Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

マリーからサプライズプレゼント (A surprise present from Marie)

2020-06-26 12:49:46 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hi everyone!

How are you doing today?

The other day I got a message from my lovely friend, Marie, saying, "I sent you a present. It should be there tomorrow!"

It was neither my birthday nor May-chan's birthday and just another ordinary day.

So, I responded, "Wow! Thanks!!" Then, Marie said, "That's what friends are for." (Thanks!)

I wrote about her on this blog a couple of times before, but Marie and I were having a girl's day once a week just to have fun like studying Japanese or baking cookies etc... before all the COVID-19 stuff happened.


水曜日はガールズデー (Wednesday is our girl's day) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


水曜日はガールズデー (Wednesday is our girl's day) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)



ショートブレッドクッキーを作ってみたよ。 - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


ショートブレッドクッキーを作ってみたよ。 - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


Just like the notice from Marie, I received a package in the mail box right on the next day.

It was 2 sets of very cute clothes for May-chan.

May-chan was super excited for the present too!


6/15/2020 Opening a present from Marie(マリーからのプレゼント)

One of the cute clothes was perfect for the 4th of July, which was designed with American national flag colors, so I'd definitely like to put it on May-chan on the 4th.

This surprise present from Marie nicely reminded me that I'm super lucky to have such wonderful friends who kindly think of May-chan or me in my life.

I just wish that Marie and I can restart doing our girl's day when COVID-19 crisis is over, and I do want to show and tell my gratitude to her through doing a lot of fun and exciting things together with her. Besides that, just like how Marie sent her kindness and love to May-chan and me, I'll remember to keep sending my love and gratitude to my friends and family in my way from now too.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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久しぶりにパパママ来訪 (Dad&Mom's Visit)

2020-06-24 13:19:09 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hi there!

How's your day going today?

So, my family still continues the quarantined life, but here in MN, they have started gradually reopening businesses under certain conditions from June, which allows that you can have a gathering with a limited number of people.

A couple days after they released the announcement, Dad&Mom came over our house.

Dda&Mom are temporarily renting a house up north where's about 3 hour drive from our house and working on building a cabin there. They are hiring a builder for the project, but still trying to do wherever they can do on their own.

Most of their belongings are stored in a storage near their old house, Brad's or our house now.

So, when they need something from the belongings, they have to take 3 hours driving down here to pick it up.

Mom still works full time though is going to retire this summer and has worked from home since the quarantined order was placed. Though, she still needs to go in her office which is in St. Paul every other week.

So, every time they need to come down to the twin city area for something, they stay over in our house.

May-chan remembered her Grandpa&Grandma even after a long time not seeing them and asked them for a hug right away.

Andy, May-chan and I usually have dinner together at the same table, but May-chan was eating by herself that day. (I don't remember why Andy and I didn't eat with her. Haha)

Thoguh, May-chan had great companies for her dinner. She looked happy to be with Grandpa&Grandma.

Look at her smile! She's super excited to see someone other than Daddy or Mommy. She's spreading her happy energy everywhere.

Grandpa kindly played making a funny face with her too. It's fun, isn't it?

May-chan fully used the privilege of an only child and had Grandpa hold her as much as she wanted to as well. LOL

Dad&Mom (Grandpa&Grandma) stayed over in our house that night, so we could have some calm and relaxing time to chat together in the living room.

Me personally, I hadn't talked to anybody other than Andy or Brad in the quarantined life, so I could feel that the fun conversation with Dad&Mom stimulated my English brain which had been in s sleep mode for a long time.

BTW, it's a lot of work moving itself in general, but building a house from scratch besides moving?? I can't imagine how much time and energy you need to do it.

Dad&Mom are trying to do whatever they can do on their own to save the cost. Plus that, they have to talk a lot with their builder about the project to make sure that everything is going to be fine. It's also a lot of work just to choose which floor wood, tile, cabinet, window etc...you like to use for your house one by one from countless options according to your budget and likings.

I just hear what's going on the project but almost get tired just to hear how much work they have to go through. All I can do now for them is to hope that everything about the project will go smoothly and they can have a calm and relaxing retired life as soon as possible.

Okay, this is all for today. I'm glad that we could have a fun time with them for the first time after a long time!!!

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蟻とのバトルようやく終結 (The battle with ants is finally over)

2020-06-18 15:09:52 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hello everyone!

How's everything going in your life today?

So, I might have not written about this here before, but Andy and I had a battle with ants for some years.

The battle scene was our mailbox.

It started around 5 years ago or so.

One day, I went out to pick up mail and opened the mailbox cover and then saw lots of black ants and white eggs in there. (Yieee!!!)

It was the first time for me to see them in the mailbox, and I just sprayed water onto them with a hose.

I sprayed water them into the mail box for the first time since I was totally freaked out. Though, spraying water to them was not the best solution because the inside of the mailbox gets soaking wet, and you still have to clean the dead ants and eggs with a paper or rag by hand anyways.

Plus, ants won't give up and will come back again.

So, of course, I googled "How to get rid of ants from a mailbox" and then found that ants avoid light or air circulation when making a nest, and they suggested to simply leave the mailbox cover open for a while. So, when I found ants making a nest in our mailbox next, I tried the tip.

Then, what a surprise!! They were gone in a few hours after I did it.

Though, it's kind of endless work to leave the cover open every time the ants are back in spring, so I asked Andy to make a small clear window on a side of our mailbox.

It's like this from the outside.

The inside looks like this and the window let some sunlight go in the mailbox.

For another season or so after Andy installed the window, we had a peaceful no-ants life. Though, when I opened the cover the other day after we had some rain...,

Noooo!!!!They're back again!!!!

I told Andy about it, and then he determined to end this long battle with the ants.

When Andy observed the ants move carefully, he noticed that they didn't go back to the ground even though they got out of the mailbox. It looked that they just temporarily evacuated in the narrow space between the bottom of the mailbox and the wood post.

So, Andy took the mailbox off the wood post, and then...

Here they were!!! Just as Andy guessed, they're hiding under the mailbox. (Yeah, the original pic was too gross to put here. So, I photoshopped it a little bit. Haha)

Andy cut the top of the wood post and...

made a new one!

This little girl was like, "What is daddy doing??" and curiously watching him.

All done!!

Like I said, there was a slight space between the mailbox and the wood post, so Andy made the new post to perfectly fit the bottom of the mailbox.

In the last some years, we had continued a long battle with ants like, "Oh, they're gone! No, They're back again!!" over and over, but thanks to Andy, we could end it this year. (I really wish that we really did this time.)

After Andy replaced the wood post, we haven't seen ants around the mailbox at all so far.

I wish that his peaceful life for both the ants and us will last forever!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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ご飯日記 (Dinner Diaries)

2020-06-16 12:11:12 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

I'm doing well.

So the today's topic is not special or something, but I just want to share a couple of dinner menu here that we had recently.

May 28th was such a beautiful sunny day, and Andy suddenly said to me, "We should do hamburger tonight because today's National Hamburger Day!" So, why not? We decided to do hamburger that night.

We didn't have any hamburger buns at home, so I baked the delicious buns again!


バンズを焼いてみたよ・パート2 (Homemade Hamburger Buns 2) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


バンズを焼いてみたよ・パート2 (Homemade Hamburger Buns 2) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I used the same recipe that I tried on the article above, and they turned out to be perfect this time again. (Thank you again, Yuko-san!)

See? They look so delicious, don't they?

Just as always, our grill man, Andy grilled the patties and buns in the yard.

I was in the mood for Teriyaki burger and made my homemade Teriyaki sauce which Andy's favorite too. I put some leftover homemade coleslaw and cooked frozen fries.

This lady enjoyed the dinner too, mainly the fries though. Haha.

This is about another day. Andy the other day tried to make a Spanish dish called Ajillo since we had talked for a long time, "We wanna try to make it home."

He googled some recipes and tried one of them looked good, and it actually turned to be delicious just as we expected.

Though I didn't take any pictures of the delicious dish at the time, I remade it with the leftover yummy oil that Andy made a couple of day after. I just picked up some veggies and meat that I already had in the fridge that day and cooked them in the leftover delicious oil for some time again.

I also googled about what ingredients would match Ajillo oil beforehand and ended up using shrimp, bell peppers, chorizo, cherry tomatoes and portabella mushrooms.

I toasted the French bread in the oven and overcooked them a little bit. Though, they're still edible!!

After I enjoyed the delicious Ajillo twice at home, I came to this conclusion. Ajillo is a dish more likely to fit a snack to munch on when you drink.

Of course, you can eat is as dinner, but it's better as a fancy side dish than a main dish.

How come? Yeah, Ajillo is a dish that you cook veggies or meat in seasoned oil, so the more you eat it, the heavier the oil feels in your stomach. Haha.

So, I'm going to make it as one of side dishes for dinner next. (Technically speaking, Andy's better at making it, so I'm going to ask him to make it next again.)

At last, I mentioned, "May-chan might not like seaweed." here, but my best friend in Japan, Aki, told me, "Maybe, she doesn't like the soft and wet texture wrapped around sushi rolls, so she might like crispy ones." So, I tried it.

Wow! She ate it!!

It's not like that she loves it every time I give it to her, and she definitely prefers other (unhealthy but yummy) snacks. Though, it's still nice for me to have another option for healthy snacks sometimes.

Okay, this is all about our ordinary dinner diaries! Thank you for reading again!!!

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焼き芋リベンジ (Grilled Sweet Potatoes Again)

2020-06-14 13:01:55 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hello there!

How's everything going in your life?

The other day I wrote here that I made grilled sweet potatoes in the back yard.


焼き芋を作ってみた。(Grilled Sweet Potatoes) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


焼き芋を作ってみた。(Grilled Sweet Potatoes) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I actually tried to make grilled sweet potatoes in the yard twice before. The first time was even before May-chan was born and the 2nd time was recent. Last time, I was going to introduce May-chan the deliciousness of Japanese grilled sweet potatoes, but I ended up realizing that the potatoes were not Japanese sweet potatoes when I cut them. Haha.

May-chan loved the non-Japanese sweet potatoes, but my heart was saying, "This is not what I wanted to do!!!"

A couple of weeks after that, Andy was going to go to United Noodles for me, so I asked him, "Oh yeah, please get a couple of Japanese sweet potatoes there too!!"

Before the precious Japanese sweet potatoes would go bad, I decided to make grilled sweet potatoes with them on a sunny day which was a couple days after Andy got the potatoes.

In the last 2 experiences, I originally made a bon fire to burn branches in the yard, but this time was the opposite and I made a bon fire just to grill the sweet potatoes.

Of course, I had my usual assistant.

I already had burned almost all the branches in the yard, so I asked my assistant to pick up some branches.

While I was setting up the bon fire, I soaked one of the potatoes in salt water.

Then, I wrapped them with aluminum foil and it's ready to go.

I set fire to some cardboards and branches, and when the fire got a little settled, I threw the potatoes in it.

Last time I undercooked the potatoes, so this time I cooked them for 45 mins as rotating them every 15 mins.
(May-chan's in a nap time then, so it was easy to watch the potatoes.)

After 45 mins..., I checked the inside.

Oops! I overcooked them this time. I guess that 30 mins would be the best cooking time.

The inside still looked great!

May-cha woke up from the nap, so I gave her the freshly grilled Japanese sweet potato as her snack!

She gave me "Yummy!" sign again!

May-chan ate about the half of the big potato. Good, good!

Though, it was a lot of work and very tiring to make a bon fire just to grill one potato.

Andy bought me 2 big potatoes, but I cooked the other one in the oven. Haha.

The one cooked in the oven turned out to be very decent and sweet, but she only loved it only when it's fresh.
(I reheated the leftover on the next day, but she only took a couple of bites. Dang!)

Okay, this is all about my story to introduce May-chan Japanese grilled sweet potatoes.

Thank you for reading again!!! Bye for now!!!

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