Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

我が家の晩御飯メニュー 4 (Our dinner menus 4)

2021-10-31 10:37:29 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Happy Halloween

How are you doing today?

In MN time, today is Halloween!

We don't have much time left, but are going to carve pumpkins that we picked up on the pumpkin patch the other day and put some decoration up outdoor shortly.

I'll share about it sometime on my blog in the near future.

Today, I want to share another series of our dinner menus here. This is 4th article of the series.

The first one is this. Yeah, we eat meat most of the time, but had salmon that night because Andy was somehow craving for it. And, he cooked it for us.

The side dishes were couscous, my special pasta salad and sautéed green beans. They're all good!

The next one is roasted pork chop that I made. I googled the recipe and made it for the first time.

The flavor wasn't that bad, but the texture of the meat was a little on the firm side. Yeah, temperature control in cooking meat is very hard, isn't it?

This one is Andy's tomato sauce pasta.

When he was watching a cooking show on TV, this dish was introduced and attracted his appetite. So, He looked for the recipe and cooked for us.

This dish was meat free but had a rich flavor. Yeah, delicious in one word. We definitely want to make it again.

This is not a dish, but I wanted to introduce it here. Trader Joe's Maple butter that my friend, Ume-chan, gave me.

It's same as peanut butter and doesn't include butter (dairy butter). The ingredient is only maple syrup.

I tried it with Andy's special French toast that morning, and it was super yummy!

This one is Andy's Bolognese.

"I wanna try to make Bolognese." Andy had wanted to try the new dish, so he researched about the recipes and took almost a whole day to make a full of a big pot one day. As the result of the big cooking, "It's not bad at all, but it's not worth putting all the effort on this again." he said and I totally agreed with him.

The flavor was pretty much like "Meat Sauce" we call in Japan. So, it's way easier to simply make Japanese meat sauce. Haha.

I made this salad for the side dish that night. I recently like making a salad dressing from scratch on my own.
(The pecan nuts in the salad were also what my friend, Ume-chan, gave me. Hehe.)

At last, this doesn't have anything to do with dinner menus, but let me share it here too.

I frequently boil sausages like this because May-chan loves them.

And every time I boil sausages, I remember this specific episode with my grandma who passed away this year at the age of 102.


おばあちゃん、ありがとう(Thank you, Grandma) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


おばあちゃん、ありがとう(Thank you, Grandma) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I wrote a tribute article for her here.

The story is about one day more than 10 years ago when I still lived in Japan. On this day, my family visited her house and chatted.

"When I was in the hospital and had a breakfast there, the sausage they served was perfectly cooked. I was so impressed and 'How did you guys cook this sausage? It's so delicious!!' I couldn't help asking my nutritionist. "

She started talking about this story out of the blue.

And she shared the tip to cook sausages perfectly given by the nutritionist, which was "Cook the sausages in water until the water comes to a boil, and then turn off the heat and wait for 3 mins."

As far as I remember, we hadn't been talking about anything related to sausages, so I don't know why my grandma started talking about it. Both my mom and I were casually listening to her story, and the entire conversation about it was only for a minute or so. Still, this story has crossed my mind every time I boil sausages since that day.

Needless to say, I always use the tip when I boil sausages. (They turn out so juicy and yummy!)

What's funny to me was that when I had a chance to boil sausages in Japan a couple of years ago, my mom mentioned, "Turn off the heat when the water boils and then wait for 3 mins, right?" even before I said that. "Wow! You remember it too! Grandma told us, right?" I was surprised and very happy to know that mom also remembered the Grandma's story.

The conversation with my grandma was super casual and nothing special, but it still remains both in heads of my mom's and mine. A coincidence or not, but May-chan's a big sausage lover and I cook sausages for her everyday, which means that the story comes to my mind everyday.

I just think it amazing that all the miscellaneous things in life are actually linked with each other somewhere.

The last part turned out to be much longer than I originally planned, but this is all about the 4th series of our dinner menus.

Okay, bye for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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プレイデート 2021年10月 (Play Date Oct. 2021)

2021-10-29 08:51:43 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hi there.

How are you doing today?

Here in MN, it's got chilly in morning and at night these days.

I actually turned on the heating for the first time this season a couple of days ago.

The other day, I shared May-chan's very first playdate here.


人生初のプレイデート (The First Play Date) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


人生初のプレイデート (The First Play Date) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


Since the first play date, we've thankfully had a playdate almost every week with Ume-chan&Koume-chan.

On one of the playdates, which I didn't have to watch Baby-Meredith and could be more active, "Why don't we go to the trail near our house??" and we tried something different.

Good morning! I wrote about this trail here so many times, but this one is closest from our house and like our yard. Haha.

Ume-chan kindly took this shot for me. It's so rare!!
(What's interesting to me was that May-chan's so used to this trail and usually ran and left me behind, but she wanted to keep holding my hand that day.)

We had a break at the spot where May-chan and I usually had a snack time. May-chan picked up some dandelions and gave them to Koume-chan. They're so cute together!

This is another precious shot. Isn't it great? May-chan was crying a bit because Mommy told No to going to the direction that she wanted to, and I was laughing at it. Haha.

Walking on the trail together was so much fun, but since Koume-chan started saying, "I wanna go home..." maybe because it's an unfamiliar place or something. So, we decided to go back to our house where we usually do a playdate.
(When Koume-chan said that she wanted to go home, I asked her, "Do you wanna do sandbox at my house??" and then "Yes!" she immediately answered and fixed her mood. Hon! Again, it's really worth your hardworking on making it!)

The biggest hit of the day was this bubble toy that I purchased at Target! Both of the girls were extremely excited!
(Ume-chan also took this picture with her new iPhone13, but it turned out super good, didn't it??)

Koume-chan made the bubbles and May-chan kept chasing them. The teamwork worked out perfectly.

They're still slightly too young to verbally communicate well, but I certainly can see that they stimulate and influence each other.

On this day, Koume-chan got bored of playing with bubbles and started drawing on the back garage wall with chalks for a little bit, but May-chan still wanted to play with the bubbles.

Then, May-chan came to me with the bubble toy in her hand and told me, "Do, Koume-chan."

That means she still wanted Koume-chan to make bubbles for her. So, I took May-chan to Koume-chan and "Koume-chan, May-chan wants you to make more bubbles. Can you do that for her again??" I asked her.

Then, sweet Koume-chan did May-chan's favor and kindly started making bubbles for May-chan again.

Like this, we've had a great time with Ume-chan and Koume-chan on playdates, and it's still warm enough to play outside for a couple of hours. Though, once MN winter hits us, it's pretty much impossible to stay outside for a long time, but I still want to find a way for us to keep doing fun playdates through winter as well.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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久しぶりに大きな公園 (Big Park for the first time since last Spring)

2021-10-27 08:30:49 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hello there!

How's your day going today?

So, one day in October, May-chan and I went to the big park that I've written about a couple of times on this blog before.


湖に泳ぎに行ったよ。(We went to swim in the lake.) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


湖に泳ぎに行ったよ。(We went to swim in the lake.) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)



大きな公園 (Big Park) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


大きな公園 (Big Park) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


There were 2 reasons why we hadn't been there for a while. One was that when we went there last Spring, the new play ground was finished. The play ground itself was awesome, but it was around when the summer break just started, so a lot of older kids were playing there very actively, which made me feel that it was a little bit dangerous for May-chan to play there.

And the other reason was, you know, a construction. The road from our house to the park was closed due to a construction for a while.

Though, when I passed by the road the other day, "Oh! The construction is over now!" I saw it open. Besides that, the summer break was also over at the point, so I gave it a shot to going there during day on a weekday.

It was such a beautiful autumn day which was perfect to play at a park!

The new playground was aimed for older kids (like over 6-8), so the playthings there were different from the ones at our usual park.

The swing is like this, not a typical one.

The slide is also a little long and steep too.

There's a tunnel too!

On this net thing, May-chan had no trouble climbing up to the level, but she needed a help to get down.

The net thing had a couple of swings like this, but they didn't swing at all. So, she didn't like it so much. LOL

After we played at the area, we took a walk around in the park as enjoying the beautiful fall scenery, which was one of the best ways to cherish the season.

We took the same route as we usually did at this park. There were a lot of colorful leaves on the ground, which was so fall too.

We had fun with picking up some leaves as walking.

Beyond the leaf-path, this amazing view was awaiting. The colorful leaves on the trees on the other side were reflected on the lake, which was so pretty too.

On the beach, yeah, why not? She couldn't help stopping by and playing with the sand. It's really like a giant sandbox, isn't it?

Selfie. She doesn't look at my regular camera, so I used my phone camera. I could take a nice shot.

After the fun walk, we had a snack time. In this pic, she looks like sitting well, but no way, she couldn't sit still more than for 5 seconds.

Even the view around table was great.

Me personally, I actually didn't have a favorite season when I was in Japan, but after I moved to MN, fall is my favorite.

Just by driving around my neighborhood, I can easily enjoy a very beautiful scenery of all the colorful trees such as maple. You can also easily encounter such a seasonal beauty in Japan as well, but why didn't I cherish it more back then? Maybe, I wasn't old enough then. Haha.

Besides the visible benefit of the season, I feel like being surrounding by a very happy atmosphere toward all the fun events from Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, and that probably adds extra points to the season in me.

Anyways, it was the first time in some months for May-chan and me to visit the big park, but we really enjoyed it. I hope we'll go there once or twice before it gets too cold.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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ありがとう、パーマー!(Thank you, Palmer!)

2021-10-25 09:41:54 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hi folks!

How are you doing today?

I'm doing well.

So, we thankfully have some nice neighbor friends.

And one of the closest friends are Mr. K and his wife S who live 3 min walk away from our house.


ぬいぐるみを洗ってみた。(Handwashed stuffed Animals) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


ぬいぐるみを洗ってみた。(Handwashed stuffed Animals) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I talked about Mr. K on this article before.

So, the couple actually had a dog whose name was Palmer and Mr. K often walked with Palmer in the neighborhood. Our house is on the way of their usual walk route, so we frequently had a great time chatting with them in front of our house.

May-chan really loved Palmer, so when I found Mr. K and Palmer walking in front of house and told May-chan, "Oh, here is Mr. K and Palmer!", she always got excited and wanted to walk out to greet them.

This picture is from last year. You can see how much May-chan's excited in it.

Pet, pet.

Palmer was very nice to May-chan and always kindly let her touch and chase him around.

So, about a month ago, we hadn't seen Mr. K and Palmer walking for a while and wondered how they're doing. Andy kept in touch with Mr. K via phone too and one day heard "Palmer hasn't been doing well."

I asked him a couple of more questions and found out that Palmer started not eating and drinking well due to aging.

About 2 weeks or so before we heard the update, we chatted with them when they stopped by our house. At the time, Mr. K was talking to us, "Palmer hasn't been doing well because he's getting old." Still, we hadn't imagined how quickly it would be that his condition got that worse.

And the other day, we heard this from Mr. K, "Our vet said that we should put Palmer down in some days if he's not gonna eat anymore at all. " And that weekend, it's very sad, but we got the final update, "We'll probably put him down maybe tomorrow or the day after."

Yeah, it was too soon for my heart to catch up with the situation, but all I could think of at the point was that I really want to say good-bye and thank you to Palmer in person. So, on the day before his last day, Andy, May-chan and I visited their house.

I saw Palmer for the first time in 2 weeks and was very surprised how skinny he had got. Yeah, it's obvious that he hadn't eaten anything for a while.

When May-chan saw Palmer, she immediately tried to feed a leaf to him. It might be because she somehow could sense that Palmer really needed to eat something.

May-chan had so much fun with chasing Palmer's tale just as usual, but all the adults watching them had a bitter-sweet emotion and tried to imprint such a precious scene on our mind.

Palmer used to bark energetically before, but he was too weak to do it at all that day.

I made sure to take the last chance and said, "Thank you so much for letting May-chan play with you." in my heart as petting him.

I assume that May-chan will forget about Palmer in the future.

Though, I do want to show her these pics and tell her, "Palmer kindly played with you a lot. He was your first best friend." when she's older.

Palmer, thank you so much again! I really appreciate your kindness for my daughter. Please have much fun in the heaven too!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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パンプキンパッチ 2021 (Pumpkin Patch 2021)

2021-10-23 09:28:53 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hello there!

How's everything going in your life?

So, Halloween is coming so soon!

Andy and I have been talking, "What should we do this year? about May-chan's costume, but she says, "I don't wear it!" whenever I show her some pictures of different costumes. So, we don't know what to do about it yet.

Still, we can't do Halloween without pumpkins!! So, we went to pumpkin patch the other day.


初めてのパンプキンパッチ (The first-time Pumpkin Patch) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


初めてのパンプキンパッチ (The first-time Pumpkin Patch) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


This is from last year.

I assume that you're supposed to call it pumpkin patch like when you go to a big farm and pick up your pumpkins from tons, but we went to this temporary pumpkin shop at the local diner which's open only in summer this year just as we did last year.
(At the diner, they open a couple of seasonal and temporary shops selling pumpkins or Christmas trees.)

It was around noon on Sunday. It was a beautiful fall day, but the bright sunlight made it harder for me to take good pictures.

By the way, May-chan gets very excited like "Pumpkin!!" when she sees pumpkins in general, so she seemed very happy to be surrounded by lots of pumpkins there.

"May-chan, pick one you like!" we told her, and then she really picked one. It's a good size too. She could hold it up on her own.

The next is Mommy's pumpkin.

She bravely tried to hold this big pumpkin up, but it's too heavy for her.

I pointed to a small cute pumpkin and said, "May-chan! It's a baby pumpkin!" and the she seemed really like it.

So, why not? We decided to get the baby pumpkin back home too. (Andy and I are trying to have our 2nd child, so it's kind of a way for us to make the wish.)

Was it Mommy's or Daddy's?

We all picked up pumpkins and then carried them to the counter.

We weighed each one on the scale in front of the counter.

May-chan did a great job to help Daddy.

It only took 10mins or so for the entire pumpkin patch, but we really enjoyed it.


Here they are at our house. From the left, Daddy's, Mommy's, May-chan's and Baby's.
(As you can easily see this in the picture, but the front porch and house wall are covered with May-chan's art works. She's recently into Sesame Street and writes "ELMO" a lot since Daddy taught her how to spell it. There's one above the pumpkins.)

Anyways, this is all about our pumpkin patch this year. We've been cautious about going to crowded places, so it was a very small event but still such a fun family time.

We got pumpkins from this temporary shop last year for the first time, but I really like their pumpkins because they're in very good shape and not too expensive.

Okay, bye for now! Thank you for reading again!!!

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