Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

2 今年の父の日 (Father's Day 2021)

2021-06-29 08:20:50 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello everybody!

How's your day going?

Okay, I want to share the rest of our Father's day.

We enjoyed shopping at Uniteed Noodles and Coastal Seafood for the first time after the long quarantine (which I wanted to go) in the morning, had a delicious steak and celebrated Father's day with a delicious cheese cake.

After the cake time, it was a present time!

The first present from me to Andy was a slideshow that I made with a lot of pictures of Andy and May-chan. I actually made a slideshow for Father's day last year, so I added new pictures to it this year.
(I'm planning to keep adding new pictures every year, so the slideshow is going to be longer and longer every year too. Haha.)

After the slideshow, May-chan gave a card and present to Daddy.

What's inside?

Here it is. It's a customized coffee mug printed May-chan's cute pics. Andy's worked from home more often and had more coffee at home recently.

I got a couple of gifts for Andy too. What's it?

It's SONY's Bluetooth earphones. Though...,

4 days before Father's day, Andy asked me, "I want your opinion. I kind of wanna buy Bluetooth headphones. What do you think?" Why is it on this timing!!??

At heart, I was thinking, "Why? You hadn't talked about it for a while! I actually got you a set of earphones for Father's day!!" Though, the headphones that Andy was going to order were better than the earphones that I'd bought, so "Why are you asking me that? You can buy whatever you wanna buy!" I said to him pretending as if it's not a big deal to me. LOL

He purchased the headphones then and liked them a lot, BTW.

So, at the moment when he recognized what the present was, he showed this bitter smile. Haha.

Still, I said, "When you go to sleep and watch something on your laptop in bed, the earphones are small enough and wouldn't bug you even when you lie on the side in bed." Then, he said, "Oh, that makes sense.", and he really likes it when he use hem in bed at night.

Here's another present from me.

こちらはめちゃくちゃ使い勝手重視のプレゼントで、リュックの中に入れて物を整理できるやつ。英語でBackpack Organizerって書いてたけど、日本語やと何て言うのかな?
This one was a very practical gift and it's a backpack organizer. I'm not sure what's called in Japanese.

These are not ones that I gave Andy, but the use is same.

The reason why I gave this to Andy was because he doesn't like some parts about his new backpack which I gave him a couple of Christmases ago. One of them was the dividers in the biggest pocket.

I drew this, but I hope you can get what I'm saying. The pocket has some dividers inside, but for some reason, the dividers were only attached on the top side and nothing to divide the bottom side as the picture shows.

It means that all the small things end up going to the bottom of the backpack and moving through the underneath of the dividers. Yeah, everything gets jammed and messy in the bottom of the backpack.

Andy started saying, "I'm gonna buy a new backpack!", but you know, the one I gave him was not cheap either, so I was looking for any idea to solve this problem and found the product.

He hasn't reorganized his backpack yet, so I can't tell how helpful this product is yet, but I hope it'll do some help.

Okay, this is all about our Father's day this year. Andy really liked it and told me, "Thank you for the nice Father's day. Thank you for the video too. I love d it a lot. Thank you." over and over. I'm so glad that I could make him happy too.

So, we thankfully had such a nice Father's day!

Thank you for reading again!

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1 今年の父の日 (Father's Day 2021)

2021-06-27 10:47:24 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello folks!

How are you doing today?

So, June 20th was Father's day, rigth?

The father of our family, Andy, had his 3rd Father's day this year.

So, I'd like to share how we celebrate Father's day this year here today.

In the morning, it was Father's day, but Andy took me to a place where I'd wanted to go for a long time.

Yup, it's United Noodles, the biggest Asian grocery store, in MN.

It's the first visit for May-chan in a long time as well due to the quarantine. During our self-quarantine, Andy went to the store by himself with a big shopping list that I made.
(Even though the mask-wearing rule wasn't mandatory anymore in MN, the store still asked their customers to wear masks, and everybody followed the sign there.)

Yeah, it was so fun just walking around inside the store and checking if they had something new or interesting.

Unfortunately, May-chan started whining in the store, which made me give up taking time to explore new products or something and rush to throw necessary things into the cart.

At least, May-chan could recognize Japanese Kabocha squashes there, so I decided to get one to make something for her. For 99.9%, she's not going to eat it though. Haha.

久しぶりのユナイテッドヌードルをまぁまぁ楽しんだ後、今度はすぐ隣にあるお魚屋さん、Coastal Seafoodに寄りました。
I still had much fun to browse one of my favorite stores for the first time in over an year. After that, we made a quick stop by this seafood shop, Coastal Seafood, right next to United Noodles.


United Noodlesの後に (After Shopping at United Noodles) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


United Noodlesの後に (After Shopping at United Noodles) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I wrote about this shop on my blog before, but they recently moved to a bigger building just across the street, and it was my first visit to the new location this time.

I didn't take pictures inside, but the store size was more than twice as big as the old place where used to be always fully packed. The new store was spacy enough to be able to walk around without worrying to push other customers. Haha. They even added a deli counter to serve fresh sandwiches or something, and there's a line waiting to make orders, which told me that their food must have been delicious.

They were very popular and loved by a lot of people at the old place, so I'm very happy for them that they could develop the business.

After the morning shopping, we just spent an ordinary weekend afternoon and then cooked what Andy wanted to eat for Father's day dinner.


The main dish was steak and Andy cooked it as always. I made our usual garlic mashed potato and cooked the radishes and spring green onions which Andy got at a local farmer's market the day before.

After we enjoyed the special dinner, we had...,

A cake time!! This was for May-chan rather than for Andy, but we put candles on the cake and sang "Happy Father's Day to you!" with the melody of the Happy birthday song together. (We did it on Mother's day too. Haha)

May-chan really enjoyed it just as I expected.

I didn't bake a cake specifically for Father's day, but had baked a cheese cake a couple of day before just to satisfy my appetite. So, why not?





I don't know why, but I was so craving for cheese cake a month ago or so, and luckily ran into the recipe which one of my blog friends shared and recommended. I tried to bake one with the recipe and it turned out the best cheese cake that I'd ever made! I ate the first cake in a week or so and baked another one right away after that. So, the one we ate on Father's day was the 2nd one that I baked. Haha.

May-chan also loved the cheese cake too!

So, this is how we spent the half (or 2/3) of Father's day.

It's going to be long, so I want to finish this here for today.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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4-2 メモリアルデーの週 (Memorial Day Week 4-2)

2021-06-25 08:07:25 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello there!

How's everything going in your life today?

So, I've been writing about my family's Memorial Day week for a while, but this is the last one.

On the 4th day at Dad&Mom's house, we decided to go play mini golf together when Andy and I were back from the grocery shopping for lunch and dinner.

As the picture shows, it was such a beautiful day.

今回のメモリアルデーウィーク、コロナでの自粛が始まって以来マスク着用の義務が無くなったりして、たくさんの人がUp Northに来て家族で楽しい時間を過ごしているのを見ました。
BTW, on the Memorial Day week, we saw the most people hanging out and having a good time up north since the quarantine started last year, and it's probably because things were gradually opening up for sure such as the mask rule being ended.

We decided to go to our favorite mini golf place, but on the way there, we passed by a different mini golf place which was fully packed, and that made me wonder "Our favorite place might be busy like that too...." and mentally prepared.

Here we are!

Mom kindly took a picture of us again. (Yeah, May-chan's not looking at the camera though. Haha)

What's so lucky for us was that the mini golf place was not busy at all! It might be still early, and there were only one or two families playing there.

May-chan was excited about the fun-looking place.

She tried to hit the ball with Daddy's assistance, but it was a little bit too hard for her yet. Haha

She was having much fun for a while, but it didn't last till the 18th hall.

So, Andy quit halfway and took her for a walk around the place.

Thanks to Andy for watching May-chan, I could play the entire course with Dad&Mom and Brad and luckily got a hall-in-one!

We all had a great time there. When we're leaving the place, there were more people coming, so we're lucky to get there on a perfect timing.

Then, we had lunch!

Andy grilled the hot dogs and Polish sausages which Andy and I got at the local butcher shop that morning. The smoky flavor added more deliciousness to the meat.

This little sausage lover enjoyed the meal too.

Okay, then it's dinner time. Yeah, time flies, doesn't it? LOL

The pictures of lunch and dinner look almost same, but we had steak which also Andy and I got at the butcher shop that morning.

Okay, this is all about our Memorial Day week.

I really appreciate that we could have another wonderful family time again.

Okay, bye for now! Thank you for reading again!!

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4-1 メモリアルデーの週 (Memorial Day Week 4-1)

2021-06-23 07:48:05 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello there!

How are you doing today?

I talked about my grandma on the last article, but I want to go back to my family's Memorial day week today. This is about the 4th day.

We're planning to go back home on the 5th day, so the 4th day was the last day that we're able to do something at Dad&Mom's.

In the morning, May-chan was interested in the banana that Grandma was eating for her breakfast, so she asked Grandma to try it. Again, she only took a couple of tiny bites and finished.
(She used to eat bananas before, but not anymore. At least, she started getting the interest back in them, which I assume is a good sigh.)

In the morning, Andy and I went to grab some meat for lunch and dinner of the day while Mom was watching May-chan.

A nice day again!

The local butcher shop

I think that it's same in Japan as well as here in MN, everybody knows everybody in a country town for better or for worse, and the butcher shop was a place to remind me of that.

Regulars kept coming and going in the shop, and they knew the staff names and the staff knew the regulars' names. They were having fun and casual chatting, which seemed like they did everyday.

That local scene reminded me of the Caribou shop where I used to work.
(Probably, about 80% of the customers for the store were regulars who came for same drinks every morning. I remembered their names and drinks too.)

Andy and I were new faces in the store, but they were as kind to us as they were to their regulars. We had a small chat with the casher lady when we're cashing out. Andy asked her, "Are you guys busy because the weather has been nice?" and then she said, "To be honest with you, packing pre-orders is the most challenging and we start it at 2am, but if you need something, just let us know, right? We're always happy to help you guys." I could feel her being very proud of their shop in her words.
(And that is why they're so loved in the town for sure.)

When we got what we needed at the butcher shop and went back to Dad&Mom's house, May-chan and Grandma were taking a walk.

Grandma put the life jacket on May-chan and took her to the deck.
(We put the jacket on her for the first time, so messed up the buckles a little bit...)

From the back

(Hit-chan、パパママが若い時に一生懸命働いて、リタイア後にこうしてこの場所に家を建てて暮らせるようになったのが、本当に嬉しいです。英語でいうThey deserve it! って感じです。)
Ocean view is valuable in Japan too, but here in MN, houses on a lake like this are very popular and valuable too. Haha.
(So, I'm very happy for Dad&Mom that they finally could built the house on the lake when they're finally retired now after a long-time dedication in hardworking. Literally, they deserve it!"

On the deck, there were Dad who's fishing and Brad who's watching Dad fishing already.

May-chan was curious in the water for the first 5 mins or so, but got bored. Only looking at the water and actually being in the water are different, yeah.

So, this is how we spent the morning of the 4th day.

It was another beautiful day, and we could spend the morning as how we Minnesotans enjoyed summer.

Okay, this Memorial Day week diaries are going to be finished in the next article.

Thank you for reading again! Bye for today!

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おばあちゃん、ありがとう(Thank you, Grandma)

2021-06-21 09:30:08 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)

How are you doing today?

I've been writing about my family's Memorial Day week, but I want to take a break from the topic and talk about something different today.

Last night I got a message from my mom in Japan, which told that my grandma just passed away. She was 102 years old.

I didn't know this, but my grandma was in hospital since last October and my family was told to be prepared for the time by her doctor.

I'm in MN and can't attend her funeral in Japan, but I entrusted my message to my family in Japan who's going to attend the funeral.

I want to share a couple of memories about my grandma here.

My mom's mom, my grandma was a woman who perfectly fit the stereotype image of Japanese ideal women in old times. A woman who modestly supports her husband and does all the domestic chores such as cleaning, laundry and cooking. That was my grandma.

I had never seen her since I moved to MN, but I visited her right before I left Japan 11 years ago. I asked her to take a picture with me, "Can we take a picture so that I can take it with me to MN?", but she said, "It's nonsense to take a picture of this old grandma." and wouldn't let me take a single shot at the time. Instead, she gave me a couple of pictures of when she was young.

As the episode above, you can tell how much my grandma cared about how she looked. She even changed her usual pajamas to decent ones when her doctor visited for a check-up. Yeah, that's my grandma.

She didn't let me take a picture with her, but when I saw her last time before I moved to MN, I told her, "I'm going to marry an American man whose name is Andy and live in America."

Just as I said first, my grandma was such a typical traditional Japanese woman who perfectly practiced the motto, "Support and protect the family" So, I was a little bit nervous to know how she would respond when I talked to her that I was going to leave Japan and live in a different country.

When I showed a picture of Andy, "This is Andy." to her, "Oh, he's handsome!" she smiled and started sharing a story with me.

"In fact, when Grandma was much younger, there was a couple of an American man and Japanese woman in my neighborhood. They had a very cute daughter. I remember her name was Marie-chan. I actually once wanted to make a couple like them a little bit."

My grandma was 102 years old, which means that she was talking about the time not long after the end of WW2. I can easily imagine that there was a bias about interracial marriage back then, so I was very surprised that she was getting such a good impression about the international couple back then and at the same time I caught a glimpse of the cute young Grandma's face.

To be honest with you, I don't know what my grandma was really thinking about my decision to marry to an American man and live in the US, but I really appreciate her for pushing my back to follow my dream by telling me her story.

Now my grandma on my mother's side passed away, which means that all of my grandmas and grandpas are gone to heaven.

When I heard the sad news about my grandma last night, I remembered how important it is to spend as much time together as you want to and say "Thank you" as often as you like to before your loved ones leave here for heaven.

It must have a lot of work to live 102 years of your life, Grandma. Please rest in peace and thank you so much for everything.

I hope you're reuniting your handsome husband up above and enjoying chatting to catch up with so many years now.

Okay, I want to end this here. Thank you for reading again.

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