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スカーレットが来てくれたよ。(Here comes Scarlet!)

2022-09-24 15:40:51 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hello there!

How are you doing today?

Here in MN, we start feeing fall closer. Before the harsh winter arrives here, May-chan and I spend as much time playing outdoor as possible.

On August 11th, a wonderful sunny day.

May-chan and I had a play date with my old Caribou friend, Scarlet and her daughters. Thankfully she drove about 1 hour all the way from her town to our favorite park near our house.

スカーレットが来てくれたよ。 (Auntine Scarlet's visit) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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The last time I saw Scarlet was 3 years ago.

After that, she became a mom of 2 lovely girls and we'd been saying, "Let's do a playdate!!" for a long time, but you know, it was in the middle of the pandemic and we couldn't have a chance for a while. Finally, we could make it happen shortly after May-chan and I were back from Japan.

It was the first time for me to meet Scarlet's daughters, Ivy and Zoey that day.

May-chan was super excited to meet new friends and couldn't help showing her joy from the moment when they arrived at the park.

May-chan's now a big girl! She was kindly pushing Ivy's swing.

Scarlet's now a wonderful mom of 2 girls. I easily could tell that parenting for 2 kids was much more work just coming to a park.

Ivy was such a fearless and brave girl challenging a tough part of the playground, so Scarlet had to watch her with Zoey in the strap carrier.
(Needless to say, I tried to assist her too, but there's much more things to watch 2 kids at the same time.)

Ivy loved the wheel just as much as May-chan did. It's too bad that I can't show her big smile in the pic.

We took a snack break too. Ivy was so curious of the fork in May-chan's lunch box. It's designed with a Japanese cartoon character.

It was such a beautiful day and perfect for a play date. May-chan's played at the park million times, but she seemed to be enjoying it much more with her new friends.

While Scarlet was watching Ivy and May-chan...

I was having a quiet and peaceful time with Zoey.

Zoey was such a happy baby and didn't get fussy at all.

I held a baby for the first time in a long time, but it was such a healing time for me.

Again, they live about 1 hour drive away from our house, so it's a little bit hard for us to do play date frequently, but thanks to Scarlet for driving all the way down to see us, we could have such a fun and joyful time together.

Scarlet and I also could update each other and I'm glad to know that she's doing well too.

Okay, this is all about another amazing play date with amazing friends!

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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24 日本帰国 2022/Andyっち念願の鈴鹿・後編 (24 Japan Trip 2022/Suzuka Circuit 2/2)

2022-09-22 09:37:31 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hi folks!

How's it going today?

Okay, this is about Day 2 of our Suzuka trip.

In the morning of Day 2,

May-chan and I had a little of free breakfast at the hotel. I gave her a hardboiled egg, but she just peeled it and finished. Dang.

We smoothly checked out the hotel and headed to Suzuka circuit.


It was a super nice and hot day, so we put some sunscreen lotion on May-chan.

The entrance fees at Suzuka circuit are here. (Adult over junior high schoolers 2,000yen, Elementary schoolers 1,000yen, Kids from 3 to under 1st grade 800yen, Senior over 65 1,000yen)

There's an amusement park by the circuit and the fees including most of the rides are this. (Adults over junior high schoolers 4,800yen, Elementary schoolers 3,400yen, Kids from 3 to under 1st grade 2,200yen, Senior over 65 3,400yen)

When Andy and I visited there last 2 times, the only and main purpose was admiring the circuit, but May-chan's with us this time.

I did a quick research about the amusement park and rides online and then found out that there were many rides which May-chan would be able to enjoy, so we decided to but the tickets including the rides online.
(When you purchase the tickets online, you can get 100 yen discount.)

That day was Friday before summer break, so the amusement park was very quiet and we didn't have to wait even 3 mins to get any rides.
(A part of me felt we're super lucky for the no-waiting time, but another part of me was a little bit worried about them in the business wise. I guess hosting F1 races would bring them enough profit.)

The memorable first ride at the amusement park was this.

Pettit Parade

Run-run Ballon

It's fun to get a nice view from above.

Neither Andy nor I loves roller coasters in general, so we enjoyed kids rides like this.
(Andy told me to correct the wrong information. He's a fan of roller coasters, BTW.)

The next ride was petit grand prix which was a kids race circuit.

Speaking of car race, Daddy's a big fan of it. He got on the ride with May-chan.

We're getting tired from the heat after the ride and decided to go in a restaurant for a break.
(We saw some staff in a uniform with long sleeves and long pants in such a hot weather, which made me worried about their physical condition.)

I don't why but I accidentally ordered a strawberry snow cone even though I'd totally known that Andy's strongly disliked artificial strawberry flavor and told him, "I'll get a grape flavor!" LOL

May-chan usually loves eating crushed ice cubes and I though that she would like the snow cone too, but she didn't take even a bite.

After we got a little cooled down, we restarted getting on rides.

Honey Bee

Para Sailor which was like a big rotating swing.

First time with Daddy

She really loved it, so I went on it with her for the 2nd time.

After we enjoyed all the rides for May-chan, we walked to the circuit.

Hello after 4 years!! Look how happy Andy was.

On the last visit, May-chan was in my belly and it was right before we found out that I was pregnant.

On the last 2 visits, Andy really enjoyed the special ride which allowed you to drive a kart on a part of the real F1 circuit (the fee is not included in the ticket) and was looking forward to doing it again. Though, they didn't open the attraction due to an event preparation or something that day. Dang!!!

We were getting a little big hungry and went in this place located right by the circuit. The shop was super quiet and made us wonder "Are they open??" for a second, but they're open!

The view from the shop was awesome, so I assume that this place would be super busy on weekends or something, but nobody was around and it was as if we rented the place just for us. Lucky us!

We ordered a pizza and shrimp&fries.

We'd got all the things we wanted to do there done at the point and were very tired from the hot weather, so we shopped some stuff at the gift stores and left.

On the way back to Kyoto, we failed to take a right exit from the highway and had to drive on an unexpected route, but made it to Kyoto in the end.
(The GPS on the rental car for some reason only wanted to tell us a route without making a U-turn, which ended up making us drive around a big circle to gat back to the highway entrance again. haha)

Okay, this is all about our 3rd-time visit at Suzuka circuit, which was Andy's big wish. It was a very hot day, but the service was great as usual and the waiting time was zero, which made our time there amazing.

May-chan also really enjoyed her first visit at Suzuka circuit too.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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